Spanish Sentences using comprender
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I have to talk to the teacher, since Miguel doesn't understanding Mathematics yet.
The boys will understand the lesson if the teacher explains it again.
The boys would understand the lesson if the teacher explained it again.
The boys would have understood the lesson if the teacher had explained it again.
Mr. García didn't understand what the lawyer said.
The gentlemen didn't understand what the lawyer said.
If you all had attended the concert, you would understand.
As if they had spoken something that they had not been able to understand.
I was just understanding calculus when the bell rang.
He realizes that he has understood all the lessons.
I was asking him to try to directly understand the Spanish text.
The teacher will explain the lesson if the students don't understand.
The teacher would have explained the lesson if the students hadn't understood.
Los muchachos no comprenden la lección.
The boys don't understand the lesson.
Los muchachos no comprendieron la lección.
The boys didn't understand the lesson.
No he comprendido esta palabra
I didn't understand the word
Profesor, ya he comprendido lo que me quería decir.
Professor, I have understood what you told me.
Comprender mal.
To misunderstand
No comprendo cómo puedes dormir tanto.
I don't understand how you can sleep so long.
I see!
El no puede comprender.
He is not able to understand.
No comprendo que es lo que está pasando.
I don't understand what is going on.
Ella no comprende que es lo que está pasando.
She doesn't understand what is going on.
El profesor explicaría la lección si los alumnos no comprendieran.
The teacher would explain the lesson if the students didn't understand.
No comprendo lo que dice.
I do not understand what he says.
Si vivierais en mi pueblo comprenderíais lo que digo.
If you guys were to live in my town then you would understand what I say.
Comprender por qué votaron "no".
It is understanding why they voted 'no'.
Es fácil de comprender.
And it is easy to see why.
Resulta sumamente difícil de comprender.
This is amazingly difficult to understand.
Simplemente desearía comprender qué sucede.
I would just like to understand something.
Todos tenemos que comprender eso.
We must all realise that.
¿Pueden comprender esta reacción desproporcionada?
Can you understand this disproportionate reaction?
Es fácil comprender por qué.
It is easy to understand why.
Puedo comprender su situación perfectamente.
I can understand their position perfectly well.
Creo que lo puede comprender.
But you can imagine what they would be.
He creído comprender que era ésa la cuestión.
I thought that was the case.
La información debe ser fácil de comprender.
The information must be easily intelligible to all.
La verdad, es algo que no puedo comprender.
To be honest, I cannot understand it.
Es un razonamiento que puedo comprender.
I can see the logic of that.
Aunque no llego a comprender esa estrategia, me he resignado.
Although I have been unable to see the point of this strategy to date, I have reconciled myself to it.
Lo primero que debemos hacer es comprender.
The first thing we must do is understand.
Señor Presidente, no logro comprender a mis colegas austriacos.
Mr President, I cannot understand my Austrian colleagues.
Debemos esforzarnos por comprender lo incomprensible.
We must endeavour to comprehend the incomprehensible.
Tenemos que comprender lo que vamos a votar.
We need to understand what we are voting on.
No puedo comprender por qué siguen oponiéndose a ello.
I am at a loss to understand why they persist in obstructing this.
No podemos comprender su proceder, señor Comisario Dalli.
We cannot understand your actions, Commissioner Dalli.
Puedo comprender su enfoque en cierto modo.
I can understand your approach a little bit.
Puedo comprender bien los sentimientos que expresa.
I can well understand the sentiments which he expresses.
Esta garantía legal debe comprender dos años.
This statutory guarantee should be for two years.
Este código debería comprender cuatro capítulos.
This code should consist of four sections.
Intentaría comprender... si no comprendiera demasiado bien.
I would try to understand this, if I did not already understand only too well.
¡Lástima que solamente parezca comprender este idioma!
It is a shame that this is the only language you appear to understand.
Y esto se tiene que comprender.
I want you to understand this.
También es tarea suya hacérselo comprender.
It is also your task to get this message across.
Europa resulta a menudo difícil de comprender; debería ser fácil de comprender.
Europe is frequently hard to comprehend. It should become easy to comprehend.
Pero debe comprender que es algo que no podemos dejar pasar.
But you must understand that we cannot let you get away with this.
Quisiera comprender si éste es el significado en su lengua.
I would like to know whether this clause has the same meaning in his language.
La mayoría tiene que disponerse a comprender sin prejuicios la realidad.
The majority must be prepared to understand the reality of the situation without preconceived ideas.
Los ciudadanos no pueden comprender una contradicción de este tipo.
However, it is surely well-nigh impossible to explain away this particular contradiction to the European public.
Los ciudadanos no pueden comprender una contradicción de este tipo.
However, it is surely well-nigh impossible to explain away this particular contradiction to the European public.
Esto también debería comprender el denominado desguace histórico.
This also needs to cover what is referred to as historical waste.
Nuestra imaginación nos basta para comprender lo que ello significaría.
It is not difficult to imagine what that could mean.
Puedo comprender a algunos de ellos que son demócratas verdaderos.
I can understand the views of some of them, because they are true democrats.
Esto debería comprender todas las medicinas clave y esenciales.
This should comprise all essential and key medicines.
En este sentido, yo puedo comprender su intervención.
In that sense, I too can to some extent understand your intervention.
Puedo comprender bien los diferentes deseos del Parlamento.
I can well understand Parliament's various wishes.
Sin embargo, Señor Comisario, hay algo que todavía no llego a comprender.
There is something I really do fail to understand, however, Commissioner.
Por tanto, todos somos capaces de comprender su importancia.
We can all, therefore, understand its importance.
La situación en Basora nos hace comprender su importancia.
We see from the situation in Basra just how important that is.
Lamentablemente, la Convención no parece comprender tampoco la gravedad del problema.
Unfortunately, the Convention does not really seem to be seeing how acute the problem is either.
Más bien quiero comprender por qué existe esta situación.
Instead, I want to understand why this situation exists.
Así es como se puede comprender una visión de Europa.
This is how one vision of Europe can be understood.
Debemos comprender que la ampliación tiene dos fases.
It has to be clear to us that there are two stages to enlargement.
¿Alguien puede explicármelo para que pueda comprender lo que pasa?
Can someone explain it to me so that I can understand what is happening?
Debemos comprender el razonamiento que subyace a este enfoque.
We should understand the reasoning behind this approach.
Esto permitirá a los ciudadanos rusos comprender mejor a la Unión Europea.
This will enable Russian citizens to understand the European Union better.
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