Spanish Sentences using protestar
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The The first women who protested came from Bolivia.
Creíamos que habría más gente protestando enfrente de la planta nuclear.
We thought there would be more people protesting in front of the nuclear plant.
Quiero protestar contra esto.
I should like to protest against this.
Queremos protestar contra esto.
We wish to protest against this.
¡Personalmente quiero protestar contra ello!
I personally wish to protest against this!
Quizá incluso Macdonald se vea obligada a protestar.
Perhaps even Macdonald's might be forced to protest.
(SK) Debo protestar contra el orador anterior.
(SK) I must protest against the previous speaker.
Quiero protestar enérgicamente contra esa práctica.
I want to protest very strongly about this.
Antes, la gente salía a la calle a protestar.
Before that, people took to the streets.
Contra eso tengo que protestar formalmente.
I must raise a formal objection to this.
Señor Presidente, quiero protestar una vez más.
Mr President, let me protest once again.
Señor Presidente, protesté. Quisiera protestar de nuevo.
Mr President, I protested then and I would like to protest again.
Entonces ellos tienen que dialogar y no sólo protestar.
Then the Chinese will have to discuss and not just protest.
La Unión Europea debe protestar con firmeza contra esto.
The EU must protest strongly against this.
Quiero protestar ante usted, señor Presidente, quiero pedir su amparo.
I wish to protest to you, Mr President, and I wish to ask you for your help.
Señor Presidente, quiero protestar por la intervención del Sr. Brok.
Mr President, I wish to protest about Mr Brok's intervention.
Los países de menor renta tienen derecho a protestar por ello.
The countries with the lowest incomes are right to stage a protest against this.
Señor Presidente, quiero protestar por la discriminación contra los católicos.
Mr President, I wanted to protest at discrimination against Catholics.
Por tanto, me ha quitados la palabra; puede usted protestar.
You therefore cut me off; you can protest.
Por tanto no tiene usted ninguna razón para protestar.
You therefore have no reason to protest.
Yo creo que incluso los Comisarios tendrían que empezar a protestar.
I think that even the Commissioners should start protesting.
Y cuando te atreves a protestar, se ríen en tu cara.
And when you dare to protest, they laugh in your face.
No podeos protestar por la escasez de fondos en este ámbito.
We cannot complain of a lack of funds in this area.
Señor Presidente, quisiera protestar por esta forma de trabajar.
Mr President, I should like to protest against the procedure being followed.
Generalmente soy amable con usted, pero tengo que protestar.
I am usually kind to your good self but I have to protest.
Por eso hemos decidido protestar de esta manera.
We have therefore decided to protest in this manner.
Quisiera protestar por ello y me gustaría saber la razón.
I wish to protest at this and would like to ask about the reasoning behind it.
Sobre una cuestión de orden, realmente debo protestar.
On a point of order, I really must protest.
También a mí me han arrestado por protestar en Faslane, pero no me escudé tras ninguna inmunidad.
I have also been arrested for protesting at Faslane. I did not hide behind any immunity.
Señor Presidente, quiero protestar porque me ha cortado el micrófono sin dejarme terminar.
Mr President, I wish to protest at your cutting off the microphone without allowing me to finish.
Ante esta escalada, ¿estamos condenados a protestar para cumplir, y adaptarnos, finalmente, por razones de realismo?
In view of this escalation, are we condemned to pro forma protests before settling for realism?
Como socio importante de Egipto nos corresponde protestar enérgicamente contra estas prácticas.
As an important partner of Egypt' s, we should protest emphatically against these abuses.
Vamos a acudir masivamente a Laeken para protestar por la política aplicada por la Unión Europea.
We will be going to Laeken en masse to protest against the European Union' s policy.
Señor Presidente, quisiera protestar por la forma en que está dirigiendo este debate.
Mr President, I really must protest at the way in which you are directing this debate.
¿Nos gastamos suficiente dinero como para poder protestar si aumenta el presupuesto comunitario?
Is it because we are spending so much money that we object every time the Community budget increases?
Los liberales queremos protestar enérgicamente contra este juicio, por diversas razones.
We Liberals would like to protest strongly against this trial on several grounds.
Me gustaría protestar por el hecho de que la votación se esté efectuando a esta hora.
I should like to protest against the fact that the vote is being held now.
Por nuestra parte, queremos aprovechar esta oportunidad para protestar contra la guerra imperialista contra Iraq.
For our part, we are using this opportunity to protest against the imperialist war against Iraq.
¿Cómo puede protestar el Parlamento Europeo cuando los propios pueblos deciden sobre una cuestión?
How can the European Parliament protest when it is the people who are deciding on a question for themselves?
Si Sharon se niega a recibir a Solana, toda la Unión Europea debería protestar.
If Mr Sharon refuses to welcome Mr Solana, then that is something the entire European Union should be protesting against.
Señor Presidente, quiero protestar por el intolerable ataque de la Presidencia griega a Cuba.
Mr President, I wish to protest about the Greek Presidency's intolerable attack on Cuba.
Aprovecho la ocasión igualmente para protestar contra el encarcelamiento en Francia de José Bové.
I shall also take this opportunity to protest about the imprisonment, in France, of José Bové.
Sin embargo, nos damos cuenta de que no basta con protestar continuamente: preferimos actuar.
However, we realise that just continually protesting will not suffice: we prefer to act.
Como ya he dicho, 20 000 manifestantes salieron a la calle para protestar.
As I stated before, 20 000 demonstrators have taken to the streets in protest.
Pueden protestar todo lo que quieran, pero mantendré la misma posición.
You can argue as much as you like but I shall stick to the same position.
La insolencia de esta afirmación no merece respuesta, pero la ofensa a mi buen nombre me obliga a protestar.
The offensiveness of this claim does not deserve a response, but the slur on my good name that it represents forces me to protest.
Quiero protestar porque había pedido la palabra para hablar de una cuestión my grave.
I should like to protest because I had requested the floor on a very serious issue.
No podemos permitir que se manipulen las elecciones y se violen continuamente los derechos humanos sin protestar.
We must not take the manipulation of elections and the ongoing violation of human rights lying down.
Es algo que no podemos aceptar como diputados al Parlamento Europeo, y debemos protestar.
That is something we as MEPs cannot accept and against which we must protest.
Haremos lo posible para que no tenga usted que protestar en más ocasiones.
We will do everything we can to ensure that you do not have to protest again.
Para terminar, quiero protestar por la hora en que se ha debatido este importante tema.
To close, I should like to protest about the time at which this very important subject was tabled for debate.
Dado que no es la primera vez que esto sucede, quiero protestar enérgicamente por ello.
Given that this is not the first time that such incidents have occurred, I must protest most strongly at this.
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