Spanish Sentences using papas  

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¿Podría traerme papas fritas en vez de ensalada?
Could I have french fries instead of salad?
¿Lo quiere con papas fritas?
Would you like fries with that?
Él sirve las papas.
He serves the potatoes
Él sirve las papas.
He serves the potatoes.
Rafael había comido carne y papas.
Rafael had eaten meat and potatoes.
Yo como papas con mantequilla.
I eat potatoes with butter.
Tú has comido carne y papas.
You have eaten meat and potatoes.
¿Tienen ustedes papas fritas?
Do you have french fries?
Yo quisiera papas fritas con la hamburguesa.
I would like to have french fries with the hamburger.
Ellos sirven papas fritas y hamburguesas.
They serve french fries and hamburgers
Una buena cosecha de patatas / papas
a good crop of potatoes
¿Quiere papas fritas?
Do you want french fries?
Quisiera tomar carne asada con patatas / papas.
I would like some roast meat with potatoes.
Sí, se hace de papas con huevo batido. Es un plato muy rico.
Yes, it is made with potatoes with beaten egg. It's a very delicious dish.
Pelar patatas/ Pelar papas
to peel potatoes
En este momento el Sr. Papas ya se ha ido y ha sido substituido por un nuevo director general.
Now Mr Papas has already gone and has been replaced by a new Director General.
En las enciclopedias se dice también a este respecto que el concepto figura en diversas encíclicas sociales de los Papas.
The dictionary will often also refer to various papal encyclicals for possible uses of the word.

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