Spanish Sentences using quisiera
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Good morning, I would like a kilo of apples as yellow as possible and another kilo of these red ones.
Good morning, I would like two tickets to visit the museum.
Doña Soledad looked at us as though she wanted to tell us something.
I would like to thank you for this opportunity to express my opinion.
I would like a medium-sized orange Fanta and for my friend a big Coke.
Buenos días, quisiera hacer una reserva: la entrada sería el día 6 de marzo y la salida el día 9, por tanto serían 3 noches

Hello, I would like to make a reservation: the first day would be March, 6th and the last one the 9th, so it would be three nights.
I wouldn't want to leave the zoo without visiting the panda bears.
Good morning, I would like some information to visit the city.
I would like to have some information about package tours in the north of Spain.
I wanted my lawyer to review the contract first.
Good morning, I would like to make a deposit of 500 euros.
Good morning, I would like to discuss the possibility of obtaining a mortgage.
Would you want to open a housing savings account with tax benefits?
I would like to change some traveler’s checks, please.
I would like to cash some traveler’s checks, please.
I would like a car with air conditioner and electric windows
Good morning, I would like to know about the photography courses given in this school.
Good morning, I would like an open return ticket to Cáceres.
I would like to make a reservation from the 15th to the 18th of March.
Quisiera / Me gustaría tomar una tortilla.
I'll have an omelette.
Por favor, quisiera hacer una cita con el doctor Lozano.
Please, I would like to make an appointment with doctor Lozano.
Quisiera leer los anuncios clasificados.
I would like to read the classified ads.
Quisiera detener el tiempo.
I wish I could hold back time.
Yo quisiera volar de México a España.
I would like to fly from Mexico to Spain.
Suéltalo ya, que yo también quisiera cantar.
Let go of it already, I'd also like to sing.
Quisiera una habitación individual con ducha.
I would like a single room with a shower.
Quisiera poder adivinarte el pensamiento.
I wish I could read your mind.
¿Quisiera dejar algún número al que él le pueda devolver la llamada?
Would you like to leave a number he can call you back at?
Quisiera una cerveza pequeña / grande.
I would like a small beer / large beer.
Quisiera carne de cerdo, por favor.
I would like some pork, please!
Quisiera una mesa al lado de la ventana.
I would like a table near to the window.
Quisiera tomar carne asada con patatas / papas.
I would like some roast meat with potatoes.
Quisiera un cuarto sencillo.
I'd like a single room.
Quisiera una habitación individual con ducha.
I would like a single room with a shower.
Yo quisiera que ustedes compraran esa casa.
I wish you (pl) would buy that house.
Quisiera una cerveza pequeña/ grande.
I would like a small beer / large beer.
Quisiera comprar un arreglo floral.
I would like to buy a flower arrangement.
Quisiera enviar este paquete.
I'd like to send this package.
Quisiera hacer mil cosas que tengo pendientes.
I would like to do a thousand outstanding matters.
Quisiera hacerme la cirugía de los ojos.
I would like to have surgery on my eyes.
Quisiera instalar Internet en casa.
I would like to install internet at home.
Quisiera que adelantaras más en tus investigaciones.
I wish you would make more progress in your research.
Quisiera tomar un vino seco.
I would like to drink a dry wine.
Si, buenos días, quisiera hacer una cita para ver al doctor.
Yes, goodmorning, I would like to make an appointment to see the doctor.
Quisiera que parara de llover.
I wish it would stop raining.
¿Qué tipo de transmisión quisiera?
What kind of transmission would you like?
¿Quisiera suicidarse?
Do you want to commit suicide?
Quiero empezar con / Quisiera comenzar con entremeses variados.
I would like to start with a mixed appetizer.
Quisiera tocar la trompeta como Miles Davis.
I wish I could play the trumpet like Miles Davis.
Quisiera comprar ...
I would like to buy ...
Ana quisiera visitarla a menudo.
Ann would like to visit her often.
Quisiera sellos para dos postales.
I'd like stamps for two postcards.
¿Qué quisiera usted saber acerca del día de su niño?
What would you like to know about your child's day?
Sí, quisiera ver las pinturas. Son muy famosas.
Yes, I would like to see the paintings. They are very famous.
Quisiera señalarlo.
I wanted to point this out.
Quisiera verlas.
I would like to see them.
Quisiera felicitarles.
I would like to congratulate you.
Quisiera agradecérselo.
I would like to thank her for it.
Quisiera felicitarlos.
I want to congratulate them on that.
Quisiera tranquilizarlos.
I would like to reassure them.
No quisiera que hubiese ambigüedad.
I just want to ensure that there is no ambiguity.
Quisiera abogar por ello.
I would like to advocate this.
Quisiera pedirle una precisión.
Might I ask you to clarify one point?
Quisiera señalar dos puntos.
I want to stress two points.
Quisiera aclarar algunos puntos.
I would like to clarify a few points.
Quisiera llamar a la precaución.
I want to sound a note of caution.
Quisiera plantear cuatro preguntas.
I would like to ask him four questions.
Quisiera que se corrigiese.
I would like to amend it.
Quisiera mencionar dos.
I would like to mention two.
Quisiera destacar dos puntos.
I would like to make two points.
No quisiera ser malinterpretado.
I do not wish to be misunderstood.
Quisiera puntualizar una cosa.
I would like to make something clear.
Quisiera referirme a cuatro puntos.
I should like to pick up on four points.
No quisiera entrar en detalles.
I do not want to go into the details.
Quisiera mencionar tres.
I should like to list three.
Quisiera mencionar otra cuestión.
I would like to mention another point.
Quisiera hacer otra observación.
I should like to make one other point.
Quisiera formular tres observaciones.
I should like to make three observations.
Quisiera plantear lo siguiente.
I wanted to raise the following matter.
Quisiera comentarlos brevemente.
I should like to briefly comment on these four points.
Quisiera que quedara claro.
I should just like to clarify this.
Quisiera alentarle a seguir adelante.
I would like to encourage him further.
Quisiera hacer dos observaciones.
I should like to make two points.
Quisiera agradecerle su comprensión.
I would like to thank him for his understanding.
Yo quisiera preguntarle cuáles.
I would like to ask you what they are.
Quisiera explicar por qué.
I would like to explain why.
Quisiera referirme a un aspecto.
I would like to highlight one aspect in particular.
Quisiera formular tres preguntas:
I wish to put three questions:
Quisiera subrayar tres puntos.
I should like to make three points.
Quisiera formular dos observaciones.
I should like to make two points.
Quisiera plantearle dos preguntas.
I should like to put two questions to you.
Quisiera destacar tres cuestiones.
I should like to underline three points.
Quisiera hacer tres comentarios.
I have three points to make.
Quisiera plantear tres cuestiones.
I would like to raise three issues.
Quisiera invitarles a venir a Bélgica.
I should like to invite them to Belgium.
Quisiera darles las gracias.
I would like to thank them for that.
Quisiera mencionar las principales.
I would like to mention the main ones.
Quisiera decir varias cosas.
I should like to call for a number of things.
Quisiera formular dos preguntas.
I would like to ask two questions.
Quisiera hacer tres observaciones.
I should like to make three observations.
Quisiera hacer tres observaciones.
I would like to make three points.
Quisiera hacerles una pregunta.
I should like to ask you a question.
Quisiera resaltar dos cuestiones.
I would like to highlight two issues.
Quisiera añadir una advertencia.
I would add one word of caution.
This page is powered by the Spanish Sentences Builder
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