Spanish Sentences using parecer
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The We liked the job and the salary seemed to be very good, but the working hours didn't suit us.
These chards do not look good, and spinachs look a little bit withered.
In your opinion, what is the appropriate frequency for making this survey?
Apparently, Bryan Danielson would soon be returning to the WWE.
I think the best one is the one you showed me first.
I'm sorry, you looked suspicious standing outside the door.
Do you think the boss would mind if I answered the telegram without his permission?
Do you believe that this project is as complex as it seems?
I think it's been absurd that the workers opposed the raise.
I am fascinated by the terrace but it seems small to you.
I saw a woman and a man, which looked normal to me.
It didn't seem right to me that you made the doctor wait.
Nos parece que no hay otra opción.
We think there is no other option.
A él le parece que no hay otra opción.
He thinks there is no other option.
Le parece que no hay otra opción.
He thinks there is no other option.
Nos parecía que no había otra opción.
We thought there was no other option.
A ella le parecía que no había otra opción.
She thought there was no other option.
Le parecía que no había otra opción.
She thought there was no other option.
¿Cuál te parece mejor?
Which one do you like best?
No me parece de buena calidad.
It doesn’t seem to be of good quality.
Parece más guapo de lo que es.
He seems more handsome than what he is.
Sentémonos y esperémosla hasta las diez menos cuarto, lo cual me parece lógico.
Let’s sit down and wait for her until 9:45, which seems logical to me.
Pareces el Ministro con tantos compromisos.
You're like a government official with all those obligations.
Lo conocí el otro día y parece que tiene un carácter muy agradable.
I met him the other day and he seems to have a nice character.
No parecen verdaderas.
They don't seem authentic.
La hija de María es muy linda. Se parece a Penélope Cruz.
The Maria's daughter is very pretty. She looks like Penelope Cruz.
¿Qué te han parecido las charlas del Sr. Reyes?
What do you think of Mr. Reyes's lectures?
Parece que va a llover.
It appears that it is going to rain.
Parecía que iba a llover.
It seemed that it was going to rain.
¿Desde cuándo no te afeitas? ¡Pareces un puerco espín!
You didn't shave since when? You look like a porcupine!
¿Tan fuerte te pareció el final?
Did the ending seem very strong to you?
¿A ti que te parece?
What do you think?
A ver qué te parece el plan.
Let's see how you like the plan.
¿Cuál fotografía te parece que es la mejor de todas?
Which photograph do you think is the best?
Ellos parecen tener prisa.
They seem to be in a hurry.
¿Le parece bien ese lugar? Está en la avenida Morrison con la segunda calle.
Is that okay for you? It is in Morrison Avenue and Second Street.
¿Te parece una buena idea?
Does it seem like a good idea to you?
Parece que has calculado todo hasta el más mínimo detalle.
It seems you have worked it all out down to the last detail.
Cambiar de parecer
to change one's mind
Ella parecía tener prisa.
She seemed to be in a hurry.
Ella es menor de lo que parece.
She's younger than she looks.
A él le parece buena la clase.
He thinks about something.
A él no le parece buena la clase.
He does not think about something.
Es tan extraño que parece un extraterrestre.
He's so strange that he seems like an extra-terrestrial.
¿Le parece a él buena la clase?
Does he think about something?
¿A ti que te parece la novia de él? A mi me parece ella muy agradable.
What do you think about his girl friend? I think she is very nice.
Vistos desde arriba parecen hormigas.
Seen from above, they look like ants.
A él le parecía buena la clase.
He thought the class was good.
A él no le parecía buena la clase.
He did not think the class was good.
El parece ser un muchacho muy inteligente.
He seems to be a very smart kid.
¿Le parecía a él buena la clase?
Did he think the class was good?
¿Qué tal te parece la nueva maestra?
What do you think of the new teacher?
Nos parece que ella es una maestra muy buena.
We think she is a very good teacher.
A él le parecerá buena la clase.
He will think the class is good.
A él no le parecerá buena la clase.
He will not think the class is good.
Ellos parecían tener prisa.
They seemed to be in a hurry.
¿Le parecerá a él buena la clase?
Will he think the class is good?
A ti que te parece?
What do you think?
A Maria le parecerá dificil esa clase.
Mary will think that class is hard.
A Juan le parecerá facil esa clase.
John will think that class is easy.
A Maria no le parecerá facil esa clase.
Mary will not think that class is easy.
¿Qué les pareció a Uds. el primer curso?
What did you think of the first course?
A Juan no le parecerá dificil esa clase.
John will not think that class is hard.
Nos pareció muy dificil.
We thought it was very hard.
Tu amiga me pareció un poco chula.
Your friend seemed pretty cocky to me.
A Juan le pareció dificil esa clase.
John though that class was hard.
A Maria le pareció facil esa clase.
Mary thought that class was easy.
A mí me parece que tú podrías hacer ese trabajo.
I think you could handle that job.
A Juan no le pareció facil esa clase.
John didn't think that class was easy.
Compartimos también este parecer.
We share your view on this point too.
Yo comparto este parecer.
That is my view too.
Podemos rechazar ese parecer.
We can reject this advice.
Éste no fue nuestro parecer.
That is not our perception.
A nuestro parecer, a mi parecer, en esto se equivoca por completo.
We, and indeed I, regard that as totally wrong.
Al parecer hay unos 360.
There are apparently about 360 of them.
Es su parecer, señor Presidente.
That is your own assessment, Mr President.
Yo soy del mismo parecer.
I take the same view.
Esto nos hace parecer ridículos.
This makes us look ridiculous.
Al parecer, han despertado súbitamente.
You seem suddenly to have woken up.
A mi parecer, no existe ninguna contradicción.
I do not think there is any contradiction here.
Una suma considerable, a mi parecer.
That is a considerable sum, in my view.
Una importante omisión, a mi parecer.
I consider that a serious weakness.
Al parecer no la habían recibido.
It appears that they have not.
Hoy podría parecer anacrónico mencionar este tema.
Raising such an issue today might seem anachronistic but slavery will indeed be a part of the 21st century.
Al parecer, dichos servicios entendieron algo distinto.
Apparently the services understood something else.
Esto es absolutamente inaceptable, a nuestro parecer.
That is totally unacceptable as far as we are concerned.
Este hecho no parecer intranquilizar a la Comisión Europea.
However, this is of no concern to the ÅU.
A mi parecer, es una exageración poética.
Methinks this is a poetic exaggeration.
También esto es necesario a mi parecer.
That too I see as being necessary.
Quisiera expresar mi parecer sobre lo siguiente.
I want to make the following points.
Al parecer esta zanahoria no ha sido suficiente.
It would seem that this carrot has not been enough.
Porque va a parecer una excusa muy pobre.
Because it is going to sound very lame.
Dos consideraciones son sumamente significativas, a mi parecer.
I think two of these are extremely relevant.
Al parecer hemos sido demasiado impacientes.
We have apparently been too impatient.
Tenemos varias razones para justificar este parecer.
We have a number of reasons to substantiate this view.
Y al parecer falta este compromiso.
And that commitment seems to be lacking.
Al parecer, hay más «esperanza» que «expectativas».
There seemed to be a certain amount of 'hope' rather than 'expectation'.
A nuestro parecer, esto es ir demasiado lejos.
As far as we are concerned, that is going too far.
Al parecer, los israelíes estarían dispuestos a aceptarlo.
The Israelis seem ready to accept this.
Pobre vieja Europa, tema «no comunicable», al parecer.
Poor old Europe, the ‘non-communicable’ subject, it would appear.
Me gustaría que me dieran su parecer sobre él.
I would very much welcome your views on its contents.
Esto, a mi parecer, es completamente antieuropeo.
That to me is completely anti-European.
Este mensaje puede parecer un lugar común.
This message may seem commonplace.
Esa es el parecer del pueblo sueco.
That is the view of the Swedish people.
En cualquier caso, ése es nuestro parecer.
In any event, that is our opinion!
Ese objetivo puede parecer un poco absurdo.
This target may seem a bit absurd.
La comunidad internacional no puede parecer pasiva.
The international community cannot look on helplessly.
Al parecer, sus palabras no valían nada.
Apparently their words were worth nothing.
¿Qué ha motivado este cambio de parecer?
What has motivated this change of heart?
Resulta frustrante. Ya he expresado mi parecer antes.
It is unsatisfactory; I have made my views known before.
Le puede parecer satisfactorio o insatisfactorio.
You may see that as being satisfactory or as unsatisfactory.
Todo esto empieza a parecer ridículo a nivel mundial.
All of this is starting to look ridiculous on the world stage.
Según mi parecer, ciertamente no lo son.
Certainly not, in my view.
Esto último no es aceptable a mi parecer.
I do not consider that acceptable.
Ésta es una exigencia central a nuestro parecer.
We regard this as an essential requirement.
Ese ideal no está, al parecer, de moda.
This ideal is evidently out of fashion.
A este respecto somos especialmente del mismo parecer.
On this point we all totally agreed.
A mi parecer, el fundamento jurídico no es adecuado.
I too am of the opinion that the legal basis is not an appropriate one.
Por esto, a mi parecer deberíamos mantenerlo.
I therefore believe that we should maintain the book pricing system.
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