Spanish Sentences using mayor
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The population in Honduras is larger than El Salvador's.
The Prado Museum is one of the most famous painting museums in the world
He was 17 years old and she was a little bit older.
If dad won the first prize in the next drawing, he would take us all to Europe.
If he won the first prize in the lottery, Dad would give each of us a car.
Most hairdressers offer the possibility of having manicure and pedicure
In Spain, most hairdressers are specialized either in women or men.
Of all the European countries, Russia is the largest in area as well as population.
It was easy, he did everything, and since he was older than me there was no problem.
Did you have an opportunity to visit the Plaza Mayor? It's very pretty.
Todas las montañas, excepto el Everest, tienen una montaña de mayor altura que ella.
Every mountain, with the exception of Everest, has a mountain that is taller than she is.
Mi hermana mayor cursa estudios universitarios en la UNAM.
My older sister takes classes at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Mi mayor deseo es estudiar en el extranjero.
My greatest wish is to study abroad.
Este año mi presupuesto para viajar es mucho mayor.
This year my travelling budget is much higher.
La Plaza Mayor de Madrid es muy bonita.
The main square of Madrid is very beautiful.
Es muy difícil sacarse el premio mayor de la lotería.
It's very very difficult to win the first prize in the lottery.
Pepe es mi hermano mayor.
Pepe is my older brother.
Carla es la mayor de todas mis primas.
Carla is the oldest of all of my cousins.
Barcelona es una provincia de Catalunya y también la mayor ciudad de la nación Catalana.
Barcelona is a province and also the largest city of the Catalan nation.
La caída del agua hace que nosotros movamos con mayor potencia la rueda.
The waterfall makes us able to move the wheel with extra forrce.
En los siglos XVII y XVIII, las naciones europeas controlaron la mayor parte de África y América.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, european nations controlled the greater part of Africa and America.
Mi hermana mayor
my elder sister
Los españoles colonizaron la mayor parte de Centro y Sur América.
The Spaniards colonized most of Central and South America.
Ella es la mayor en la familia.
She is the eldest of the family.
¿Cuál es su mayor defecto?
What is his worst defect?
Los españoles conquistaron la mayor parte de América Latina.
The Spaniards conquered most of Latin America.
Mi hermano mayor es muy deportista, siempre está jugando algún deporte.
My older brother is very athletic; he's always playing some sport.
Cambia la cerradura de casa para mayor seguridad.
Change the lock of the house for greater security.
Ellos dan su mayor esfuerzo para poder participar en las olimpiadas.
They make a great effort to be able to participate in the olympiads.
¿Puede ayudarme?, estoy buscando la calle Mayor.
Can you help me? I'm looking for Main Street.
Manuel es menor que Beba y yo soy mayor que Manuel.
Manuel is younger than Beba and I am older than Manuel.
La tía Isabel es la mayor de mis tías.
Aunt Isabel is the oldest of my aunts.
Fuimos a la Plaza Mayor ayer.
We went to the Plaza Mayor yesterday.
Todo ello contribuirá a mayor transparencia, mayor confianza y mayor credibilidad.
All of this will contribute to greater transparency, greater confidence and greater credibility.
A mayor prevención, a mayor educación, menos abortos.
Better prevention and education will lead to fewer abortions.
Entonces tendrá mayor validez y mayor peso.
Then it would have greater validity and greater weight.
Mayor autoridad implica una mayor responsabilidad.
Greater authority involves greater responsibility.
Desearíamos un mayor ritmo.
We would like to see a faster tempo here.
¿Supondría mayor apoyo financiero?
Would it mean more financial support?
Gracias, señor Mayor Oreja.
Thank you, Mr Mayor Oreja.
Buscamos una mayor armonización.
We are seeking greater harmonisation.
Necesitamos tener mayor información.
We need to know more.
Necesitamos una mayor flexibilidad.
There is a need for greater flexibility.
Queríamos mayor seguridad.
We wanted to obtain further assurances.
Les dimos mayor información.
We have given them further information.
Se necesitará mayor presión.
More pressure will be needed.
Queremos mayor transparencia.
We want more transparency here.
Señorías, mayor confianza no cabe.
Ladies and gentlemen, there can be no more trust than that.
Esto generaría mayor transparencia, atraería mayor atención sobre este procedimiento.
The result would be more openness and more focus on this procedure.
En lugar de una mayor complejidad, deseamos una mayor transparencia.
Rather than more complexity, we want greater transparency.
Solo es posible una mayor flexibilidad si existe mayor seguridad.
More flexibility is only possible if there is greater security.
Si la necesidad es mayor, la oportunidad todavía es mayor.
The greater the need, the greater the opportunity.
Tienen una responsabilidad mucho mayor.
They have a much wider responsibility.
Ése es nuestro mayor problema.
This is our biggest problem.
No se puede dar mayor contradicción.
There can be no greater contradiction.
Es el mayor país hispanohablante.
It is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world.
Este daño es mucho mayor.
The damage caused in those sectors is many times more serious.
Éstas asumen el mayor riesgo.
It is they who assume the major risk.
Necesitamos una claridad mucho mayor.
We need far greater clarity.
Será necesaria una mayor armonización.
We will need further harmonisation.
Debe tener una mayor presencia.
Its status must be enhanced.
También propiciará una mayor empleabilidad.
It will also bring about improved employability.
Para esto necesitamos mayor movilidad.
For that, we need more mobility.
Esta es nuestra mayor preocupación.
That is our greatest concern.
Primero, garantizar una mayor transparencia.
First, to ensure greater transparency.
¿Qué quiere la gente mayor?
What do old people want?
Este es nuestro mayor reto.
We have no greater challenge than this.
Ese es nuestro interés mayor.
That is our main interest.
Ese es el mayor coste.
This is the biggest cost.
Es necesario un mayor consenso.
A greater consensus is needed.
¿Cuál es el mayor problema?
What is the biggest problem?
Están haciendo un esfuerzo mayor.
They are making an increased effort.
Es necesaria una mayor transparencia.
There is a need for more transparency.
Mayor transparencia es mejor democracia.
Greater transparency equals better democracy.
Esto nos daría mayor seguridad.
This would provide greater security.
¿Existe mayor inversión en España?
Is there more investment in Spain?
Necesitamos una mayor apertura comercial.
We need further opening of trade.
Ésta es mi mayor preocupación.
That is my greatest concern.
Hemos ganado una mayor transparencia.
We have obtained greater transparency.
Les considero la mayor minoría.
I regard them as the biggest minority.
La apuesta no podría ser mayor.
The stakes could not be higher.
Su potencial es mucho mayor.
Its potential is far greater.
Mayores poderes significan mayor responsabilidad.
Greater powers mean greater responsibility.
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