Spanish Sentences using cuesta
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The How much is a ride from downtown to the Modern Art Museum?
How much is a second class round ticket to Gibraltar?
How much is the ticket? Round trip costs 57,000 pesetas.
You can take a night flight that doesn't cost so much.
The blue shirt is very pretty. It costs twenty five dollars.
When he stops for a few days, afterwards it's a real effort.
As soon as I stop, it takes me a lot to start studying.
This motorcycle costs more than five thousand dollars.
This track is very tough! All the time is going up the hill and also there are a lot of stones.
The green shirt is pretty but it costs more than thirty dollars.
Cuesta mil libras.
It costs thousand of pounds.
¿Cuánto cuesta esto?
How much is this?
Cuesta mucho dinero
that will cost a lot of money
¿Cuánto cuesta un boleto para Acapulco?
How much is a ticket to Acapulco?
¿Cuánto cuesta un boleto a Córdoba?
How much does a ticket to Cordoba cost?
¿Sabes cuánto cuesta la medicina?
Do you know how much the medicine costs?
¿Cuánto cuesta un boleto para Acapulco?
How much is a ticket to Acapulco?
No puedo subir la cuesta en bicicleta.
I can't go up the hill on bike.
No cuesta más de un millón de dólares.
It does not cost more than a million dollars.
¿Cuánto cuesta la camisa amarilla?
How much does the yellow shirt cost?.
Señorita, ¿me puede decir cuánto cuesta esta camisa?
Miss, can you tell me how much this shirt costs?
El café cuesta 2 Euros.
The coffee is 2 euros.
Sí, a mí me gusta mucho. ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Yes, I like it a lot. How much does it cost?
Señorita, ¿cuánto cuesta esta camisa?
Miss, how much does this shirt cost?
¿Cuánto cuesta la medicina?
How much does the medicine cost?
¿Cuánto cuesta el café?
How much is the coffee?
Una computadora personal cuesta como $500.
A personal computer costs about $500.
Señorita, ¿Cuánto cuesta el sobrepeso?
Miss, how much does the overweight cost?
Cuesta diez centavos la libra.
It costs ten cents a pound.
La casa vale lo que cuesta.
The house is woth what you paid for it.
¿Cuánto cuesta el seguro por una semana?
How much does a one-week insurance cost?
¿Cuánto cuesta ir desde Palo Alto hasta San Francisco?
How much does it cost to go from Palo Alto to San Francisco?
¿Cuánto cuesta un boleto a Córdoba?
How much does a ticket to Cordoba cost?
Cuesta menos de treinta centavos.
It costs less than thirty cents.
Es una cuesta muy peligrosa y pronunciada.
It is a very dangerous and steep slope.
¿Cuánto cuesta mandar una carta a Alemania?
How much does it cost to send a letter to Germany?
¿Cuánto cuesta mandar una carta a...?
What is the cost to send a letter to…?
¿Cuánto cuesta la entrega rápida?
How much does it cost for fast delivery?
¿Cuánto cuesta esta camisa?
How much is this shirt?
¿Cuánto cuesta la camisa verde?
How much does the green shirt cost?
¿Te cuesta mucho trabajo entenderle a la telefonista?
Do you have very much trouble understanding the telephone operator?
¿El negocio va cuesta abajo?
Is the business going under?
Me cuesta entenderlo.
I have a problem with this.
No cuesta nada.
It does not cost anything.
Me cuesta entenderlo.
I find this difficult to understand.
Cuesta muchísimo dinero.
The costs involved in those initiatives are enormous.
Esto no cuesta mucho dinero.
It is not very expensive.
Todo esto cuesta dinero.
All of that costs money.
Cuesta cambiar las mentalidades.
Mentalities are hard to change.
Sabemos cuánto cuesta.
We know how much it costs.
Porque no cuesta nada.
Because it does not cost anything.
Cuesta aceptar esta opinión.
It is hard to agree with this point of view.
Europa ya cuesta bastante.
Who are they trying to kid?
Cuesta trabajo creerlo.
This is hard to credit.
Sé que cuesta mucho.
I know that it is very difficult to do so.
¿Es factible? ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Is it practicable, what does it cost?
¿Cuánto cuesta la ampliación?
What will the cost of enlargement be?
El consumo de tabaco cuesta demasiado: cuesta vidas.
Smoking costs too much; it costs lives.
Pero todo esto cuesta dinero.
These things cost money, however.
Ministro Haarder, me cuesta entender esto.
Minister Haarder, I am finding this difficult to understand.
Es algo que cuesta admitir.
It is something that we cannot accept.
Lamentablemente, lo bueno cuesta dinero.
Unfortunately, good things cost money.
Usted dice que cuesta 100 millones.
You said we would need another hundred million.
Cuesta mucho más que la ampliación.
It costs much more than enlargement.
Reciclar cuesta dinero, pero también proporciona algo.
Recycling costs money, but it does produce something as well.
Eso cuesta tiempo y dinero, señora Corbey.
That takes time and money, Mrs Corbey.
Aquí es donde nos cuesta tomar decisiones.
That is where we see that there is a difficulty reaching decisions.
El sistema actual cuesta mucho dinero.
The present system costs a lot of money.
El sistema actual cuesta mucho dinero.
The present system costs a lot of money.
El sistema actual cuesta mucho dinero.
The present system costs a lot of money.
Y esto cuesta un montón de dinero.
And there is one hell of a cost to it.
A partir de ahora todo irá cuesta abajo.
It will all be downhill from here.
Intente decirles que todo eso cuesta mucho.
Try telling them that it all costs too much.
También sabemos, desgraciadamente, lo que cuesta no hacerlo.
We know too, sadly, what it costs not to do it.
Debo admitir que me cuesta aceptar esto.
I must admit that I find this quite difficult to accept.
Por consiguiente, nos cuesta sopesar los beneficios.
It is therefore very difficult for us to weigh up the benefits.
Cuesta más el collar que el galgo.
We must not throw good money after bad.
Hablar no cuesta nada, pero hay que actuar.
Talking does not cost anything, but we need to act.
Hoy la tonelada cuesta casi 300 euros.
Today, it fetches almost EUR 300.
En casa, un gigabyte me cuesta 1 euro.
At home, one gigabyte costs me EUR 1.
Sin embargo, eso no me cuesta ningún trabajo.
I can do that, however, as much as I like.
Una solución transitoria cuesta un tiempo precioso.
A transitional solution will only waste valuable time.
Naturalmente que cuesta algo pero es factible.
Of course there is a cost involved, but it is feasible.
En Estados Unidos cuesta 1.500 ecus.
In the United States, it costs ECU 1500.
No cuesta al Consejo más que discursos hueros.
It is costing the Council nothing but fine words!
Pueden ustedes comprarla: cuesta una miseria.
You can buy it out - it costs peanuts.
En segundo lugar, cocinar cuesta dinero.
Secondly, nothing can be achieved without spending money.
Eso cuesta más de lo que beneficia.
That costs more than it brings in.
Eso cuesta más de lo que beneficia.
It costs more than it brings in.
Un calvario que además cuesta mucho dinero.
A miserable experience which also costs a lot of money.
Cuesta estabilidad económica, social, ecológica y política en Europa pero sobre todo cuesta confianza.
Its price is economic, social, ecological and political stability in Europe, above all else its price is trust.
El terreno agrícola en la República Checa cuesta un 10% de lo que cuesta en Alemania.
Agricultural land in the Czech Republic costs 10% of that in Germany.
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