Spanish Sentences using asistir
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The Creo que aprendí más por leer en mi cuarto que asistir a las clases de la prepa.
The family attended the party at grandma's house because it was her birthday.
He has received an invitation to attend the publicity conference.
Despite the high price of the tickets many people are going to the concert.
Do you attend also? No, I do not attend every Sunday but I attend every once in a while.
Do you attend football games often? No, I do not attend them often but I would like to.
Did Marta attend the party? No, she did not attend because she was sick.
Did you attend it? Yes, I attended it but I left early in order to attend another party.
Did Robert attend the wedding? Yes, he was there and he also attended the party.
I attended the wedding, the party and I also attended church in the morning.
Will you attend the class with me? Yes, with pleasure, I will attend the class with you.
Will they attend the class too? No, they will not attend on Monday but they will attend on Wednesday.
Will Enrique attend the party with you? No, he will not attend with me.
Do you want to attend a little course on computer language?
If you all had attended the concert, you would understand.
You talk as if you had not attended the concert of Nîmes.
In the morning he leaves and in the afternoon he attends chats.
Asistir a una clase
to attend a lecture
Asistir a una escuela
to be to blame for
Los doctores asistieron a los náufragos.
The doctors assisted the shipwrecked people.
Mañana tengo que asistir a clase.
Tomorrow I have to attend class.
Tienes que asistir a clase.
You have to attend class.
Asistes la reunión.
You attend the meeting.
No asistes la reunión.
You do not attend the meeting.
Necesito modificar mi horario para poder asistir a las clases de español.
I need to modify my schedule to be able to attend the Spanish classes.
¿Asiste él la reunión?
Does he attend the meeting?
¿Asiste John las clases? Sí, asiste cuando puede. Asiste la clase con su esposa. Asisten juntos.
Does John attend the classes? Yes, he attends whenever he can. He attends the class with his wife. They attend together.
Asistieron ellos la boda y también asistieron la fiesta.
They attended the wedding and they attended the party also.
Asistirás la reunión.
You will attend the meeting.
No asistirás la reunión.
You will not attend the meeting.
¿Asistirás la reunión?
Will you attend the meeting?
El asistirá la reunión.
He will attend the meeting.
El no asistirá la reunión.
He will not attend the meeting.
¿Asistirá él la reunión?
Will he attend the meeting?
¿Cuántas personas asistirán? Creo que asistirán 20 personas.
How many people will attend? I believe 20 will attend the party.
Sí, podemos asistir a todas las clases.
Yes, we can attend every class.
¿Pueden ustedes asistir a todas la clases?
Can you attend every class?
No quiero asistir a la conferencia en Venezuela.
I don't want to attend the conference in Venezuela.
Asistimos a la escuela.
We attend school.
Usted debe asistir a terapia contra la drogadicción y el alcoholismo.
You must attend drug and alcohol counseling.
Todavía no. Tiene que asistir al radiólogo antes, es decir, su cita es para el martes, ¿verdad?
Not yet. You have to go to the radiologist before, I mean, your appointment is made for Tuesday, right?
Todavía no he asistido a la exposición fotográfica en esa galería.
I still haven't gone to the photographic exhibition in that gallery.
Ellos asistieron a la clase ayer.
They attended the class yesterday.
Hemos asistido a varios conciertos en esta ciudad.
We have attended several concerts in this city.
Asistir a un curso
to attend a course
Haría mejor en no asistir.
He would do better to stay away.
Están invitados a asistir.
You are invited to attend.
No puedo asistir a todas.
I cannot go to all of them.
No puede asistir a todas.
She cannot be at all of them.
Debía asistir a otra reunión parlamentaria.
I had to attend another Parliamentary meeting.
Por desgracia, no voy a poder asistir.
I regret that I will be unable to attend.
Gracias por asistir a nuestra sesión.
Thank you for attending our sitting.
Lamenta muchísimo no poder asistir a este debate.
She very much regrets being unable to attend this debate.
Espero asistir a un debate muy interesante.
I am looking forward to a very interesting debate.
Señor Presidente, está usted invitado a asistir.
Mr President, you are welcome to come.
Gracias de nuevo por asistir hoy.
Thank you again for coming here.
Lamento que ustedes no hayan podido asistir.
I am sorry that you cannot attend this workshop.
Todos estamos intentando asistir a varias reuniones.
We are all trying to attend several meetings.
Ha sido muy interesante asistir a este debate.
It has been very interesting to listen to this debate.
El Sr. Pimenta desgraciadamente no puede asistir.
Regrettably, Mr Pimenta cannot be here.
Nosotros vamos a asistir a esa conferencia de donantes.
We will be attending that donors' conference.
Con este trasfondo, resulta casi absurdo asistir hoy a este debate.
Against that background, it is, if anything, absurd to attend today' s debate.
. Señor Presidente, Señorías, me complace sobremanera asistir hoy a este debate.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I am extremely happy to be attending this debate today.
No entendemos por qué no podemos asistir a este proceso como observadores.
We cannot understand why we cannot be observers at that process.
Me complace asistir ahora a su debate sobre el informe.
I look forward now to your discussion of the report.
Confío en que el Sr. Paasilinna pueda asistir.
I hope that Mr Paasilinna will be able to attend.
Lamentablemente, a pesar de la invitación, no podrá asistir en persona.
He has been invited to this but is, unfortunately, unable to attend in person.
No puede obligarse a los monjes tibetanos a asistir a cursos de formación ideológica.
Tibetan monks cannot be compelled to attend ideological training.
Evidentemente, había sido invitado, pero comunicó que no podría asistir.
He was, of course, invited, but said he could not be there.
Esta vez es posible y realmente quiero asistir.
This time it is possible and I certainly will want to come.
He oído que el señor McCreevy no va a poder asistir.
I have heard that Mr McCreevy will be unable to attend.
Tampoco deberían asistir los Jefes de Estado de la UE.
Neither should the other EU Heads of State attend.
Por desgracia, la Presidencia francesa no está dispuesta a asistir a estas reuniones.
Unfortunately the French presidency is unwilling to come to these meetings.
Hice todo lo posible para asistir a su funeral.
I did everything to be present at his funeral.
No ha podido asistir por los ya conocidos problemas de transporte.
He cannot come due to the well-publicised transport problems.
Necesitamos disponer de más herramientas para asistir a los Estados miembros.
We need to have more tools at our disposal to assist Member States.
Lamentablemente, motivos personales me impidieron asistir a la votación final.
Unfortunately, because of personal reasons, I was not present at the final vote.
Por consiguiente, había que asistir a una trampa generalizada.
Yet this is just a generalized falsehood.
Por lo tanto, ninguno de los demandantes pudo asistir.
None of the plaintiffs therefore attended.
El objetivo no ha de ser el de asistir a los ciudadanos sino responsabilizarlos.
The aim must not be to help the people but to make them take responsibility.
Ha tenido que marcharse para asistir al entierro de un familiar.
She has had to leave earlier on account of a death and funeral in the family.
¿Se permitirá al público asistir a esa reunión o se les impedirá la entrada al Parlamento?
Will members of the public be allowed to attend that meeting as observers or will they be barred from entering the Parliament?
Hay un grupo de personas que se proponen -de eso no cabe duda- asistir.
There is a group of people who very definitely are planning to be there.
No queremos asistir como espectadores a los cambios industriales y sociales en curso.
We do not want to be mere spectators of the progress of industrial and social change.
Tampoco Rusia está interesada en asistir a un aumento de la inestabilidad en el Cáucaso.
Russia too has no interest in seeing increased instability in the Caucasus.
Así que, lamentablemente su funeral no pudo celebrarse en Italia ya que no se les hubiera permitido asistir.
Thus her funeral shamefully could not take place in Italy as they would not be permitted to attend.
La delegación de Guinea Ecuatorial encontró varias dificultades para asistir a las reuniones con la Comisión.
The delegation from Equatorial Guinea encountered several difficulties in attending meetings with the Commission.
No hay duda de que es lamentable que la Comisaria no pudiera asistir por motivos familiares.
Clearly it was a pity that the Commissioner was prevented from attending for family reasons.
Entonces esas personas podrán posiblemente asistir alguna vez a un curso de idiomas.
Perhaps the latter could in those circumstances go on language courses at some stage.
Pero la razón en este planeta no puede asistir ante todo, exclusivamente y siempre a los estadounidenses.
But in this world, right cannot be exclusively and invariably on the side of the Americans.
Ha venido para asistir a la Cuarta reunión interparlamentaria entre el Parlamento Europeo y el Congreso Mexicano.
They have come to participate in the fourth interparliamentary meeting between the European Parliament and the Mexican Congress.
¿Podrán asistir los diputados, en calidad de observadores, a cualquiera de estas sesiones?
Will MEPs, therefore, be able to attend, as observers, any of these sessions?
Acabo de asistir a una Conferencia de Ministros en Groenlandia en la que también participaron los rusos.
I have just attended a Ministerial Conference in Greenland in which the Russians also participated.
La Sra. Fan se encuentra aquí para asistir a varias reuniones importantes.
Mrs Fan is here for a number of important meetings.
Señor Presidente, señores Comisarios, Señorías, ha sido muy útil asistir al debate en representación del Consejo.
Mr President, Commissioners, ladies and gentlemen, it has been very useful to attend the debate on behalf of the Council.
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