Spanish Sentences using nadar
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The I take a swimsuit with me to go swimming and I never wear a bikini.
Every weekend I go to the gym to swim and then to run.
I like swimming in the ocean when there's big waves.
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I go to swim at the school pool.
You guys lied when you went to swim in the river.
You'd never swum in the ocean until you went to Nicaragua, had you?
You'd never swum in the ocean before going to Belize, had you?
Marina and Elena are the ones who went to swim to the pool.
Oscar bought swimming glasses for Pedro. Oscar bought them for him.
Me gusta nadar, sobre todo en una piscina.
I like to swim, especially in a swimming pool.
Juan dice que le gusta nadar.
John says that he likes to swim.
No sé nadar.
I don't know how to swim.
También, observarán ellos los patos nadar en el estanque.
They will also watch the ducks swim on the pond.
Ayer pasé todo el día nadando en la alberca y me quemé con el sol.
I spent the whole day swimming in the pool yesterday and I got burnt.
Nadaba un rato y hacía un poco de ejercicio en el gimnasio.
I used to swim for a while and do a few exercises in the gym.
¿Es seguro nadar aquí?
Is it safe to swim here?
¿Podemos nadar aquí?
Can we swim here?
Nosotros nadamos muy poco el domingo pasado.
We didn't swim very much last Sunday.
Nadar contra corriente
to swim against the current
Le aconsejo que nade más.
I advise you to swim more.
¿Has nadado en agua bien fría?
Have you ever swam in really cold water?
Mientras nadaba, recordaba los viejos tiempos.
While I was swimming, I remembered the good old days.
Nado en la piscina.
I swim at the pool.
Me gusta nadar en la playa.
I like to swim at the beach.
El pulpo nada velozmente.
The squid swims fast.
¿Cuándo me vas a llevar a nadar?
When are you going to take me swimming?
Nosotros vamos a nadar al mar.
We go to swimm in the sea.
Era un lugar estupendo para nadar.
It was a wonderful place to swim in.
Se llegan a embarcar marineros que ni siquiera saben nadar.
We will be staffing ships with sailors who do not know how to swim, next.
Por último, muchos pescadores piensan que aprender a nadar es de mal agüero.
Finally, many fishermen think that learning to swim is a bad omen.
Si no podemos ir al «continente Europa» en coche, ¿qué podemos hacer entonces, nadar?
We cannot go to ‘mainland Europe’ by car, what can we do then, swim?!
Los diputados escandinavos y sus aliados quieren nadar y guardar la ropa.
Our Nordic colleagues and their allies are trying to have it both ways.
El mar subiría y nos ahogaríamos todos salvo, evidentemente, nuestros colegas centristas que saben nadar.
The sea is going to rise and we are all going to drown except, of course, for our centrist colleagues who know how to swim.
Tengo la impresión, señor Comisario, de que usted podría nadar perfectamente entre tiburones si tuviera que hacerlo.
I have the impression, Commissioner, that you could swim well with sharks if you had to.
Señor Presidente, se puede escapar del fuego y, si se sabe nadar, se puede salir ileso de una inundación.
You can escape from fire, Mr President, and if you can swim, you can get away from floods.
Volviendo al tema de la estabilidad relativa, me gustaría señalar que no se puede nadar y guardar la ropa.
Again on the question of this whole issue of relative stability, I would also like to point out that one cannot have one's cake and eat it.
Señorías, estamos en un barco con un agujero gigante en el costado; toca hundirse o nadar en estos momentos.
Colleagues, we are on a ship with a giant hole in its side; it is sink or swim at this moment.
Señor Comisario, creo que este asunto ilustra un dicho según el cual no siempre se puede nadar y guardar la ropa.
Commissioner, I think that this matter illustrates the saying donner et retenir ne vaut .
La Presidencia griega ha seguido la política de «nadar entre dos aguas» y considero que su mandato se acaba dejando a Europa en un mar de confusión.
The Greek Presidency followed a 'foot in two camps' policy and I think that the Presidency is closing with Europe in confusion.
Al principio hubo que nadar contra corriente pero creo que hoy se ha tratado ya en su mayor parte esta temática.
There was undoubtedly a great deal of resistance to begin with, but I believe that the subject has now been aired as thoroughly as possible.
. Señor Presidente, me encanta el mar y nadar, y por lo tanto por motivos personales estoy interesado en que los mares y las aguas de Europa sean lo más limpias posible.
Mr President, I love the sea and swimming and I am therefore interested for personal reasons in the seas and waters of Europe being as clean as possible.
Señor Presidente, el enfoque más que vacilante que se adoptó en Buenos Aires en relación con la reducción de las emisiones parece indicar que se está intentando nadar y guardar la ropa.
Mr President, the slower-than-slow approach to reducing emissions that was adopted in Buenos Aires is like trying to have a wash without getting wet.
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