Spanish Sentences using cerrar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The When you close the book, just in case, pay attention to where you place it.
When you close the book, pay attention to where you place it, just in case.
Just in case, when you close the book, pay attention to where you place it.
If you don't close your eyes, I won't give you your surprise.
I don't understand, why aren't the neighbors closing the windows?
They would have closed early, but they had many customers.
No cierres la fábrica todavía.
Don't close the factory yet.
¿A qué hora abren / cierran los bancos?
What time do the banks open / close?
¡Cállate! / ¡Cierra la boca!
Hold your tongue! / Shut up!
Insistimos que cierren la autoescuela los domingos.
We insist that they close the driving school on Sundays.
¡No te cierres a las posibilidades de ese trabajo!
Don’t close yourself to the possibility of that job!
Doña Isabel nos ha sugerido que cerremos la puerta con llave.
Doña Isabel has suggested that we lock the door.
¿Qué presión tendriamos dentro del recipiente cerrado?
What pressure would we have inside the closed container?
El supermercado cierra a las nueve.
The supermarket closes at 9.
Tenga usted la bondad de cerrar la puerta.
Please close the door.
¿A qué hora cierran la puerta de entrada?
What time does the hotel close in the evenings?
Ellos corren a cerrar las ventanas.
They run to close the windows.
Cerrar el grifo
to turn the tap off
¿A qué hora cerraran la tintorería de la esquina?
What time do you suppose the dry cleaner's on the corner closes?
La han de cerrar como a las siete.
They must close about seven o'clock.
¿A qué hora cierra la pista de hielo?
When does the ice rink close?
Él cierra el cuarto, enciende las luces, se sienta y comienza a estudiar.
He closes the room, turns on the lights, sits down, and starts studying.
Si cierras tu mente a los errores dejarás fuera las soluciones.
If you close your mind to your mistakes, you'll leave solutions out.
El hombre cierra la puerta.
The man closes the door.
¿Crees que debemos cerrar el gimnasio?
Do you think we should close the gym?
Los puertos cierran por mal clima.
The ports close due to bad weather.
Cierren ustedes el libro, por favor.
Close your books, please.
Le recomiendo que visite la planta nuclear antes de que la cierren.
I recommend that you visit the nuclear plant before they close it.
¿A qué hora abren / cierran los bancos?
What time do the banks open / close?
Él cierra la puerta también.
He closes the door too.
Ellos cierran sólo el garaje.
They only close the garage.
¿A qué hora cierra el banco?
What time does the bank close?
Cerrarán el teatro durante el invierno.
They will close the theater during the winter.
Cierren la puerta cuando salgan.
Close the door when you leave.
Alquila el video antes de que cierren la tienda.
Rent the video before they close the shop.
Cierra el libro.
Close the book.
¡Cierren la puerta!
Shut the door, please!
¿Debemos cerrar las fronteras?
Should we close the borders?
No podemos cerrar los ojos.
We must not turn a blind eye.
Voy a cerrar el debate.
I am going to close the debate.
No se pueden cerrar las puertas.
The doors cannot be closed.
Igualmente podríamos cerrar si fracasamos.
We may as well just close down if we fail.
Ahora no podemos cerrar los ojos.
We cannot close our eyes this time.
Entonces, hay que cerrar Chernóbil.
So, Chernobyl must be shut down. But they have to produce electricity somehow, until they can use less.
Deberíamos cerrar las lagunas institucionales.
There we should fill in the institutional gaps.
Ahora debemos cerrar realmente este capítulo.
We should really close this chapter once and for all.
No debemos cerrar las puertas al futuro.
We should not close the doors on the future.
¿Debería, además, el Gobierno cerrar los ojos?
Traditionally, Berbers have cultivated their own culture and identity and have maintained a substantial measure of independence in Kabylie.
Cerrar los ojos, ignorar el mal.
It closes its eyes and ignores the evil.
Tenemos que cerrar el camino a la ruina.
We must bar the road to ruin!
Me gustaría cerrar esta intervención repitiendo nuestra aspiración.
I should like to close by repeating our aspiration.
Estamos a un paso de cerrar este asunto.
We are one step away from bringing this to a close.
Pero hay una propuesta de cerrar Bridgwater.
But we have a proposal to close Bridgwater.
Tengo que cerrar este larguísimo debate.
I must close this very long debate.
Ante este panorama no debemos cerrar los ojos.
We must not close our eyes to that.
Frente al dúmping tenemos que cerrar filas.
Where dumping is going on, we must close ranks.
Señor Presidente, no podemos cerrar los ojos.
Mr President, we cannot shut our eyes to this.
Otras muchas corren peligro de cerrar.
Many others are at risk of closing.
Fábrica de tabaco que acaba de cerrar.
This factory has just closed down.
Es preciso cerrar un grifo permanentemente abierto.
We must turn off the tap and stop the continuous supply.
No podemos cerrar los ojos a la realidad.
We cannot afford to be blind to reality.
Se trataba de cerrar un expediente.
It was a matter of closing the dossier.
No debemos cerrar los ojos ante esto.
We must have no delusions in this respect.
Señorías, hay que cerrar este debate.
Members of this House, this debate must be closed.
Sin embargo, no podemos cerrar las cuentas.
However, we cannot close the accounts.
Si no es seguro, se debería cerrar inmediatamente.
If it is unsafe it should be closed down immediately.
Cerrar Sangatte sin cerrar las fronteras es evidentemente incoherente, absurdo e ineficaz.
Closing Sangatte without closing borders is obviously inconsistent, absurd and ineffective.
Sin embargo, no podemos simplemente cerrar las puertas ni cerrar los ojos ante esta tragedia humana.
But we cannot simply close our doors, or shut our eyes to this human tragedy.
Pero eso no es motivo para cerrar la planta.
But that is no reason why the plant should be closed.
No podemos cerrar los ojos ante esta segunda revolución cultural.
We cannot close our eyes to this second cultural revolution.
¿Cuándo consiguieron cerrar y mantener la paz los partidos?
Where have they managed to secure peace, and maintain it too?
Hubo muy poco tiempo para cerrar bien todas las negociaciones.
The time was too short to bring all negotiations to a good end.
Queremos integrar a todos y no cerrar las puertas a nadie.
We want to integrate, not leave part of the world standing on the doorstep.
Me gustaría cerrar la cuestión del Estatuto del Diputado.
I would like to bring closure to the Members' Statute.
Para cerrar este debate, he recibido cinco propuestas de resolución
To close this debate, I have received five motions for resolutions
Yo le garantizo, señora, que esa fábrica no se va a cerrar.
I assure you, Mrs Rodríguez , that this factory is not going to close.
Para cerrar este debate, he recibido cinco propuestas de resolución
As we conclude this debate I should like to say that, pursuant to Rule 37(2) of the Rules of Procedure, I have received five motions for resolutions
Considero positivo el hecho de cerrar por fin este expediente.
It is good that we can now finally wrap up this dossier.
No podemos cerrar los ojos y negar algo que ya existe.
We cannot bury our heads in the sand and deny the fact that this is already happening.
Si no hay indicios de negligencia, se deben cerrar las cuentas.
If malpractice is not indicated, the accounts must be closed.
Cerrar el mercado completamente no es una opción viable.
Closing our market completely is not a viable option.
Para cerrar el debate, he recibido seis propuestas de resolución
To wind up the debate, I have received six motions for a resolution
He recibido una propuesta de resolución para cerrar el debate.(1)
I have received one motion for resolution to wind up the debate.(1)
No podemos cerrar los ojos a esto, pero no seamos derrotistas.
We cannot close our eyes to this, but let us not be defeatist.
Las instituciones europeas no pueden cerrar los ojos a esta cifra espeluznante.
The European Institutions cannot turn a blind eye to this shocking figure.
No podemos cerrar los ojos a lo que ocurre en ese país.
We cannot turn a blind eye to the events in Iraq.
Podría llegar a cerrar bocas que deberían estar abiertas.
It could close mouths when they should be open.
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