Spanish Sentences using firmar
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The The contracts have to be signed by you and me first.
Good. Please, fill this form and sign it in the indicated area
You have to put your name and sign in the back side of the check
If you grant someone a power of attorney, he or she can sign the contract for you.
Even though you had signed the statement, you can still add to it.
Well, yes I try to sign the same way every time but each time I sign a little differently.
I believe that everyone signs a little differently each time they sign something.
Nevertheless, we sign things, almost the same each time.
No, not yet; they signed the letter of promise but not the actual contract.
We signed our documents in the office; where did they sign theirs?
Nosotros no estamos de acuerdo con tus decisiones.
We do not agree with your decisions.
Estoy seguro que firmará él la semana que viene.
I am sure he will sign next week.
La semana próxima empiezo mi nuevo trabajo.
Next week I start my new job.
Ella firmó y se olvidó del asunto.
She signed it and she forgot about it.
Firmar con su nombre
to sign one's name
¿Firmaste el contrato?
Did you sign the contract?
¡No firmes el contrato sin antes leerlo!
Don’t sign the contract until you read it!
¿Podría usted firmar aquí?
Please sign here.
No consientas firmar ese contrato.
Don’t agree to sign that contract.
Yo firmé el acuerdo.
I signed the agreement.
¿Firmaste el acuerdo?
Did you sign the agreement?
El señor García firmó el acuerdo.
Mr. García signed the agreement.
Nosotros firmamos el acuerdo.
We signed the agreement.
Los señores firmaron el acuerdo.
The gentlemen signed the agreement.
Se niega a firmar el cheque.
He refuses to sign the check.
Negaré que nosotros hayamos obligado al contador a firmar su renuncia.
I'll deny that we forced the accountant to resign.
¿Les convino firmar el contrato a tus amigos?
Did you friends benefit from signing the contract?
¿Dónde debo firmar?
Where do I have to sign?
Ya para el sábado, Ud. habrá decidido si firma el contrato o no.
By Saturday, you will have decided if you're going to sign the contract or not.
Firmas el cheque.
You sign the check.
No firmas el cheque.
You do not sign the check.
¿Firmas el cheque?
Do you sign the check?
El firma el contrato para comprar el carro.
He signs the contract to buy the car.
El no firma el contrato para comprar el carro.
He does not sign the contract to buy the car.
¿Firma él el contrato para comprar el carro?
Does he sign the contract to buy the car?
¿Firmas tus cheques en la misma manera todo el tiempo?
Do you sign your checks the same way every time?
Algunas personas firman con una firma especial y otras solo firman sus nombres.
Some people sign with a special signature and others just sign their names.
¿Firmaron ellos el contrato para comprar la casa?
Did they sign the contract to buy the house?
Firmaron los documentos en la casa que compraron.
They signed the documents in the house that they bought.
¿Firmaron los dos marido y mujer los documentos?
Did both husband and wife sign the documents?
Sí, firmaron los dos documentos.
Yes, both of them signed the documents.
Pablo ha comprado una casa nueva.
Pablo has bought a new house.
Se han podido firmar acuerdos concretos.
It was possible to sign real agreements.
Señor Presidente, todos deberíamos poder firmar.
Mr President, we should all be in a position to sign the declaration.
Croacia y Bulgaria se han negado a firmar.
Croatia and Bulgaria have refused to sign.
Ayer olvidé firmar la lista de asistencia.
I had omitted to sign the list of people present yesterday.
No podemos obligar a nuestros socios a firmar acuerdos.
We cannot just force our partners to sign agreements.
Pero atención: no nos limitaremos a firmar cualquier acuerdo.
But be warned: we will not just 'sign off' on any deal.
Si no es así, ¿cuándo tienen previsto firmar?
If not, when do you intend to sign?
Están dispuestos a firmar un acuerdo contractual.
They are prepared to enter into a contractual agreement.
No estoy dispuesto a firmar un cheque en blanco.
I am not prepared to sign a blank cheque.
Ese acuerdo está listo para firmar.
The agreement is ready to be signed.
La Comisión está dispuesta a firmar el acuerdo.
The Commission is ready to sign the agreement.
Estaba presente ayer y me olvidé de firmar.
I was present yesterday and I forgot to sign in.
A mi juicio, no firmar ningún acuerdo mejor que firmar un mal acuerdo.
In my view, no deal better than a bad deal.
No estamos aquí para firmar cheques en blanco, señor Comisario.
Our purpose in life is not to sign blank cheques, Commissioner.
Además se negó a firmar las cuentas de 2001.
She also refused to sign off the accounts for 2001.
Estaría bien conocer la respuesta antes de firmar la Constitución.
It would be nice to know the answer before the Constitution is signed.
Ahora queda por firmar un acuerdo similar con Letonia.
A similar agreement now remains to be signed with Latvia too.
Para ello, no basta con firmar y ratificar convenios.
To do so it is not enough simply to sign and ratify conventions.
Ningún país debería sentirse presionado a firmar un acuerdo.
No country should feel pressurised into entering an agreement.
Yo conseguí la hipoteca y mi marido no tuvo que firmar.
I got my mortgage and my husband did not sign it.
Esperamos poder firmar un acuerdo muy importante sobre la aviación.
We hope to be able to sign a very important agreement regarding aviation.
Porque no basta simplemente con no firmar acuerdos de pesca.
It is not enough to simply not sign fisheries agreements.
No vamos a firmar ninguna declaración de arrepentimiento a los imperialistas.
We will not be signing any declaration of repentance for the imperialists.
Gracias a todos ustedes por firmar esta declaración por escrito.
Thank you everyone for signing this written declaration.
La UE va a firmar pronto esta convención histórica.
The EU will soon sign this landmark convention.
Y, sin embargo, pretenden firmar el acuerdo ahora.
And yet you are willing to sign up to the agreement now.
Ahora debemos irnos y firmar el paquete legislativo.
We shall now go and sign the legislative package.
No se trata de grandes declaraciones, ni de firmar documentos.
There are no grand declarations to be made, no papers to be signed.
No me debí acordar de firmar en el momento oportuno.
I did not remember to sign at the correct time.
Les rogaría, pues, que no olviden firmar la lista de asistencia.
I would ask you to ensure that you all sign the register.
Creo que deberían poner en orden las cosas en sus propios países y firmar estas Convenciones.
Now, I think, they should put matters in order in their own countries and get these conventions signed.
Desgraciadamente, las luchas no han concluido y algunas partes se han negado a firmar el acuerdo de paz.
Unfortunately, the fighting has not stopped and some parties have refused to sign the peace accord.
¿Acaso se mantienen callados los Estados miembros porque esperan firmar ellos mismos lucrativos contratos comerciales?
Are the Member States keeping quiet because they are hoping to secure some lucrative business deals themselves?
Hemos de firmar cuanto antes un acuerdo de asociación para que podamos intensificar el diálogo político.
An association agreement must be struck at the earliest opportunity, thus allowing us to intensify the political dialogue.
He considerado que no podía asumir yo sola la responsabilidad de firmar esta carta común.
I considered that I could not single-handedly take the decision to sign a common letter of this kind.
Con o sin los Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea debe firmar el Protocolo de Kyoto.
With or without the United States, the European Union must sign the Kyoto Protocol.
Yo también tengo derecho a firmar en nombre de mi Grupo las enmiendas que éste apoya.
I also have the right to sign for the group amendments that my group supports.
Decidir así equivaldría para nosotros a firmar un cheque en blanco a la Comisión, lo que no acostumbramos hacer.
To decide in this way would be like signing a blank cheque to the Commission, which is not in our nature.
No son circulares en las que sólo hay que firmar, son cartas escritas personalmente.
These are not circular letters that they have just signed, they are letters that they have written themselves.
En 1994, su padre tuvo el valor de firmar un acuerdo de paz con Israel.
In 1994, your father had the courage to sign a peace agreement with Israel.
Esperamos contar con las partidas necesarias para firmar acuerdos de pesca con numerosas importantes naciones.
We hope to be able to identify the appropriations necessary for us to be able to maintain fisheries agreements with a number of important nations.
Sin embargo, para firmar el convenio es preciso hacer ciertos ajustes en la legislación sueca.
Signing up to the convention requires adjustments to Swedish law, however.
No obstante, es la Comisión la que obligó a la agencia a firmar los contratos.
It is, however, the Commission which forced the agencies to sign the contracts.
Señora Presidenta, ayer estuve presente en la sesión, pero me olvidé de firmar la lista de asistencia.
Madam President, I was present at yesterday's sitting but forgot to sign the attendance register.
A mí me parece que firmar antes de hacer eso sería un crimen contra Europa.
As far as I am concerned, signing before doing this would be a crime against Europe.
Y se acaba de firmar un acuerdo marco entre la Comunidad Europea y China.
And a framework agreement has just been signed between the European Community and China.
Inmediatamente después de firmar, el Gobierno canadiense nos dio a todos un bonito bolígrafo.
Immediately after signing, the Canadian Government gave us all a nice ballpoint pen.
Le pido que les invite formalmente a abstenerse de firmar el acuerdo.
I ask you to invite them formally to abstain from signing the agreement.
Un tratado no se puede firmar y ratificar si no firman todos los países.
A treaty cannot be signed and ratified if not all countries sign.
Por mi parte, creo que primero hay que ratificar y firmar el tratado antes de renegociarlo.
For my part, I think that the treaty should first be ratified and signed before it is renegotiated.
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