Spanish Sentences using trajeron
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The They brought their skis at the beginning of the season.
I'm going to show you everything my aunt and uncle brought from Europe.
We brought the child these toys. What did you bring him?
Spaniards brought the microbe, which ended up being the most crucial weapon.
They brought the guilty person, and he told the truth.
¿Qué fue de tanta invención como trajeron?
The deeds of love and high emprise, In battle done?'
Este es el mensaje que los georgianos trajeron a esta región.
This is the message that we Georgians brought to this region.
Hace veintiún años, fueron esas causas las que me trajeron a Europa, durante mi primera Administración como Presidente de Costa Rica.
These were the causes that brought me to Europe 21 years ago, during my first administration as President of Costa Rica.
Todos hemos sido testigos del escándalo del caso Rybkin, un candidato al que secuestraron, llevaron a otro país, donde lo drogaron y luego lo trajeron de vuelta.
We all witnessed the scandal of the Rybkin affair, a candidate who was kidnapped, abducted to a foreign country, drugged and sent back.
El horror de este asesinato llegó a esta Cámara cuando las hermanas McCartney trajeron y plantearon aquí su caso en busca de justicia.
Abhorrence at that murder reached this House when the McCartney sisters brought here and put their case for justice in respect of that.
Los jóvenes militares Nasser y Naguib, al derribar el funesto régimen del rey Faruk hace más de 50 años, trajeron consigo esperanzas de cambio y de progreso.
The young military men Nasser and Naguib, who overthrew the poorly performing regime of King Farouk over 50 years ago, brought hope for change and progress.
Cuando llegamos al aeropuerto visitamos un centro de detención en el que se encontraba una persona de un país tercero, lo trajeron y hablamos con él.
When we arrived at the airport, we visited the detention centre, which was holding a third-country national; he was brought before us and we spoke to him.
Cuando se unieron a la Unión Europea, algunos Estados miembros trajeron consigo la carga de las centrales nucleares que les habían sido impuestas en contra de su voluntad.
When they joined the European Union, certain Member States brought with them the burden of nuclear power plants that had been imposed on them against their will.
Gracias a dios no me hicieron caso, sino que trajeron la cultura y esto ha repercutido a largo plazo más positivamente que cualquier otra cosa que se pudiese haber hecho.
Thank goodness no one listened to me and they brought culture into the building, which was the best thing they could have done in the long run.
Estas cifras son el eco del éxodo de dimensiones bíblicas que tuvo lugar en la década de los noventa, cuando barcos no aptos para la navegación trajeron hordas de personas desde Albania hasta la costa del Adriático.
These figures echo the exodus that took place on a biblical scale in the 1990s, when unseaworthy boats brought hordes of dispossessed people from Albania to the Adriatic coast.
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