Ratings and Comments for Estudio Buenos Aires
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Student ratings for Estudio Buenos Aires
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from gbrown:

Evaluation from ksmith:

Buenos Aires is one of the best cities in the world to visit. I have had the time of my life here and I feel safer walking in downtown BA at night then I ever would in downtown LA!
Evaluation from gdavis:

The instructor went above and beyond in helping me understand the material. He was extremely skillful, and I actually enjoyed learning a new language.
Evaluation from ytaylor:

The teacher allows plenty of time for discussion, comments, and questions. The lectures are clear and concise.
Evaluation from dak9779:

This school looks so much better on it's website. I'm sure if your tight for money you could find another school. It is good if your there for a short time. Maybe a month or 2. The homestay was interesting but los portenos are a little cold. The best thing about this school was the teachers. They were very good and cared a lot about your learning. I had a great time.
Evaluation from irene77:

Evaluation from ErikaMoley:

Evaluation from hpamogan:

You get what you pay for with EBA. A language school focused on teaching Spanish and one social activity per week. Interesting how, after school, most students go their separate ways. I'm assuming these students hung out with friends they made in the hostels or with friends attending other language schools. Concerning homestays, my classmates and I had the similar experience of mostly practicing the words "Hola" and "Chow" with our host families. So we actually practiced speaking Spanish in the restaurants, bars, and clubs.
Evaluation from vera4u:

i will tell later.
Evaluation from mamiri:

Evaluation from BJLM62:

Evaluation from stevista:

Popular Phrase: spanish brain teasers | Spanish Future Tense | Conjugated Verb: cruzar - to cross [ click for full conjugation ]
In addition to gaining language skills, this school has helped me develop a cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. This will be invaluable when I begin my studies in international relations.