Spanish Sentences using elegir
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The You never know really if the best one is being chosen.
Which car did you choose? I liked both of them, but I chose the red one.
You must choose a difficult password for security.
José María Aznar, was elected president for the second term in 2000.
As for the bathroom and kitchen tiles, you can choose the colour.
At the university you select which professor to receive classes from.
We select the hospital to where we will take grandmother.
He chooses what neck tie to buy for his new shirt.
Eligió a los candidatos a través de una selección exhaustiva.
He choose the candidates through an exhaustive process.
El caso es que tienes que elegir cuales de ellas irán en el barco.
The case is that you have to elect which one will go on the boat.
Es un color demasiado vistoso, elige uno más discreto.
If the color is too loud, choose a more discreet one.
Aunque haya elegido la fotografía submarina, puedo estudiar la fotografía aérea también.
Even though I have chosen underwater photography, I can study aerial photography too.
Ella eligió la talla equivocada.
She chose the wrong size.
¿Que elegirías si vivieras en la edad antigua?
What would you choose if you were to live a long time ago?
Debemos elegir.
You must do one or the other.
Deben elegir otros caminos.
A totally different approach must be taken.
Ahora podemos elegir.
We now have a choice.
Se trata de elegir.
It is all about choices.
Podemos elegir a nuestros asociados, pero no podemos elegir a nuestros vecinos.
We can choose our contracting partners, but we cannot choose our neighbours.
Así que pueden elegir a voluntad.
So they can choose for themselves.
Debemos intentar elegir ambos caminos.
We shall try to choose both routes.
Este Parlamento tiene que elegir.
This Parliament must make a choice.
Es usted quien debe elegir.
It is you who must choose.
¡En realidad no lo vamos a elegir!
He will not be elected!
Intentaré elegir la mejor pregunta.
I will try to choose the best question!
No es el momento de elegir.
There is no place for cherry-picking.
No se trata de elegir entre un plan y otro; se trata de elegir entre este plan y no elegir ninguna solución.
The choice is not between one plan and another; it is between this plan and no solution at all.
Me niego a elegir entre uno y otro lado.
I refuse to choose one side or the other.
Ahora debemos elegir a los Vicepresidentes del Parlamento.
We now must elect the Vice-Presidents of Parliament.
Por lo tanto, se trata de elegir.
It is a matter, then, of choosing.
Ha llegado, pues, el momento de elegir.
So it is time to choose.
No me gustaría tener que elegir en este asunto.
I would not like to make any choices on this matter.
Pedir o castigar, hay que elegir.
Polite requests or punishment: you have a choice.
Gobernar es elegir y marcar prioridades.
Governing means making choices and establishing priorities.
No hay que elegir entre seguridad y libertad.
We must not choose between security and freedom.
No debemos elegir entre unos y otros.
A choice should not have to be made between the one and the other.
El jueves deberemos elegir entre dos opciones.
On Thursday we have two choices.
Para empezar, no nos compete elegir bandos ahora.
It is not in the first instance up to us to choose sides now.
Porque no podemos elegir; somos muy dependientes.
Because we do not have freedom of choice; we are heavily dependent.
El propósito es elegir democráticamente un Gobierno.
The purpose is the democratic election of a government.
Mañana por la mañana tenemos que elegir.
We have a choice tomorrow morning.
Los ciudadanos europeos tienen libertad para elegir.
European citizens have the freedom of choice.
Por tanto, tienen libertad para elegir.
So they have the freedom to choose.
No deberíamos elegir venir a Estrasburgo en ningún caso.
We should not be choosing to come to Strasbourg at all.
Los pueblos no pueden elegir el "mejor imperialismo".
The peoples cannot choose the 'better imperialist'.
¿Qué camino iba a elegir la Alemania reunificada?
What path would reunited Germany choose?
Por tanto, no deberíamos dictarles a quién deben elegir.
Therefore, we should not dictate to the Egyptians who they should elect.
Se trata de elegir el camino correcto.
So it is imperative to choose the right road here!
Ha llegado el momento de elegir.
It is time to make their choice.
¿Tiene la gente algo que elegir?
Is there anything for people to vote on?
Pero quiero elegir cuidadosamente el momento oportuno.
But I want to be careful to pick the right moment.
Nos corresponde a nosotros elegir las alternativas apropiadas.
It is our mission to make the right choices.
En nuestra mano está elegir cuál.
It is we who must decide what it will be like.
Hay que elegir y ser coherente.
It needs to decides what it wants to be and stick to that decision.
Acaban de elegir a un portavoz y van a elegir un primer ministro.
They are about to elect a prime minister.
Finlandia acaba de elegir también una mujer como Presidenta.
Finland too has just elected a female President.
El consumidor no podrá elegir sabiendo lo que se hace.
The consumer will not be able to make an informed choice.
Es preciso elegir: o Canarias, Madeira, las Antillas, o Chiquita.
We have to choose: either the Canaries, Madeira and the Antilles - or Chiquita.
Y aquí hay que elegir entre una u otra solución.
At this point, a choice must be made between the two solutions.
A mí todo esto me resulta demasiado lento. Gobernar significa asimismo elegir.
Managing also means making choices, and the time is ripe for this.
No se trata de elegir entre medio ambiente o empleo.
It is not a question of the environment, or of employment.
A usted le corresponde elegir lo que se va a hacer.
You can now do one of two things.
Por último, ¿por qué hay que elegir entre dos males?
Finally, why is it a choice between two evils?
Nosotros estamos indudablemente a favor del derecho de la gente a elegir.
We are clearly in favour of people's right to choose.
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