Spanish Sentences using queremos
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The We want to solve the problem as much as you do.
We want to see Susana at her house. We want to see her at her house.
We always use "tú" because we like her a lot, but she always uses "usted." when she speaks to us.
Juan and I want to tell the truth to Pedro. Juan and I want to tell it to him.
Juan and I want to tell the truth to Pedro. Juan and I want to tell it to him.
Also, we want to thank them for the invitation to their party.
We want you to go to the game with us tomorrow.
As long as he is not here we can do whatever we want.
We want to fix the problem just as much as you do.
We want to see Susana in the cafetería. We want to see her in the cafetería.
Nosotros queremos que los muchachos nos ayuden a limpiar la casa.
We want the boys to help us clean the house.
Nosotros queremos ir al museo hoy.
We want to go to the museum today.
Nosotros queremos que los muchachos nos lo den.
We want the boys to give it to us.
Nosotros queremos que las muchachas nos ayuden a lavar la ropa.
We want the girls to help us wash the clothes.
Nosotros queremos que tú vayas a la playa con nosotros la semana que viene.
We want you to go to the beach with us next week.
Nosotros queremos que los muchachos vayan a la playa con nosotros la semana que viene.
We want the boys to go to the beach with us next week.
Yo espero que haga sol mañana porque nosotros queremos ir a la playa.
I hope that it's sunny tomorrow because we want to go to the beach.
Nosotros queremos que los muchachos nos ayuden a llevar las maletas.
We want the boys to help us carry the suitcases.
Señor, nosotros queremos bajar en la Plaza San Martín.
Sir, we want to get off at Plaza San Martin.
Señor, nosotros queremos bajar en esta esquina.
Sir, we want to get off on this corner.
Queremos pasar la Navidad en casa.
We want to stay home for Christmas.
Queremos que tú pases la Navidad con nosotros.
We'd like you to spend Christmas with us.
Nosotros queremos que nos des el dinero.
We want you to give us the money.
Nosotros queremos que nos lo des mañana.
We want you to give it to us tomorrow.
Muchachos, nosotros queremos que ustedes vayan al cine con nosotros esta tarde.
Boys, we want you all to go to the movies with us this afternoon.
Nosotros queremos que los muchachos nos ayuden a hacer el trabajo.
We want the boys to help us do the work.
Nosotros queremos estudiar cuando María traiga los libros.
We want to study when Mary brings the books.
Queremos ir a un partido de fútbol.
We would like to go to a football match.
Queremos también hablar de las invitaciones.
We would also like to talk about the invitations.
Queremos comer comida típica.
We want to eat traditional local food.
Nosotros queremos hacer diferentes cosas en clase.
We want to do different things in class.
Nosotros queremos que Juan nos los entregue.
We want John to deliver them to us.
Queremos ampliar la cocina.
We want to extend the kitchen.
María, nosotros queremos que tú nos los entregues.
Mary, we want you to deliver them to us.
No queremos tutelarlas, queremos protegerlas.
We do not want to patronise them; we want to protect them.
No queremos diálogo, queremos negociaciones.
We do not want dialogue, we want negotiations.
Queremos mejorarlo.
We want to improve it.
No queremos fallarles.
We do not want to let them down.
No queremos precipitarnos.
We do not want to jump the gun.
Queremos innovar.
We want to create innovation.
No queremos eso.
We do not want that.
Queremos resultados.
We want to see results.
No queremos eso.
We do not want that.
Queremos ayudarles.
We want to help them.
No queremos caridad.
We do not want charity.
Queremos participar.
We want to be involved in this.
¿Queremos hacerlo?
Do we want to do this?
¡No la queremos!
We want nothing to do with it.
No queremos ocultarlo.
This is a fact which we should not conceal.
¿No queremos internacionalizar?
Do we want to take action at international level?
Queremos simplificación, pero no queremos desreglamentación.
We want simplification but we do not want deregulation.
No queremos palabras, sino queremos hechos.
We want actions, not words.
¿Queremos o no queremos una mayor integración?
Do we want more integration or not?
¿Queremos o ya no queremos una Europa política?
Do we or do we not want a more political Europe?
Queremos medidas y las queremos ya.
We want action and we want it now.
Queremos su éxito y queremos celebrarlo juntos.
We want you to be successful and we want to celebrate your success together.
No queremos duplicar el trabajo: queremos ser prácticos.
We do not want to duplicate work: we want to be practical.
Queremos jóvenes porque queremos un campo vivo.
We want young people because we want a living countryside.
Me respondió: "No queremos estar aislados, no queremos estar solos.
He replied: 'We do not want to be isolated, we do not want to be on our own.
No queremos este superestado, no queremos un federalismo impuesto.
We do not want this super-state; we do not want this imposed federalism.
Pero nosotros no queremos justicia, queremos igualdad.
But we do not want fairness, we want equality.
¡Queremos respuestas y las queremos ya!
We want answers to these questions now!
Queremos los beneficios y los queremos ya.
We want the benefits and we want them now.
Queremos tener control y queremos poder decir no.
We want to have control and we want to be able to say no.
Queremos esa modificación. Queremos participar en ella.
We want this change and we want to be involved in bringing it about.
Todos queremos contribuir a ello.
This is something to which we all want to contribute.
Lo creemos. Queremos creerlo.
We really hope and believe so.
Queremos una Europa variopinta.
We want a colourful Europe.
No queremos perder tiempo.
We do not want to lose time.
¿Queremos una comisión no permanente?
Do we want a committee of inquiry?
¿Por qué la queremos?
Why do we want that?
Queremos tenerla mañana.
We should like to have it in tomorrow' s.
Queremos reivindicar tres cosas.
We would like to make three points.
No queremos participar en ello.
We do not wish to be part of that.
No queremos eso, señor Presidente.
We do not want this.
No queremos ser manipulados.
We will not be manipulated.
Queremos rastreabilidad, queremos seguimiento, queremos esta propuesta y la queremos ya.
We want traceability, we want surveillance, we want this proposal and we want it quickly.
Queremos ver resultados.
We want to see results.
Queremos codirigir el mundo.
We want to play a leading role in the world.
La queremos como usted.
We support this as much as you do.
Queremos respuestas más creíbles.
We want more credible answers.
Queremos un reconocimiento recíproco.
We wish to see mutual recognition.
Ahora queremos ver mejoras.
We now wish to see an improvement.
¿A quién queremos que paguen?
Whom do we want them to pay?
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