Ratings and Comments for SET-IDIOMAS
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Student ratings for SET-IDIOMAS
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from Sandrine Wilmotte:

Evaluation from Guislain:

Evaluation from Frédéric Vabre:

I am a french student. I spent a month in Cordoba and I was really surprised by the level of the teachers and the friendliness of SET idiomas team. My spanish was so bad and I really progressed a lot. Besides, I discovered this beautiful country, because the school organised us lots of amazing trips. I can recommend this destination as it is much cheaper than Buenos Aires and this school, as it is much more serious than the other ones (in town, I could compare talking with other foreigners I met)¡¡¡Fue realmente una experiencia inolvidable y me llevo la Argentina en el corazón!!! ¡¡Volveré seguro!!
Evaluation from majaevers:

Hilfsbereites Team und immer ein Ohr offen fuer jegliche Fragen oder Probleme, der Unterricht ist intensiv - verliert dennoch nicht an Spassfaktor. Man bekommt Gelegenheit durch geplante Ausfluege,Fussballspiele oder Asadoabenden andere Schueler und junge Leute kennenzulernen
Evaluation from BudClutter:

I was going to go to another school but, this school came highly recommended. I´m glad I did as I ended up with a broken leg. The school came to my rescue. They handled all the translations and made my hospital stay comfortable. The school went above and beyond being a school. They were like family. If your thinking of learning Spanish or any other language look no farther. SET Idiomas is the school for you. Bud Clutter Arizona. U.S.
Evaluation from wbkreeft:

I can only say that I have the time of my life at this school. Wouter Kreeft (the Netherlands)
Evaluation from TTWIN:

Evaluation from Pilgrim192:

the owner of this school only cares about money! she'll charge you for EVERYTHING you do through the school (even calling a taxi). so if you want to do tango classes or travel, do it on your own or through the agencies in town otherwise you'll pay SET a ton extra. i was there about 2.5 months and had 4 different teachers during that time... my first two teachers weren't very good, they would give me worksheets to fill out in class (instead of taking it home for homework and actually learning in class...i mean, i can fill out a worksheet at home, i dont need to do it in class). my last two teachers were the best i had in argentina (i went to a few schools). they were amazing! i would recommend this school, but you may end up with some crappy teachers. hit or miss...
Evaluation from angelyak2:

Hello Dear, I'm Angel i saw your profile today at 123teachme.com and i love it i think we can make it together therefore i would like you to contact me back with my email address angelyak96@yahoo.com so i will tell you more about myself, and also send to you my photo for you to know more about me, hopping to hear from you soon. UNDERSTAND THAT LOVE IS ONE Bless WITH LOVE AND TRUST Thanks Angel angelyak96@yahoo.com
Evaluation from falpha2002:

Popular Phrase: decir in spanish | Spanish Preterite Tense | Conjugated Verb: criticar - to criticize [ click for full conjugation ]
Very nice team! Excellent atmosphere!!!! I really felt comfortable and learned a lot. I also had some practical lessons (we went to the museum and market)very helpful + a trip to the sierras and a tango class. SET also arranged my accommodation.