Spanish Sentences using tuvieron
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The As a consequence of the bronchitis, I had to be taken to emergencies
They had to eat early because the children had homework to do.
Her comments had a great impact in the political circles.
Did you have to buy a lot of notebooks for your children?
The accountants had to stay and work late last night, right?
Estaba en ruinas y tuvieron que reconstruirlo.
It was in ruins and they had to rebuild it.
Sí, tuvieron que quedarse toda la noche.
Yes, they had to stay all night.
Tuvieron un papel fundamental.
They played a fundamental role.
Entonces tuvieron dificultades en establecer contactos diversos.
At the time they were still finding it very difficult to build on their various contacts here.
Ambas catástrofes tuvieron consecuencias medioambientales internacionales.
Both these accidents had international environmental consequences.
Estos barcos tuvieron que reducir su tripulación.
These vessels had to reduce their crews.
¿Tuvieron esto en cuenta en Hampton Court?
Did you consider this at Hampton Court?
Muchos de esos pozos tuvieron que cerrarse.
Many of the wells had to be closed.
Ustedes tuvieron uno, al igual que nosotros.
You had one, and so did we.
Poco a poco tuvieron que hacer frente a ello.
They had to be confronted with it slowly.
Los proyectos tuvieron sus problemas iniciales.
The projects had their early teething troubles.
Hubo vuelos cancelados y muchos otros tuvieron grandes retrasos.
Flights were cancelled, and many were severely delayed.
La Unión y el Consejo tuvieron allí un papel protagonista.
The European Union and the Council played a leading role in this.
He constatado con sorpresa que la mayoría no tuvieron continuidad alguna.
I was surprised to discover that most fall by the wayside.
Alemania, Francia, Italia y Portugal tuvieron unos déficits relativamente elevados.
Germany, France, Italy and Portugal again recorded relatively high deficits.
Tan sólo ocho de los 49 casos tuvieron resultados no condenatorios.
Only eight out of 49 cases did not lead to a conviction.
Mientras estaban esquiando tuvieron un accidente: cayeron por un barranco.
Whilst they were out skiing they had an accident: they fell down a deep ravine.
Todas las enmiendas presentadas para el Pleno tuvieron que examinarse.
All the amendments tabled for the plenary had to be examined.
Estos tuvieron su propio pilar en la estrategia anterior.
They had a pillar of their own in the previous strategy.
A ellos les respondería que los aliados tuvieron derecho a ocupar Alemania.
To them I would reply that the Allies had the right to occupy Germany.
En su lugar, tuvieron que competir en otros aspectos.
They had to compete in other areas instead.
Las cuestiones tuvieron un buen comienzo con Barroso.
Matters got off to a good start with Barroso.
Todos ellos tuvieron un origen aviar y todos ellos mutaron.
All of them originated amongst birds and all of them mutated.
Muchas empresas tradicionales, pero ineficientes, tuvieron que cerrar.
Many traditional but inefficient companies had to close.
Sin embargo, estas ampliaciones tuvieron que planearse bien.
However, these enlargements had to be well planned.
Tuvieron a la abrumadora mayoría de esta Cámara respaldándoles.
They had the overwhelming majority of this House behind them.
Sin embargo, no tuvieron que confiar sólo en la suerte.
They did not, however, have to rely on luck alone.
Los debates no fueron fáciles pero al final tuvieron éxito.
The discussions were not easy but they proved successful in the end.
Estos hechos no tuvieron lugar en un pasado remoto y oscuro.
The events we are talking about did not take place in some dark, distant past.
A pesar de las críticas, también tuvieron éxito en otras áreas.
Despite the criticism, you were also successful in other areas.
Condenamos los ataques terroristas que tuvieron lugar de forma sincronizada.
We condemn the terrorist attacks that took place at the same time.
Estos hechos tuvieron lugar el año pasado antes de Navidad.
That happened last year before Christmas.
Las últimas elecciones tuvieron lugar en un clima de miedo.
The last elections took place in a climate of fear.
No tuvieron libertad de movimientos para acudir al comité electoral local.
They did not have the freedom of movement to go to the local committee.
Así, en diciembre de 1995 tuvieron lugar elecciones legislativas.
For example, parliamentary elections took place in December 1995.
Veo que 40 diputados tuvieron que corregir ayer sus votos.
I notice that 40 Members had to correct their votes yesterday.
En algunos Estados, tales fuerzas económicas tuvieron un éxito completo.
There are some countries where these elements have actually achieved their goal.
por escrito. - (RO) Tras las elecciones que tuvieron lugar el 6 de abril de 2009 en la República de Moldova tuvieron lugar una serie de manifestaciones.
The elections which took place on 6 April 2009 in the Republic of Moldova were followed by demonstrations.
Soy consciente de que en todos los estudios emprendidos se tuvieron dificultades para recopilar datos suficientes.
I am aware that all the studies launched experienced difficulty in collecting adequate data.
Los visitantes tuvieron que juntar sus francos para pagar la horrenda multa de 5000 francos.
The visitors had to pool their French francs together to pay the horrendous FRF 5 000 fine.
Algunas de ellas tuvieron que abandonar Kosovo, otras se han visto obligadas a permanecer en silencio.
Some of them have had to leave Kosovo and others have been forced to remain silent.
Pero para ello muchos refugiados tuvieron que perder la vida como víctimas de estas redes.
But before that, a great many refugees had to die as victims of these criminal networks trading in human beings.
Los pasos iniciados en Lisboa y anunciados en Niza no tuvieron continuidad en Estocolmo.
What was begun in Lisbon and announced in Nice was not continued in Stockholm.
Macedonia contó con una ayuda humanitaria simbólica, y sus empresas privadas no tuvieron oportunidades reales.
Macedonia was fobbed off with humanitarian aid and was not really given any opportunities for its own industry.
Le propongo que se informe de las discusiones que tuvieron lugar en esa conferencia.
I suggest that you look at the discussions which took place during this conference.
Usted conoce la importancia que los submarinos tuvieron para la Comisión anterior y lo que sucedió.
You will be well aware of what significance submarines had for the previous Commission and what the consequences were.
Los que, con usted, señora Presidenta, tuvieron la inteligencia de escuchar a Massoud, tendrán motivos para alegrarse.
The Members of this Chamber who had the intelligence to listen to Massoud will certainly rejoice.
Varios colegas me han hecho saber que tuvieron síntomas parecidos, aunque no tan severos.
A number of other colleagues have told me that they had had similar, though not such severe, symptoms.
Tanto los residentes como los visitantes tuvieron siempre un gran respecto por el río Elba.
Both residents and visitors always had a healthy respect for the Elbe.
Tuvieron la generosidad de hablar con el Presidente del Parlamento Europeo por vídeoconferencia ayer.
They were kind enough to speak with the President of the European Parliament yesterday by videoconference.
Se calcula que, de estos implantes, 20 000 tuvieron fugas o se rompieron durante este período.
It is estimated that 20 000 of those implants have either leaked or ruptured during that period.
También otros países candidatos tuvieron que poner remedio a todos estos problemas.
Other candidates had leeway to make up here too.
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