Spanish Language Schools in Puebla, Mexico  

Schools in Puebla, Mexico
3 Search Results
Puebla, Mexico
Students Referred: 8263
Instruction & Pricing
Levels: Beginner to Superior
School Size: Small
Deposit or Fee: US $100.00

Individual Instruction
- Hourly Cost: US $14.50

Class Instruction
- Class Size: Avg 2-3 students
- Hours per Week: 30
- Weekly Cost: US $starting from $195
- Min. Weeks Study: 1

For travel, For work, For fun...For Life. Learn Spanish quickly with lots of personal attention and r...

Students Referred: 8662
Instruction & Pricing
Levels: Beginner to Superior
School Size: Medium
Deposit or Fee: US $100.00

Individual Instruction
- Hourly Cost: US $20.00

Class Instruction
- Class Size: 2 to 4 students
- Hours per Week: 30
- Weekly Cost: US $200 - $299
- Min. Weeks Study: 1

The Spanish Institute is a highly regarded Spanish Language School in Mexico with over 25 years of ex...

Students Referred: 1837

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Travel Blogs from Mexico

Location: Cuernavaca, Mexico
Another day in Mexico city, however, today I'm traveling to Cuernavaca. I'm meeting Juan Pablo, a guy that I met while traveling trough Spain. He was visiting his older br... [ view full travel blog ]
Location: Guadalajara, Mexico
Hola! I cannot believe that I have been here for almost a month! Time flies even in this nice settle routine that I have become adapted quite well to. I had a hard time adju... [ view full travel blog ]
Location: Oaxaca, Mexico
Despite how much I enjoyed the food, the highlights of my stay in Oaxaca were the ancient sites that dotted the countryside. I ended up at Mitla on my first day in town. Mitla was... [ view full travel blog ]

Online Spanish Lessons

Popular Phrase: spanish gustar chart | Telling Time in Spanish | Conjugated Verb: cabrear - to get angry, to make angry [ click for full conjugation ]