Spanish Sentences using pedir
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The Juanito didn't have anyone to ask for advice at that moment.
I agree with you about asking for more information.
Oops! I forgot to ask for the mustard and ketchup. I'll go for them
Will you do something for me? Yes, of course, I will do anything you ask.
Discontent, you have asked for the complaint book.
We asked for a loan to get our business up and running.
No es pedir demasiado.
It is not a lot to ask.
Eso no es pedir demasiado.
It is not too much to ask.
¿Acaso es mucho pedir?
Is that too much to ask?
¿Es pedir demasiado?
Is that too much to ask?
No, no es pedir demasiado.
No, it is not too much to ask!
Esto no es pedir demasiado.
That is not asking much.
Quiero también pedir algo.
I do also have a request.
No es pedir demasiado.
That is not asking too much.
Quisiera pedir una última cosa.
Might I just ask for one more thing?
Es difícil pedir lo imposible.
It is difficult to ask for the impossible.
Ahora quisiera pedir su opinión.
I would now like to take your advice.
Me parece que es pedir demasiado.
I think that is asking a lot.
Es lo que quería pedir.
This is what I would like to ask for.
Eso sería pedir lo imposible.
That would be asking the impossible.
(La Presidenta vuelve a pedir silencio).
(The President again requested silence)
Quiero pedir calma a las partes.
I want to ask for calm from the parties.
No creo que sea pedir demasiado.
I do not think that this is asking too much.
Esto no puede ser pedir demasiado.
Surely that cannot be too much to ask!
¿Puedo pedir que se retiren?
May I request that they be withdrawn?
¿Es eso realmente pedir demasiado?
Surely that is not too much to ask?
Quisiera pedir enérgicamente a la Comisión,
I should now like to put a specific question to the Commission.
No podemos pedir demasiado a la política.
But we should not ask too much of politics.
No se pueden pedir perfecciones instantáneas.
We cannot expect to see perfect results immediately.
Señor Presidente, quisiera pedir dos aclaraciones.
Mr President, I wish to ask for clarification on two points.
Eso es pedir peras al olmo.
This is asking the impossible.
Se lo quiero pedir a nuestros colegas británicos.
This is what I should like to ask of our British MEPs.
¿Qué credibilidad puede pedir Europa, no obstante?
How much credibility can Europe claim, though?
Pedir o castigar, hay que elegir.
Polite requests or punishment: you have a choice.
Señor Presidente, quiero pedir una aclaración.
Mr President, I wish to ask for clarification.
Sobre esta cuestión solemos pedir cuentas a China.
This is something for which we usually call China to account.
Es importante pedir a Turquía unos requisitos claros.
It is important to make clear demands of Turkey.
Le voy a pedir que utilice solo cuatro.
I am going to ask him just to use four.
Quisiera pedir tres cosas, señor Presidente.
I would ask three things, Mr President.
Cada grupo tiene derecho a pedir votaciones nominales.
Every group has the right to request roll-call votes.
Al menos deberían pedir la palabra.
People must at least ask for the floor.
¿Cuántas veces más tendremos que pedir esto?
How many more times must we ask for this?
(DE) Señor Presidente, quiero pedir disculpas.
(DE) Mr President, I would like to apologise.
¿Dónde podrían pedir asilo, si fuera necesario?
Where, if need be, could they ask for asylum?
Señor Tajani, me gustaría pedir un "caramelo".
Mr Tajani, I would like to request a 'sweet'.
(La Presidenta vuelve a pedir silencio otra vez).
(The President once more requested silence)
Esto no tiene que ver con pedir limosna.
This is not about a begging hand.
Pedir nuevas cartas es una solución fácil.
It is an easy solution to ask for new charters.
Por un lado quisiera pedir más flexibilidad.
In one respect, I would like to make a request for more flexibility.
Sin embargo, ¿qué podemos pedir a cambio?
However, what can we ask for in return?
Ahora utilizo la palabra "pedir" con cuidado.
Now I use the word 'ask' with some care.
No deberíamos pedir a las autoridades, sino insistir.
We should not ask the authorities, but insist.
Me gustaría pedir su cooperación comprometida a este respecto.
I would like to ask for your committed cooperation in this regard.
Señorías, quiero pedir disculpas por el retraso.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to apologise for the delay.
También quisiera pedir algo para el futuro.
I also have a wish for the future.
Sin embargo, me veo obligada a pedir prudencia.
However, I feel obliged to urge a note of caution.
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