Spanish Language Schools in Argentina  

Schools in Argentina
35 Search Results
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 9441
Instruction & Pricing
Levels: Beginner to Advanced
School Size: Medium
Deposit or Fee: US $50.00

Individual Instruction
- Hourly Cost: US $29.00

Class Instruction
- Class Size: 2 to 6 students
- Hours per Week: 20
- Weekly Cost: US $210.00
- Min. Weeks Study: 1

Academia Buenos Aires offers you academic excellence, professional service and complete immersion int...

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 8977
Instruction & Pricing
Levels: Beginner to Advanced
School Size: Medium
Deposit or Fee: US $0.00

Individual Instruction
- Hourly Cost: US $24.00

Class Instruction
- Class Size: 2 to 6 students
- Hours per Week: 20
- Weekly Cost: US $100 - $199
- Min. Weeks Study: 1

Instituto de Español Rayuela is a team of professional teachers who all graduated from the University...

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 7226
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 3885
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 3293
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 2279
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 4295
Quilmes, Argentina
Students Referred: 3462
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 4468
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 8528
Buenos Aires, Argentina
no ratings yet
Students Referred: 2789
Rosario, Argentina
Students Referred: 2156
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 5085
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 3438
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 2814
Bariloche, Argentina
Students Referred: 2755
Buenos Aires, Argentina
no ratings yet
Students Referred: 1878
San Juan, Argentina
Students Referred: 4812
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 2343
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 3892
Cordoba, Argentina
Students Referred: 4582
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 4792
Cordoba, Argentina
Students Referred: 4001
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 3130
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 11224
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 3446
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 3199
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 3340
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Students Referred: 3420
Students Referred: 3899
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Travel Blogs from Argentina

Location: Bariloche, Argentina
This place was absolutely gorgeous! We arrived in the evening on Thursday just when the sun was setting over the mountains and across the lake, breathtaking. We ended up meeting tw... [ view full travel blog ]
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
I was not planning to go to Buenos Aires before I left for South America, but a friend of mine, Diana, begged me to visit a friend of hers that she had met on her South America adve... [ view full travel blog ]
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
It´s now Sunday evening today we went to a football match between Independients and Boca Juniors. If Boca won they also won the league title that day so it was a big game. We got to... [ view full travel blog ]

Online Spanish Lessons

Popular Phrase: free online spanish lessons | Spanish Lessons Free | Conjugated Verb: nivelar - to level, to grade, to make even [ click for full conjugation ]