Spanish Sentences using sé  

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Yo no sé si yo puedo ir contigo la semana que viene.
I don't know if I can go with you next week.
Yo no sé si los muchachos lo perderán.
I don't know if they will lose it.
Yo no sé cómo se llama.
I don't know what it's called.
Yo no sé si los muchachos van a poder ir al partido de fútbol con nosotros.
I don't know if the boys are going to be able to go to the soccer game with us.
No sé qué hacer.
I don't know what to do.
Yo no sé si Juan va a ir a la fiesta.
I don't know if Juan is going to go to the party.
Sé amable con los voluntarios.
Be nice to the volunteers.
Yo esquiaría pero no sé cómo.
I would ski, but I don’t know how.
Yo no sé si María va a poder ir a la fiesta esta semana.
I don't know if María is going to be able to go to the party this week.
Yo sé que tú vas a hacer el trabajo mañana si puedes.
I know that you are going to do the work tomorrow if you can.
Yo sé que tú harás el trabajo mañana si puedes.
I know that you will do the work tomorrow if you can.
Yo sé que María va a hacer el trabajo mañana si puede.
I know that Mary is going to do the work tomorrow if she can.
Eso no lo sé.
I don't know that.
Yo no sé quién rompió la ventana.
I don't know who broke the window.
Yo no sé quién ha roto la ventana.
I don't know who has broken the window.
Sé contar hasta cien.
I can count to one hundred.
Yo no sé si Juan rompió la ventana.
I don't know if Juan broke the window.
Yo no sé si a Maria le gustan los deportes.
I don't know if Mary likes sports.
No sé como lo aguantas.
I don't know how you put up with him.
Yo no sé si Juan los va a traer.
I don't know if Juan is going to bring them.
Yo no sé si Juan los puede traer.
I don't know if Juan can bring them.
Si no lo hago, lo sé hacer.
If I don't do it, I know how to do it.
Yo no sé si Juan puede traer los boletos.
I don't know if Juan can bring the tickets.
No sé qué ofrecerle.
I don't know what to offer him.
Yo no sé si Juan puede ir a la tienda ahora.
I don't know if Juan can go to the store now.
Yo no sé si los muchachos los trajeron.
I don't know if the boys brought them.
No sé a qué hora me podré acostar esta noche.
I don't know what time I will be able to go to bed tonight.
Señor García, yo no sé si nosotros vamos a poder ayudarle.
Mr. García, I don't know if we are going to be able to help you.
Yo no sé si Juan rompió la ventana.
I don't know if Juan broke the window.
Yo no sé si yo puedo ir a la tienda de ropa contigo hoy.
I don't know if I can go to the clothing store with you today.
Sí, lo sé.
Yes, I know it.
Yo no sé si María conoce al muchacho.
I don't know if María knows the boy.
Yo no sé si María lo conoce.
I don't know if María knows him.
No sé nada de alemán.
I don't know any German.
No sé si María hizo las tareas esta tarde.
I don't know if Mary did the homework this afternoon.
Yo no sé si Juan conoce a las muchachas.
I don't know if Juan knows the girls.
Yo no sé si Juan las conoce.
I don't know if Juan knows them.
Yo no sé si María fue a la tienda ayer.
I don't know if Mary went to the store yesterday.
Yo no sé si María conoce al profesor de historia.
I don't know if María knows the history teacher. (masculine)
Yo no sé si el profesor de historia te conoce.
I don't know if the history teacher knows you.
Yo que sé, estará enfermo.
I don't know, he will be sick.
No sé como callar al perro de mi vecino.
I don't know how to quiet my neighbor's dog.
No sé si está realmente enamorada de mí.
I don't know if she's really in love with me.
Yo sé un poco de español.
I know a little Spanish.
Yo tampoco sé conducir.
Neither do I know how to drive.
Yo sé un poco de español
I know a little bit of Spanish
¿Sabes tú la respuesta? Sí, yo la sé.
Do you know the answer? Yes, I know it
Sé manejar mejor que tú.
I know how to drive better than you.
No sé nada de eso
I don't know anything about it
Yo no sé si Juan fue al hotel.
I don't know if John went to the hotel.
Yo no sé si a María le gusta el beisbol.
I don't know if Mary likes baseball.
Yo no sé si Juan ha aprendido las palabras.
I don't know if John has learned the words.
Yo no sé si los muchachos han aprendido las palabras.
I don't know if the boys have learned the words.
Yo no sé si María va a la tienda.
I don't know if Mary is going to the store.
Yo sé la fecha.
I know the date.
No sé de quien es.
I don't know whose this is.
Un líder, cuyo nombre no sé, lo hizo.
A leader, whose name I don't know, did it.
Yo sé donde están los juguetes.
I know where the toys are.
¿Sabes algo de matemáticas? No, no sé nada de matemáticas.
Do you know anything about Math? No, I know nothing about Math.
Yo no sé si a los muchachos les gustó el mar.
I don't know if the boys liked the ocean.
Yo sé la verdad.
I know the truth.
Yo no sé si yo podré almorzar con ustedes mañana.
I don't know if I will be able to eat lunch with you all tomorrow.
Yo no sé dónde venden los boletos.
I don't know where they sell the tickets.
Yo no sé dónde los venden.
I don't know where they sell them.
No te hagas la sorda, sé que me escuchas.
Don't play deaf, I know you are listening to me.
Yo no sé a qué hora María va a salir del hotel.
I don't know what time Mary is going to leave the hotel.
Yo no sé a qué hora María saldrá del hotel.
I don't know what time Mary will leave the hotel.
No sé preparar ese platillo.
I don't know how to make that dish.
yo sé
I know (information, skill)
Yo no sé si ellos puedan ir al estadio conmigo para comprar los boletos.
I don't know if they can go to the stadium with me to buy the tickets.
No sé de dónde saqué los ojos azules.
I don't know where I got my blue eyes from.
Yo no sé si María tiene el dinero para comprar los boletos.
I don't know if María has the money in order to buy the tickets.
Yo no sé tu número de teléfono.
I don't know your telephone number.
Señor García, yo no sé si nosotros le vamos a poder ayudar.
Mr. García, I don't know if we are going to be able to help you.
Creo que sé bastante sobre este tema.
I think I know enough about this subject.
No sé que pasó.
I don't know what happened.
No, yo no sé dónde vive ella.
No, I don't know where she lives.
No sé nadar.
I don't know how to swim.
Señora García, yo no sé si nosotros le vamos a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
Mrs. García, I don't know if we are going to be able to help you clean the house.
Yo no sé si Juan tiene el dinero para comprar los boletos.
I don't know if John has the money to buy the tickets.
Yo sé que María hará el trabajo mañana si puede.
I know that Mary will do the work tomorrow if she can.
Yo no sé si María ha hecho la tarea.
I don't know if Mary hast done the homework.
Yo no sé si María puede hacer la tarea antes de la clase.
I don't know if Mary can do the homework before the class.
Yo no sé si los muchachos la han roto.
I don't know if the boys have broken it.
Yo no sé cómo se llama la farmacia.
I don't know what the name of the drug store is.
Yo no sé si Juan se lo puede dar.
I don't know if John can give it to her.
Yo sé que María tiene que estudiar el capítulo.
I know that Mary has to study the chapter.
Yo sé que María lo va a estudiar.
I know that Mary is going to study it..
Yo no sé si los muchachos van a estudiar las páginas.
I don't know if the boys are going to study the pages.
Yo no sé si Juan puede ayudar a María.
I don't know if John can help Mary.
Yo no sé si María me va a poder dar el dinero para comprar la medicina.
I don't know if Mary is going to be able to give me the money to buy the medicine.
Yo no sé si Juan la va a poder ayudar.
I don't know if John is going to be able to help her.
Yo no sé si yo voy a poder ayudar a Juan.
I don't know if I am going to be able to help John.
Yo no sé si la farmacia tiene la medicina que Juan necesita.
I don't know if the drug store has the medicine that John needs.
Yo no sé si yo lo voy a poder ayudar.
I don't know if I am going to be able to help him.
Sé que sólo tú podrás.
I know that only you will be able to do it.
Yo no sé si nosotros podemos ayudar a los muchachos.
I don't know if we can help the boys.
Yo no sé si nosotros los vamos a poder ayudar.
I don't know if we are going to be able to help them.
Yo no sé si a María le gusta el regalo.
I don't know if Mary likes the gift.
Señora García, yo no sé si nosotros le vamos a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mrs. García, I don't know if we are going to be able to help you wash the clothes.
Lo sé.
I know that full well.
No sé porqué.
I have no idea why.
Sé que tenemos comunicaciones.
I know we have communications.
Eso lo sé.
That is something I know.
Lo lamento, no lo sé.
I am sorry, I do not know.
No sé de qué hablan.
I do not know what you are talking about.
No sé el qué.
I am not sure what.
¿Creen que no lo sé?
Do you think I do not know that?
Todo eso lo sé.
I know all of this.
No sé qué va a ocurrir.
What will happen I do not know.
Ahora no sé qué decir.
Now I do not know what to say.
   . – No lo sé, Señoría.
   . – I do not know, honourable Member.
No sé si es posible.
I do not know if that is possible.
No sé cuánto tiempo me queda.)
I cannot tell how much time I have left.)
Sé que es difícil.
I am aware that this is difficult.
Sé lo que sienten.
I know what they are feeling.
No sé qué podrían pensar.
I do not know what they can think.
Sé que es difícil.
I know that it is difficult.
No sé dónde está.
I do not know where he is.
Sé que no es fácil.
I know it is not easy.
Sé que es difícil.
I know it is difficult.
¿Por qué? No lo sé.
Why that is, I do not know.
No sé que decir.
I do not know what to say.
Sé que no es fácil.
I know it is not easy.
Yo sé cómo votaré.
I know which way I will be voting.
Sé que lo haremos.
I know that we will succeed.
Es difícil, lo sé.
This is difficult, I know.
Sé que lo demuestran.
I know that they will.
Sé de qué hablo.
I know what I am talking about.
Realmente, no lo sé.
I really do not know.
Sé que cuesta mucho.
I know that it is very difficult to do so.
Sé que es molesto.
I know that this is not convenient.
Esto no lo sé.
I do not know whether it was or not.
No sé cómo vamos a hacerlo.
I do not know how we can be expected to do so.
No sé cómo vamos a resolverlo.
What we are supposed to do in this situation, I do not know.
No sé dónde nos encontramos.
I do not know where we stand.
No lo sé, no quiero pronunciarme.
I have no idea and I am not going to guess.
Pensándolo bien, no lo sé.
All things considered, I do not know.
No sé por qué ocurre.
I do not know why that is the case.
Realmente, no sé a qué se refiere.
I really do not know what you are talking about.
Quisiéramos salvarlo, pero no sé cómo.
We should like to save it, quite how I do not know.
Lo sé por mi país.
I know from my own country that this is a problem.
Ya lo sé, no soy estúpida.
I am not stupid, I know that too.
Sé que lo estará pensando.
I know he will be thinking that.
No sé cómo habríamos podido sobrellevarlo.
I do not know how we would have coped.
Sé que soplan vientos nuevos.
I know there is a new wind blowing.
No sé de quién se trata.
I do not know whom he meant.
Lo sé porque estuve allí.
I know because I was there.
Sé que ha sido difícil.
I know it was difficult.
No sé de dónde sale eso.
I do not know where that is coming from.

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