Spanish Sentences using tuvimos
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The The injured people were in such a serious condition that we had to take them to the hospital.
We had to cut short our vacation due to the storm.
We had to wait and wait while the doctor was seeing my sister.
We had to answer the branch office that the merchandise would be sent a week later.
We had lots to do and couldn’t go to the party.
If we'd only brought that suitcase we had to leave behind, we would have something to wear to the dance.
Esta semana no tuvimos ganancias.
This week, we didn't make any profit.
Mis amigas y yo tuvimos que estudiar mucho para pasar el examen.
My friends and I had to study a lot to pass the exam.
Tuvimos que irnos a pie desde donde se nos acabó la gasolina.
We had to walk from (the place) where we ran out of gas.
No tuvimos oportunidad de ver el fantástico espectáculo.
We had no opportunity to see the great show.
Tuvimos que bajarnos del avión por detrás.
We had to get off the plane from the back.
Nosotros tuvimos suerte.
We were the lucky ones.
Tuvimos eso en cuenta.
We did take account of them.
¡Tuvimos mucho éxito!
We have been very successful.
Tuvimos que tomar decisiones igual de difíciles, pero tuvimos éxito.
We had to take decisions that were just as hard, but we succeeded.
En 1998 tuvimos 55 muertos.
In 1998, we had 55 murders.
Tuvimos que adoptar una decisión.
We had to take a decision.
En realidad tuvimos mucha suerte.
The reality is that we were very lucky.
Tuvimos que esperar hasta marzo.
We had to wait until March.
No tuvimos la oportunidad de modificarlo.
We have had no opportunity to amend it.
Para lograrlo tuvimos que actuar.
In order to achieve this, we had to take action.
Tuvimos un debate muy positivo.
We had a very positive debate.
Tuvimos esa sensación en Roma.
We experienced that in Rome.
Así que tuvimos que cambiarlo.
So we had to change it.
No tuvimos en aquel momento criterio.
At that time we were unable to judge them.
Tuvimos respuestas. Tampoco fueron claras.
He produced a new Green Paper, to which the responses were again not clear.
Tuvimos que recurrir a algunos expertos.
We had to call in some experts.
Tuvimos que hacer frente a un gran reto.
We faced a great challenge.
No lo hicimos tan bien, pero tuvimos suerte.
We were not all that good, but we were very lucky.
Lo tuvimos pelos en la lengua.
We did not mince our words.
Ello ocurrió cuando tuvimos el primer problema.
That was when we had the first problem.
Tuvimos problemas con algunos Estados miembros.
We had problems with certain Member States.
Tuvimos una reunión importante el pasado jueves.
We had an important meeting last Thursday.
Ya tuvimos un mare nostrum imperial.
We have already had one imperial mare nostrum.
Esto refleja el debate que tuvimos antes.
It reflects the debate that we had earlier.
Prácticamente tuvimos que inventarlos en el acto.
We virtually had to make them up on the spot.
Tuvimos este problema antes de Fukushima.
We had this problem before Fukushima.
Ya tuvimos la experiencia en 1996.
We had experience of this in 1996.
No fue así y tuvimos un resultado decepcionante.
It did not happen that way and we had a disappointing result.
Ciertamente; pero, de hecho, ¡no tuvimos respuesta!
Of course but, by way of reply, we do not have one!
En Gran Bretaña tuvimos esa oportunidad.
We in Britain had that opportunity.
¡Ya tuvimos Tokio, Kennedy, Nixon, Uruguay!
There has already been Tokyo, Kennedy, Nixon, Uruguay!
Tuvimos un ejemplo parecido en los Estados Unidos.
Mr Andersson will be familiar with what was termed then 'prohibition' .
Tuvimos el caso Napster y el caso de New Tell.
Remember the Napster and the New Tell cases.
No se nos permitió: sólo tuvimos tiempo para una pregunta oral.
This was refused us: we only had time for an oral question.
Cuando tuvimos una sobre la EEB, no mostró tanto entusiasmo.
When we had one into BSE, he was not so enthusiastic.
Señor Mulder, ayer tuvimos oportunidad de tratar esta cuestión.
Mr Mulder, we had the opportunity to talk about this yesterday.
Hace una semana tuvimos un diálogo informal en Madrid.
We had an informal trialogue in Madrid just under a week ago.
El año pasado tuvimos un retraso en determinadas licitaciones.
Last year there was some delay with certain invitations to tender.
En 1948 tuvimos que empezar nuevamente desde cero.
In 1948, we had to start again from scratch.
El problema es, sin embargo, que no tuvimos esa opción.
The problem is, however, that we did not have that option.
La semana pasada tuvimos la cumbre de Copenhague.
Last week we had Copenhagen.
Tuvimos esto en mente cuando pusimos nombre a nuestro grupo.
We had this in mind when we named our group.
Por lo tanto, tuvimos que crear la Convención Europea.
We therefore needed the European Convention.
En este sentido, tuvimos suerte en el brote de 2001.
In that respect we were lucky with the outbreak in 2001.
Ayer tuvimos un prolongado debate entre los grupos.
We had a long discussion between the groups yesterday.
En el pasado tuvimos la UCLAF, pero no funcionó perfectamente.
In the past, we had UCLAF, but that did not function perfectly.
Tuvimos diferencias de opinión en cuanto a los umbrales.
When it came to the threshold values, we had differences of opinion.
Solo tuvimos una pequeña reunión con la unión interparlamentaria.
We only had a small meeting with the interparliamentary union.
Eso lo aprendimos cuando tuvimos que examinar esta Directiva.
We learnt this whilst considering this Directive.
Tuvimos un primer paquete para revitalizar los ferrocarriles en 2001.
We had a first package to revitalise the railways back in 2001.
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