Spanish Sentences using lavar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Blanca used to cook while Rosa Maria would wash and iron.
But, I will stop them from running to the table so that they can wash their hands.
Mary, did you want me to help you wash the clothes.
María went to wash the clothes. María went to wash them.
The girls wanted us to help them wash the clothes.
Mrs. García wanted us to help the girls wash the clothes.
Mrs. García, I hope that you can help him wash the clothes.
In this hairdresser's the price of washing and cutting is 10 euros
I think on washing the dishes for mom. I think on washing them for her.
I think on washing the dishes for mom. I think on washing them for her.
I think to wash dad's tennis shoes. I think to wash them to him.
We would have washed the dishes if you had taken them to the kitchen.
We would have washed the car if it had been dirty.
María went to wash the bicycle. María went to wash it.
Yo lavaba el carro cuando empezó a llover.
I was washing the car when it started raining.
Nosotros lavamos todas las ventanas dos veces al año.
We wash all the windows twice a year.
Yo lavé la ropa.
I washed (lavar) the clothing (la ropa).
¿Lavaste la ropa?
Did you wash the clothing?
Nosotros lavamos la ropa.
We washed the clothing.
Los muchachos lavaron la ropa.
The boys washed the clothing.
Está lavando la ropa y tendiendola.
They are washing and hanging the clothes.
Juan me va a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
John is going to help me wash the clothes.
Yo quiero que Juan me ayude a lavar la ropa.
I want John to help me wash the clothes.
Yo creía que Juan me iba a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
I thought that John was going to help me wash the clothes.
¿ Juan, me vas a ayudar a lavar la ropa?
John, are you going to help me wash the clothes?
Juan, yo creía que tú me ibas a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
John, I thought that you were going to be able to help me wash the clothes.
Yo voy a ayudar a María a lavar la ropa.
I'm going to help Mary wash the clothes.
María quiere que yo la ayude a lavar la ropa.
Mary wants me to help her wash the clothes.
María creía que yo la iba a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mary thought that I was going to help her wash the clothes.
Yo no puedo ayudar a María a lavar la ropa.
I can't help Mary wash the clothes.
María creía que yo la iba a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mary thought that I was going to be able to help her wash the clothes.
María, yo te voy a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mary, I'm going to help you wash the clothes.
María ¿ Quieres que yo te ayude a lavar la ropa?
Mary, do you want me to help you wash the clothes?.
María, yo creía que yo te iba a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mary, I thought that I was going to be able to help you wash the clothes.
Las muchachas nos van a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
The girls are going to help us wash the clothes.
Nosotros queremos que las muchachas nos ayuden a lavar la ropa.
We want the girls to help us wash the clothes.
Nosotros creíamos que las muchachas nos iban a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
We thought that the girls were going to help us wash the clothes.
Nosotros creíamos que las muchachas nos iban a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
We thought that the girls were going to be able to help us wash the clothes.
Nosotros esperábamos que las muchachas nos ayudaran a lavar la ropa.
We were hoping that the girls would help us wash the clothes.
Yo no sabía si las muchachas nos iban a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
I didn't know if the girls were going to be able to help us wash the clothes.
Nosotros vamos a ayudar a las muchachas a lavar la ropa.
We are going to help the girls wash the clothes.
Nosotros vamos a poder ayudar a las muchachas a lavar la ropa.
We are going to be able to help the girls wash the clothes.
Yo creo que nosotros las podemos ayudar a lavar la ropa.
I think that we can help them wash the clothes.
Las muchachas quieren que nosotros las ayudemos a lavar la ropa.
The girls want us to help them wash the clothes.
Las muchachas creían que nosotros las íbamos a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
The girls thought that we were going to be able to help them wash the clothes.
¿Crees que nosotros vamos a poder ayudar a las muchachas a lavar la ropa?
Do you think that we are going to be able to help the girls wash the clothes?
Se quiere lavar.
He wants to wash himself.
Señora García, nosotros le vamos a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mrs. García, we are going to help you wash the clothes.
Lave esta ropa, por favor.
Please wash these clothes.
Señora García, ¿Quiere usted que nosotros le ayudemos a lavar la ropa?
Mrs. García, do you want us to help you wash the clothes?
¿Necesita usted que nosotros le ayudemos a lavar la ropa?
Do you need us to help you wash the clothes?
Señora García, yo creía que nosotros le íbamos a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mrs. García, I thought that we were going to be able to help you wash the clothes.
Señora García, yo no sé si nosotros le vamos a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mrs. García, I don't know if we are going to be able to help you wash the clothes.
Señora García, ¿ Cree que usted va a poder ayudar a Juan a lavar la ropa?
Mrs. García, do you think that you are going to be able to help John wash the clothes.
Señora García, Juan quiere que usted lo ayude a lavar la ropa.
Mrs. García, John wants you to help him wash the clothes.
Yo creo que la señora García va a ayudar a Juan a lavar la ropa.
I think that Mrs. García is going to help John wash the clothes.
Juan dice que el quiere que la señora García lo ayude a lavar la ropa.
John says that he wants Mrs. García to help him wash the clothes.
María dice que ella cree que la señora García la va a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
John says that he thinks that Mrs. García is going to be able to help him wash the clothes.
Las muchachas van a ayudar a la señora García a lavar la ropa.
The girls are going to help Mrs. García wash the clothes.
Lave esta ropa, por favor.
Please wash these clothes.
Las muchachas no pueden ayudar a la señora García a lavar la ropa.
The girls can't help Mrs. García wash the clothes.
La señora García creía que las muchachas la iban a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mrs. Garcia thought that the girls were going to be able to help her wash the clothes.
¿Sabes si las muchachas van a poder ayudar a la señora García a lavar la ropa?
Do you know if the girls are going to be able to help Mrs. García wash the clothes?
Yo espero que las muchachas puedan ayudar a la señora García a lavar la ropa.
I hope that the girls can help Mrs. García wash the clothes.
Yo esperaba que las muchachas ayudaran a la señora García a lavar la ropa.
I was hoping that the girls would help Mrs. García wash the clothes.
Yo creía que las muchachas iban a ayudar a la señora García a lavar la ropa.
I thought that the girls were going to help Mrs. García wash the clothes.
Yo creía que las muchachas iban a poder ayudar a la señora García a lavar la ropa.
I thought that the girls were going to be able to help Mrs. García wash the clothes.
¿Sabías que las muchachas no la iban a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa?
Did you know that the girls weren't going to be able to help her wash the clothes?
Yo me voy a lavar. (Yo voy a lavarme.)
I am going to wash myself.
Maria, porfavor lava y seca los platos.
Maria, please wash and dry the dishes
El Gobierno chino está intentando lavar el cerebro a las personas.
The Chinese Government is attempting to brainwash the people.
Ahora tiene la ocasión de lavar esa mala imagen.
It now has an opportunity to make up for that.
Los actos simbólicos son muy positivos, por supuesto, pero, por ellos mismos, sólo sirven para lavar nuestras conciencias.
Symbolic acts are all very well, of course, but by themselves they serve only to allay our consciences.
Las polémicas que surgieron en Alemania sólo pretendían lavar la cara del Ministro de Asuntos Económicos, nada más.
The disputes which took place in Germany were only intended to save the face of the Minister for Economic Affairs there, nothing more.
En primer lugar, vamos a tener que atrevernos a extraditar a los imanes radicales que vienen del extranjero, de fuera de Europa, a lavar el cerebro a la gente de aquí.
First of all, we will need to dare extradite radical Imams who come from abroad, from outside Europe, to brainwash people over here.
Uno podría argumentar que mientras el comercio justo ayuda a lavar la conciencia de los que compran dichos productos, otros continúan, no obstante, explotando a los necesitados.
One could argue that whilst Fair Trade helps salve the conscience of those who buy such products, others continue, nonetheless, to exploit the needy.
En cuanto a la política diaria, es importante que Montenegro no se convierta en un refugio para extranjeros que quieren pagar menos impuesto y lavar unas ganancias mal conseguidas.
In terms of everyday politics, it is important that Montenegro should not become a haven for foreigners who want to pay less tax and launder ill-gotten gains.
Gran parte de su texto ha sido incorporado al informe y creo que es vergonzoso que ahora se vayan a lavar las manos.
A great deal of your text has been incorporated into the report, and I think it disgraceful that you are now washing your hands of it!
¿Nunca ha oído hablar de los traficantes de drogas y de los correos cargados de maletines con dinero que hay que lavar?
Have you never heard anything about drug dealers and the couriers of the money launderers with suitcases full of bank notes?
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