Spanish Sentences using abandonar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The It was not lack of my love, he was the one who left me.
I was reading all night; it was impossible to abandon such a fascinating novel.
They had quit the project, but they restarted it again.
¡No abandonéis a vuestras mascotas!
Don’t abandon your pets!
Abandonó la idea de montar su propio negocio.
He gave up the idea of starting his own business.
Ellos se rehusaron a abandonar a sus mascotas durante la tormenta.
They refused to abandon their pets during the storm.
Abandonaron la busca del cadáver.
They abandoned the search for the body.
El comandante ordenó abandonar la misión.
The commander ordered to leave the mission.
No debemos abandonar tan fácilmente.
We must not give up so easily.
Queremos abandonar la comitología.
We want to drop comitology.
Tenemos que abandonar esa vía.
We have to move away from this.
Compromiso no significa abandonar ningún principio.
Engagement does not mean abandoning principle.
No podemos abandonar al pueblo etíope.
We must not let the people of Ethiopia down.
No creo que debamos abandonar esto.
I do not believe that we should just give this up.
Bruselas no puede ahora abandonar a Minsk.
Brussels must not abandon Minsk now.
No podemos abandonar a su suerte al pueblo pakistaní.
The Pakistani population must not be left in the lurch.
Sin embargo, no debemos abandonar al pueblo israelí.
Nevertheless, we must not abandon the Israeli people.
Señorías, hemos de abandonar las quimeras.
Ladies and gentlemen, we must abandon all pipe dreams.
Examinemos el siglo que acabamos de abandonar.
Look at the century we have just left.
Por este motivo deberíamos abandonar este sistema.
That is why we should abandon this system.
Sin embargo, esto no significa que debamos abandonar.
This does not mean, however, that we need to give up.
No podemos simplemente abandonar a su suerte a estos trabajadores.
We cannot simply leave these workers to fend for themselves.
Me temo que no podremos abandonar Sudán mañana.
I fear that we will not be able to leave Sudan in the immediate future.
Hay que abandonar el egoísmo nacional.
National self-interest has to be abandoned.
Por lo tanto, no podemos abandonar a Moldova.
Therefore, we cannot abandon Moldova.
Usted va a abandonar la temida palabra "c".
You are going to drop the dreaded C word.
No podemos abandonar Bangladesh en este momento.
We cannot abandon Bangladesh at this stage.
No debemos abandonar Kosovo a sus propios designios.
Kosovo must not be abandoned to its own devices.
No debemos abandonar a la población rusa a su suerte.
The Russian population should not be left to cope on its own.
Esa respuesta no puede abandonar los principios europeos.
This response cannot abandon European principles.
Se vieron obligados a abandonar el país.
They were forced to leave Ireland.
No obstante, no debemos abandonar a Croacia a su suerte.
However, we must not leave Croatia out on its own.
Debemos abandonar el proceso de adhesión.
This accession procedure must be abandoned.
Sin embargo, ahora no debemos abandonar esta línea.
However, we must not now give up this line.
Si no lo hace, deberá abandonar la Cámara.
If he does not do so, he must leave the Chamber.
De ninguna manera vamos a abandonar a Kosovo.
We are certainly not going to abandon Kosovo.
No podemos abandonar a las víctimas de esta industria.
The victims of drugs trafficking cannot simply be left to their fate.
¿Queremos abandonar a Turquía a su suerte o rechazarla?
Do we want to leave Turkey to make its own way or reject it?
Suecia no está dispuesta a abandonar su no alineación.
Sweden is not prepared to relinquish its non aligned policy.
Abandonar esto, por tanto, no es como abandonar los corderos de Nueva Zelanda o los pollos de Brasil, es abandonar la identidad de Europa.
Abandoning that, therefore, is not like abandoning New Zealand's sheep or Brazil's chickens - it is abandoning Europe's identity.
Mirándolo bien, parece haber razones suficientes para abandonar este proyecto.
All in all, a good enough reason to abandon the Betuwe line project.
No nos obliguen, por lo tanto, a abandonar la sala.
So let us be realistic, please.
Debemos abandonar de una vez la política de no vacunación.
We must, at long last, move away from our non-vaccination policy.
Vamos a suspender la sesión y abandonar inmediatamente el hemiciclo.
We shall adjourn the sitting and leave the Chamber immediately.
Tenemos que ser más consecuentes y abandonar la doble moral.
We must be a little more consistent and not engage too much in double standards.
Nosotros, los hombres, no podemos abandonar a las mujeres en esta lucha.
We men should not leave women to fight this battle alone.
Por eso quisiera abandonar esta sala a las 11.00 horas.
This is why I should like to leave at 11 a.m.
No sostengo que deberíamos abandonar la exigencia de restricciones presupuestarias.
I am not arguing that we should abandon the demand for budgetary restrictions.
La Comisión tiene que abandonar su posición cobarde e indiferente.
The Commission must abandon its cowardly, half-hearted position.
Por ello no debemos abandonar a los pescadores en esta difícil situación.
That is why we must not abandon the fishermen in this difficult situation.
Sin embargo, no podemos abandonar a los que están enganchados a las drogas.
However, we must not abandon people who are hooked.
Estamos perdiendo la batalla, pero no debemos abandonar la lucha.
We are losing the battle but we must not give up the fight.
Estas son algunas de las ideas que no deseamos abandonar.
Those are a few ideas that we are not keen to abandon.
Hagamos el favor de abandonar la arrogancia y el imperialismo.
Not with arrogance and imperialism, however, please!
Hay que ser pragmáticos, pero sin abandonar nuestros propios objetivos.
We must be pragmatic, yet pursue our own aims.
Si me permiten abandonar esta sala ahora, lo haré gustoso.
If you will permit me to take my leave now, I shall gladly do so.
Pueden ustedes abandonar el hemiciclo si lo desean.
You may leave the Chamber if you wish.
En lugar de incentivarlo, a veces casi estamos invitándole a abandonar Europa.
Indeed, instead of giving it due incentives sometimes we are almost encouraging it to leave Europe.
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