Spanish Sentences using volver
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The If the door closes, we won't be able to get in again. We'll have to wait for your father.
Please, keep my car keys until I return!
When I was turning the corner I told him it was impossible.
We always tell our parents what time we are going to return home.
He turned quite arrogant since he got a friend.
It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope to see you again soon.
She will know why her mobile has not gotten charged.
It was only natural to suppose that Mr. Sandoval should have returned from his trip by that day.
Le dijeron que volviera hoy.
He was told to come back today.
La familia real volvió ayer de sus vacaciones en la isla de Lanzarote.
The royal family returned yesterday from its holidays in the island of Lanzarote.
¡Vuelva dentro de tres días!
Come back in three days!
¿Sabes cuándo volverá?
Do you know when she'll be back?
Espero que volváis pronto.
I hope that you come back soon.
¿Volvió Ud. al Instituto ayer en la tarde?
Did you come back to the Institute yesterday afternoon?
La Srita. Azcárraga dice que el gerente no ha vuelto de Europa todavía.
Miss Azcárraga says that the manager hasn't returned from Europe yet.
¿A qué hora volverá a casa?
What time will she get back home?
Diles a los cobradores que vuelvan el sábado, por favor.
Tell the bill collectors to come back on Saturday, please.
Qué daño, me has vuelto a pisar.
What a pain, you've stepped on me again.
No había hablado con Ernesto desde que volvió de Francia.
I hadn't talked with Ernesto since he got back from France.
Les escribo que volvemos el sábado.
I'm writing for them to return on Saturday.
¡Vuelva dentro de dos días!
Come back in two days!
Basta que me prometa usted no volver a hacer eso.
I'll be satisfied if you promise me not to do it again.
Anita estaba segura de que volverías.
Anita was sure that you would come back.
Ellos vuelven temprano del cine.
They come back early from the movies.
Tranquilo, no se preocupe, enseguida vuelve.
Calm down, don't worry, she'll be right back.
Ella volvió a las siete de la noche.
She returned at 7 P.M.
La maestra se enojará si volvemos a llegar tarde.
The teacher will get angry if we are late again.
Volver la espalda a una persona
to turn one's back on someone
Se volvió a repetir el altercado.
The altercation happened again.
El Sr. de la Rosa volverá de su viaje el lunes próximo.
Mr. De la Rosa will be back from his trip next Monday.
¿Puede volver a llamar más tarde?
Can you try again later?
A los dos dias de volver a su casa, don Quijote se levanto de la cama.
Two days after returning home, don Quijote got out of bed.
Volverá dentro de dos horas.
She'll be back in two hours.
Me muero por volver a verla
I'm dying to see her again.
¿Laura? Si, se volvió a casar el año pasado.
Laura? Yes, she remarried last year.
No se me ha vuelto a descomponer el coche desde que me lo arreglaron en ese taller.
I haven't had any more car trouble since I had it fixed at that shop.
No volverá hasta la noche.
She won't come back until evening.
Un momento, por favor. No tiene receta para volverlo a surtir.
Just a minute, please. There aren’t any refills left.
Van a volver.
And they will be returning.
Esto no debe volver a ocurrir.
This must never happen again.
Esto no debe volver a ocurrir.
This must never happen again.
Esto no debe volver a ocurrir.
This must never happen again.
Tendríamos que volver a eso.
We should go back to that.
Permítanme volver a la pregunta.
Let me now turn to the question.
La Constitución debería volver».
The Constitution should be brought back’.
¿Queremos volver a Niza?
Do we want to go back to Nice?
Permítame volver a China.
Let me turn to China.
Esto no puede volver a suceder.
This must not happen again.
¿Se puede volver a reinstaurar?
And can it now be reinstated?
Y no van a volver.
They will not come back.
No voy a volver a exponerlo.
I am not going to go over it again.
Eso no debe volver a pasar.
That must not happen again.
Me gustaría volver sobre esto.
I should like to return to this.
No queremos volver al nacionalismo.
We do not want a return to nationalism.
Quisiera volver a estas ideas.
I would like to return to these ideas.
Ahora debemos volver a ella.
We must now return to it.
No obstante, consiguió volver.
However, he managed to return.
Necesitan volver a un futuro.
They must have a future to go back to.
Vamos a volver a tenerlo.
And we shall be doing so again.
No quiero volver a ello.
I do not want to go over these again.
No puedo volver a iniciarlo.
I am unable to re-open it.
Esto no debe volver a repetirse.
That should not happen again.
Quizá podrían volver a pensárselo.
Perhaps you think about this once again.
No quisiera volver a repetir todo.
I do not wish to repeat it all.
No queremos volver a verle ni volver a hablar con él.
We do not want to see him, or talk to him again.
Pero me permitirá volver al derecho.
However, I should like to return to the subject of the law.
¡No puede volver a ocurrir algo así!
There must be no repeat of this!
Deberemos volver sobre estas preguntas.
These are the questions that we need to come back to.
¡No deben volver a repetirse semejantes hechos!
We must never allow anything like this to happen again.
¿Queremos volver a introducir otra similar?
Is this an attempt to reintroduce that?
Sería gracioso volver a escucharlo hoy.
It would seem ridiculous if we were to hear it again now.
¿Desea la Comisión volver a intervenir?
Would the Commission like to say anything more?
Deberíamos volver a los primeros principios.
We should be going back to first principles.
Habría que volver a este punto.
We should come back to this.
Permítanme volver ahora al informe.
Let me now turn to the report.
Debo volver a recalcar esta cuestión.
I must re-emphasise that point.
Debemos volver a discutir esta cuestión.
We must re-examine this issue.
Algo así no debe volver a ocurrir.
That sort of thing must not happen again.
Quiero volver a su pregunta original.
I should like to come back to your original question.
Corresponde las ONG decidir volver.
It is up to the NGOs to return.
Eso no debe volver a suceder jamás.
No such thing must ever happen again.
No quiero volver sobre esta cuestión.
I do not wish to go back over this question.
Permítanme ahora volver a los presupuestos.
Now let me turn to budgets.
Hoy quiero volver a dejarlo claro.
This is also the point I wish to make today.
Tales acontecimientos no deben volver a ocurrir.
Such events should never reoccur.
Es maravilloso volver a tenerles aquí.
It is wonderful that you are all here again.
Acabo de volver de Doha.
I have just come back from Doha.
Déjenme volver a la primera cuestión.
Let me now turn to the first question.
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