Spanish Sentences using estuvieron
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The They were running until five o’clock in the afternoon.
How were your children yesterday? They were fine, thank you.
They were sick last week, right? Yes, they were sick but now they are well.
Your friend's relatives were on the beach when you were on your way.
They were carrying the tent for me. They were carrying it for me.
They were carrying the camera to me. They were carrying it for me.
The first to arrive were not qualified for this work.
¿Estuvieron de acuerdo con ello?
Did they agree with that?
En realidad, ellos estuvieron aquí.
In fact, they were here.
De hecho, estuvieron divididos en esta cuestión.
In fact, they were divided on the issue.
Aquellos acontecimientos estuvieron, sin duda, relacionados.
Those events were undoubtedly related.
Los padres fundadores no siempre estuvieron equivocados.
The founding fathers were not always wrong.
Los edificios estuvieron abiertos a todos los ciudadanos.
The buildings were open to all citizens.
Todos esos elementos estuvieron presentes en la Cumbre de Estocolmo.
All these ingredients were present at the Stockholm Summit.
Señor Presidente, durante 28 años Berlín y Alemania estuvieron divididos.
Mr President, for 28 years, Berlin and Germany were divided.
Alemania y Berlín estuvieron divididos durante 28 años.
Germany and Berlin were divided for 28 years.
El señor Piebalgs y el señor Kovács estuvieron bien.
Mr Piebalgs and Mr Kovács did well.
Los líderes europeos no estuvieron a la altura de la Historia.
European leaders were not equal to the task that history had set them.
No obstante, las elecciones no estuvieron exentas de deficiencias técnicas.
The elections were not, however, free of technical shortcomings.
Solo 7 de los 28 miembros estuvieron presentes.
Only 7 out of the 28 members were present.
Tampoco lo estuvieron en épocas de bonanza económica.
They were not in favour in economic boom times either.
Dos de mis colegas estuvieron en Bombay con la delegación de comercio la semana pasada y estuvieron en grave peligro.
Two of my colleagues were in Mumbai with the trade delegation last week and were in great danger.
Sí estuvieron presentes el Presidente de la Comisión y algunos secretarios.
The President of the Commission and some secretaries were present.
Señora Presidenta, estimados colegas, yo soy de aquellos que estuvieron presentes durante todo el viernes.
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, I was among those who were present throughout Friday.
Durante las negociaciones en Taba, las partes estuvieron más cerca que nunca de una solución negociada.
During the negotiations in Taba, the parties came closer than ever before to a negotiated solution.
Unidades especiales, entre ellas las europeas, estuvieron sobre el terreno buscando supervivientes entre los escombros.
Special teams, including several from Europe, were on hand to pull survivors out of the rubble.
Sólo estuvieron presentes las ONG antirracistas y las de carácter solidario.
The only NGOs featured in the declaration are the antiracist NGOs and the solidarity NGOs.
Los estibadores estuvieron aquí esta semana, y casi lo destrozan todo.
The dockers were here this week, and they almost did destroy everything.
Pese a los pronunciamientos contrarios, las relaciones euromediterráneas estuvieron y siguen estando valoradas de forma desigual.
Despite pronouncements to the contrary, Euro-Mediterranean relations were and remain unequally priced.
Aparentemente, el 26% de las alertas rápidas de 2002 estuvieron causadas por pescado.
Apparently, 26% of rapid alerts in 2002 were caused by fish.
Para quienes estuvieron en Ámsterdam y Niza, la Cumbre de Bruselas supone más de lo mismo.
For those who were there at Amsterdam and Nice, the Brussels summit is all about .
El Sr. Dunstan y sus compañeros estuvieron hasta las 3 de la madrugada preparando esta votación.
Mr Dunstan and his colleagues stayed up until 3 a.m. to prepare that vote for us.
Además, hay que recordar a los gobiernos que estuvieron presentes y participaron en la Convención.
Furthermore, we must remember the governments that were present and participated in the Convention.
Esa es mi valoración, y los rusos estuvieron de acuerdo con ella.
That is my assessment, and the Russian side agreed with it.
Es inútil que me refiera a compromisos que nunca estuvieron sobre la mesa.
It is pointless for me to go back to compromises that were never on the table.
Hace tan solo tres años, los dos Estados estuvieron al borde de la guerra nuclear.
Only three years ago the two states teetered on the verge of nuclear war.
En ella estuvieron representadas todas las clases de la sociedad iraquí, incluidas las mujeres.
All layers of Iraqi society were represented, including many women.
Por último, quisiera dar las gracias a todos los colegas que estuvieron conmigo.
Lastly, I would like to thank all those colleagues who were with me.
Sé que algunos de ustedes estuvieron presentes en Iraq durante las elecciones de enero.
I know that some of you were present in Iraq for the January elections.
Los europeos no estuvieron de acuerdo con las razones para ir a Iraq.
Europeans disagreed on the rationale for going into Iraq.
Estuvieron dispuestos a hacer muchas concesiones, por lo que les estoy especialmente agradecido.
They were prepared to make many compromises, and I am particularly grateful to them for that fact.
Los autores de la petición, incluidos los aquí presentes, también estuvieron asistieron a dicha reunión.
The authors of the petition, including those who are here today, were also present at that meeting.
¡El hecho es que todos estuvieron de acuerdo con este compromiso en Kigali!
The fact is that everyone agreed to this compromise in Kigali!
Quienes estuvieron interesados en la cuestión tuvieron acceso a un texto consolidado no oficial en varias lenguas.
Those who were interested in the matter had access to an unofficial consolidated text in several languages.
Sobre dicho paquete estuvieron de acuerdo tanto la Presidencia checa como la Comisión.
This was the package agreed on by the Czech Presidency and the Commission.
Nos pusimos en contacto con varias delegaciones nacionales: todas estuvieron de acuerdo pero nadie hizo nada.
We contacted several national delegations: they all agreed; nobody acted.
Varios de sus miembros fueron miembros del Partido Comunista, o estuvieron asociados con él.
A number of its Members were members of the Communist Party, or were associated with it.
Quiero dar las gracias a todos los que estuvieron presentes por sus expresiones de solidaridad.
I would like to thank everyone who was there for these expressions of solidarity.
El Tribunal de Cuentas y el Consejo no estuvieron presentes durante nuestros debates.
The Court of Auditors and the Council were not present during our discussions.
Los periodistas afines a la oposición también estuvieron en el punto de mira al mismo tiempo.
Journalists close to the opposition were also targeted at the same time.
El ponente y el resto de parlamentarios que estuvieron allí saben a qué me refiero.
The rapporteur and other fellow Members were there and they understand what I am talking about.
Algunos Estados miembros no estuvieron de acuerdo en un primer momento en imponer la prohibición.
Some of the EU countries did not want to agree to the ban in the first place.
La reunión de Seattle fracasó y las relaciones norte-sur estuvieron allí en evidencia por más razones.
Seattle was a failure, and north-south relations were in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
Durante la presidencia portuguesa, los últimos capítulos de las negociaciones estuvieron abiertos para el grupo de Luxemburgo.
During the Portuguese Presidency the negotiations with the Luxembourg Group entered their final chapters.
En esto estuvieron todos los Presidentes de grupo de acuerdo cuando comenzamos la negociación con la Comisión.
That was something all the group chairmen agreed about when we began negotiations with the Commission.
Deberían ver el montón de chatarra en que se han convertido estos laboratorios y preguntarse cuánto tiempo estuvieron en funcionamiento.
You should go and see what a shambles they have become, and you are bound to wonder for how long they were actively in use.
Hubo unos días -como he dicho- de paz, de esperanza, que estuvieron ligados a las fiestas de la Navidad.
As I have said, there were a few days of peace, of hope, which were related to the Christmas celebrations.
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Popular Phrase: habr?a | Medical Spanish | Conjugated Verb: acentuar - to accent, to emphasize [ click for full conjugation ]