Spanish Sentences using encontrar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Where do they meet? They meet in the restaurant.
Recently, kiwis are easy to find in any fruit shop
John would have studied if he had been able to find the book.
When passing by the Parliament, I met the Secretary of the Parliament.
In general, are you satisfied with our service?
I didn't change the tire because I couldn't find the jack.
One of your belongings is deposited there.
Going north, you guys will find many motels.
Since we couldn't find the street, we got to the meeting late.
Since we didn't find the street, we didn't go to the meeting.
I would have taken the suitcases to the hotel if I had been able to find a taxi.
The students would have more possibilities to find work.
When I lived in Paris I used to ran into him sometimes.
¿Puedes encontrar a alguien que nos pueda ayudar? / ¿Puedes encontrar a alguien que pueda ayudarnos?

Can you find someone who can help us?
It is important to find a mentor to learn from.
Give the paralegal the evidence you have found.
Even if they have disappeared, the police will find them.
The one who finds the lost money will receive a reward.
If you were to find a job, you wouldn't have problems anymore.
I need to find someone to look after my mother.
The young lady says that we can find shirts on the second floor.
I looked for the book last night but I didn't find it.
En la floristería puedes encontrar plantas de interior, de exterior y otros productos especializados.

At the florist's you can find indoor and outdoor plants as well as other specialized products
If you encounter a problem, refer to the manual.
¿Todavía no han encontrado ustedes dónde guardar esos papeles?
Haven't you found a place to keep those papers yet?
El no encuentra con sus amigos.
He does not meet with his friends.
No puedo encontrar mis llaves.
I can't find my keys.
Ustedes encontrarán a Jaime estudiando en su cuarto.
You'll find Jaime studying in his room.
¿Dónde podemos encontrar camisas?
Where can we find shirts?
La posada se encuentra en el número 123 de la calle principal.
The location of the inn is 123 Main Street.
¿Donde puedo encontrar un banco?
Where can I find a bank?
¿Dónde puedo encontrar una gasolinera?
Where can I find a gas station?
¿Sabes dónde puede encontrarlo?
Do you know where he can be found?
Debemos encontrar una solución.
We must find a solution.
Queremos encontrar este equilibrio.
We want to find that balance.
Intentemos encontrar soluciones.
Let us try to find solutions.
No conseguimos encontrar ninguna así.
We cannot find any of those.
¿Podemos encontrar otros medios?
Can we find other means?
¿Qué esperaba encontrar?
What was he expecting to find?
Queríamos encontrar un equilibrio.
We wanted to strike a balance.
He intentado encontrar una solución.
I tried to help that.
Debemos encontrar un equilibrio.
We must find the balance.
Aquí hay que encontrar soluciones.
Solutions need to be found here.
Hay que encontrar un equilibrio.
It is a balance which should be struck.
Hay que encontrar un equilibrio.
That has to be weighed in the balance.
Es preciso encontrar una solución.
A solution has to be found.
Pero se trata del temor a encontrar o no encontrar un trabajo, no del temor a encontrar o no encontrar el propio país.
The fear, however, is that of finding or not finding a job, and not the fear of finding or not finding one’s own country.
Hemos de encontrar un equilibrio.
We have to strike a balance.
Podemos encontrar un fundamento jurídico.
We can find a legal basis.
¿Dónde podemos encontrar estas soluciones?
Where can we find these solutions?
¿Es posible encontrar una solución?
Can a solution be found?
¿Se pueden encontrar formas alternativas?
Can alternative forms be found?
Además, debemos encontrar un equilibrio.
Furthermore, we must strike a balance.
Tenemos que encontrar algo mejor.
We need to find something better.
Tenemos que encontrar nuevos caminos.
There are many new paths for us to tread.
Quizá podamos encontrar otras vías.
Perhaps we can find other ways.
Tenemos que encontrar soluciones flexibles.
We must find flexible solutions.
Hemos de encontrar soluciones a eso.
We have to find solutions to that.
El Consejo debe encontrar soluciones.
The Council must find solutions.
Por consiguiente, debemos encontrar algo.
Therefore, we must find something.
Tenemos que encontrar las respuestas.
We need to find the answers.
Tenemos que encontrar otros métodos.
We need to find other methods.
Hay que encontrar este equilibrio.
This balance must be found.
Hay que encontrar nuevas soluciones.
New solutions need to be found.
Es necesario encontrar una solución.
A solution must be found.
Pero deberíamos encontrar cierto equilibrio.
But we have to strike some kind of balance.
Así, pues, debemos encontrar una solución política.
We must therefore find a political solution.
Intentaremos encontrar soluciones, pero no es fácil.
We will try to address them, but it is not easy.
No se podía encontrar un ponente mejor.
What better rapporteur could there be?
Será necesario, pues, encontrar una respuesta.
We are going to have to find a solution to this.
Para ello hay que encontrar una solución.
We must be able to find a solution here.
Hemos de encontrar el método para cumplirla.
We must find a method for complying with it.
Debo aún encontrar una respuesta adecuada a esto.
I have yet to find an adequate response to that.
La Constitución prevé encontrar una solución.
The constitution envisages that a solution will be found.
Debemos encontrar productos que sean más biodegradables.
We need to find products that are more biodegradable.
Espero que consigamos encontrar alguna solución viable.
I hope that we will come up with some workable solutions.
Simplemente resulta imposible encontrar más dinero.
It is simply not possible to find any more money.
Tenemos que encontrar soluciones comunes y bilaterales.
We must find both common and bilateral solutions.
Ante esto, debo encontrar un equilibrio.
In these circumstances, I must find a balance.
Esperemos que se pueda encontrar una solución.
We hope that possible solutions will follow.
Tenemos que encontrar las soluciones apropiadas.
We need to find the right solutions.
Podemos ayudar a las personas a encontrar nuevos trabajos.
We can give people support in finding new jobs.
Necesitamos encontrar nuevos planteamientos en esté ámbito.
New approaches need to be found here.
This page is powered by the Spanish Sentences Builder
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Popular Phrase: spanish ver chart | Conjugated Verb: regatear - to haggle (over), bargain (over) [ click for full conjugation ]