Spanish Sentences using reconocer
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The They didn't recognize you because you changed your hairstyle.
He didn't recognize me because I changed my hairstyle.
The chin has long been recognized as unique to Homo sapiens.
With the time, he became so famous that people would recognize him in the streets.
You have to recognize that Argentinian beef is reputable.
Ella no me reconoció.
She didn't recognize me.
No la reconocí.
I didn't recognize her.
No te reconocí.
I didn't recognize you.
El no la reconoció.
He didn't recognize her.
Casi no la reconocí con ese peinado.
I almost didn't recognize her with that hairstyle.
Siempre he admirado a la gente que reconoce sus errores.
I have always admired people who admit their mistakes.
Han reconocido al nuevo gobierno.
They've recognized the new government.
Debemos reconocer ...
We need to acknowledge ...
Debemos reconocer a las víctimas.
We have to recognise the victims.
También quiero reconocer eso.
I want to acknowledge that as well.
Creo que debemos reconocer...
I think that we should acknowledge that...
Debemos reconocer este maravilloso logro.
We must recognise this wonderful achievement.
Gracias por reconocer ese hecho.
Thank you for recognising that.
Eso lo tenemos que reconocer.
We have to recognize this fact.
La Comisión ha sabido reconocer esta interrelación.
The Commission has recognised this interrelatedness.
Eso significa, simplemente, reconocer su inferioridad.
That simply amounts to acknowledging their inferiority.
¿No estaría dispuesto a reconocer conmigo que es así?
Would he not agree with me that this is the case?
¡Debe reconocer que es una exageración!
You must admit that this is going too far.
Tengo que reconocer que esto es complicado.
I have to admit that I think this is quite difficult.
Creo que es de justicia reconocer esto.
I think it is right to acknowledge this.
No debemos reconocer estas elecciones como válidas.
In no way can we recognise these elections as fair.
Hemos de reconocer las limitaciones jurídicas.
We have to recognise the legal constraints.
Pero esto no equivale a reconocer dos Estados chipriotas.
But this is not tantamount to recognising two Cypriot states.
Malta ha sabido reconocer esta oportunidad.
Malta has recognised this opportunity.
Tenemos que reconocer que existe una disparidad.
It is essential to recognise this disparity.
Les engrandecerá reconocer estos problemas, no les empequeñecerá.
Acknowledging these problems will make you greater, not smaller.
Turquía tiene que reconocer el genocidio armenio.
Turkey must acknowledge the Armenian genocide.
Tenemos que reconocer los casos difíciles.
We have to recognise the difficult cases.
También debemos reconocer los avances y alentarlos.
We must also recognise and encourage progress where it is made.
Tengo que reconocer que fui un iluso.
I admit that I was a dreamer.
No nos avergüenza reconocer que necesitamos ayuda.
There is no shame in admitting the need for help.
Tenemos que reconocer que es así.
We must acknowledge that this is the case.
Debemos reconocer que esto tendrá dos consecuencias.
We must recognise that this will have two consequences.
Quisiera reconocer que no me sorprende en absoluto.
I would like to say that this is not at all a surprise to me.
Además, debemos reconocer cuando Rusia tiene razón.
We must also acknowledge where Russia is in the right.
Sin embargo, debemos reconocer que cada...
However, we must recognise that each European Union ...
El propio Gobierno no quiere reconocer la situación.
The government itself does not want to admit the situation.
No obstante, deberíamos reconocer que se ha ahorrado.
However, we should recognise that savings have been made.
¿Cómo van a reconocer el régimen de Kabila?
How are they going to recognize the Kabila regime?
También es preciso reconocer explícitamente este hecho.
That too must be explicitly recognised.
Es preciso reconocer que no ha sido sencillo.
It has certainly not been easy.
Se tiene que reconocer la identidad kurda.
Kurdish identity must be recognised!
Hemos sido timoratos en reconocer nuestras raíces cristianas, hemos sido tímidos en reconocer lo obvio.
We have been timid in terms of acknowledging our Christian roots, we have been timid in recognising the obvious.
En mi intervención, quisiera ayudarle a reconocer estas contradicciones internas.
I would like to take this opportunity to help you recognise them.
Debemos reconocer que el agua es una responsabilidad común.
We need to recognise that water is a joint liability.
La región debe reconocer que Macedonia existe y continuará existiendo.
The region should recognise that Macedonia exists and that it will continue to exist.
Una política así exigiría reconocer toda su importancia a la familia.
That kind of policy would mean giving the family its due place.
Hay que reconocer que el informe contiene muchas buenas ideas.
The report does contain many good ideas.
Estoy dispuesto a reconocer que algunos de estos aditivos son inofensivos.
I am prepared to accept that some of these are harmless.
Es necesario reconocer que el 98% se ha ejecutado correctamente.
It is necessary to acknowledge that 98% was properly spent.
¿Para qué sirve reconocer derechos si no son justiciables?
What is the point in recognising rights if no legal recourse is possible?
Se niega a reconocer que no es más que una criatura.
He refuses to acknowledge that he is only a creature.
También se debe reconocer el objetivo político y jurídico perseguido.
Furthermore, the legal objective of the initiative is now quite clear.
Debe reconocer que la Comisión no ha logrado cambiar ese elemento.
You have to admit that the Commission has not been able to change this aspect.
Dicho hincapié viene a reconocer algo que ya es evidente.
That emphasis recognises what is already clear.
Pero hay que reconocer que no hemos alcanzado aún este objetivo.
But we have to recognise that we have not yet achieved this aim.
No obstante, también es preciso reconocer que éste no ha sido completo.
However, we have not been entirely successful.
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