Spanish Sentences using visitar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Good morning, I would like two tickets to visit the museum.
Due to the temporary exposition, you must wait in a long queue in order to visit the museum.
When we visited the Prado Museum, we only had time to visit 5 rooms.
Several friends of mine came to visit my family last week.
I called on you yesterday, but you happened to be out.
I wouldn't want to leave the zoo without visiting the panda bears.
Good morning, I would like some information to visit the city.
Is it necessary to pay a ticket to visit the monastery?
Provided that I have time, I will pass by to visit you.
We would have visited the museum if it had been open.
I would have visited the museum if it had been open.
If we had gone to Berlin, we could have visited you.
Una vez comiences a trabajar, te asignaremos un coche de empresa para que vayas a visitar a los clientes

Once you start working, you will be assigned a company car with which you will visit our customers
John's sister, who lives in LA is going to visit us.
The sister of John, who lives in LA, is going to visit us.
Ann would visit her grandmother often if she could.
A friend of mine visited the museum a few years ago and he tells me that Velazquez's paintings are beautiful.
Did you have an opportunity to visit the Plaza Mayor? It's very pretty.
Ana visita a Pedro.
Ann visits Peter.
Ana visita la escuela.
Ann visits the school.
Creo que vamos a visitar la ciudad de Toledo.
I believe that we are going to visit the city of Toledo.
Un 13% del turismo visita nuestra zona.
13% of the tourists visit our area.
Cuando fuimos a visitarle dimos un paseo en elefante.
When we went to visit him, we took a tour on an elephant.
Acércate a vistarnos cuando puedas.
Come over and visit us when you get the chance.
Ellas están viniendo a visitar al paciente.
They are coming to visit the patient.
Este verano visitare el Reino Unido, tengo una amiga que vive en Londres.
This summer I will visit the United Kingdom, I have a friend who lives in London.
Yo visité a mi abuela.
I visited my grandmother.
Ellos van a visitarnos.
They're going to visit us.
Estamos por visitar la tumba de Bolívar en el centro de Caracas.
We are about to visit Bolívar's tomb in downtown Caracas.
Visitaremos el museo, si está abierto.
We will visit the museum if it is open.
Luis y Roberto están yendo a visitar a la enfermera.
Luis and Roberto are going to visit the nurse.
Si tuviese el tiempo, le visitaria.
If I had the time, I would visit him.
Vamos al hospital a visitar a Linda.
Let's go to the hospital to visit Linda.
Visito a Emilio y a Lola.
I'm visiting Emilio and Lola.
Nosotros venimos a visitar al doctor.
We come to visit the doctor
Sí, la visito mucho.
Yes, I visit her a lot.
El doctor visita muy a menudo a sus pacientes.
The doctor visits his patients frequently.
¡Ojalá (que) visites el spa en Bolivia!
I hope you visit the spa in Bolivia!
Te visitamos mañana
We'll visit you tomorrow.
Sí, ellos en vez de acampar, visitan a sus abuelos.
Yes, instead of camping, they visit their grandparents.
Cecilia va a visitar a su abuela.
Cecilia is going to visit her grandmother.
¿Vienen tus primos a visitarlos?
Are your cousins coming to visit you?
El nos visita a menudo.
He often visits us.
El quiere visitar México.
He wants to visit Mexico.
El quiere visitar Argentina.
He wants to visit Argentina.
Les habíamos prometido que iríamos a visitarlos hoy.
We had promised them that we would visit them today.
Yo visitaré la iglesia de San Pedro mañana.
I will visit St. Peter's church tomorrow.
¿Has visitado la iglesia de San Pedro?
Have you visited St. Peter's church?
¿Visitarás la iglesia de San Pedro mañana ?
Will you visit St. Peter's church tomorrow?
Juan ha visitado la iglesia de San Pedro.
John has visited St. Peter's church.
Juan visitará la iglesia de San Pedro mañana.
John will visit St. Peter's church tomorrow.
Los fines de semana visito a mis padres.
I visit my parents on the weekends.
Nosotros hemos visitado la iglesia de San Pedro.
We have visited St. Peter's church.
Nosotros visitaremos la iglesia de San Pedro mañana.
We will visit St. Peter's church tomorrow.
Los muchachos han visitado la iglesia de San Pedro.
The boys have visited St. Peter's church.
El me visitó de nuevo.
He visited me again.
Los padres de la novia no fueron a visitar a su hija hasta que ella terminó sus estudios.
The bride's parents didn't visit their daughter until she finished her studies.
Los muchachos visitarán la iglesia de San Pedro mañana.
The boys will visit St. Peter's church tomorrow.
Le recomiendo que visite la planta nuclear antes de que la cierren.
I recommend that you visit the nuclear plant before they close it.
Ana no me visita.
Ann does not visit me.
Ana fue a España a visitar a su abuela.
Ann went to Spain to visit her grandmother.
Ana visitará a su abuela en el verano.
Ann will visit her grandmother in the summer.
Ana no podrá visitar a su abuela este año.
Ann won't be able to visit her grandmother this year.
Ana la visitará el proximo año.
Ann will visit her next year.
Ana prometió visitarla el proximo año.
Ann promised to visit her next year.
Él visitó los Estados Unidos de América.
He visited the United States of America.
Ana no ha visitado a su abuela desde el año pasado.
Ann hasn't visited her grandmother since last year.
Ana visitó a su abuela hace dos años.
Ann visited her grandmother two years ago.
Ana quisiera visitarla a menudo.
Ann would like to visit her often.
Me gustaría visitar África, y sobre todo la Costa de Marfil.
I would like to visit Ivory Coast.
Lamentamos no poder visitar Chechenia.
We are sorry that we are not able to visit Chechnya.
Va a visitar Belgrado.
He will be in Belgrade.
Vaya usted a visitar el aeropuerto.
Go and visit the airport.
Gracias por venir a visitar al Parlamento.
Thank you for coming to visit Parliament.
Volveremos a visitar Palestina dentro de dos meses.
We will be revisiting Palestine in two months' time.
¡Tan solo deben visitar Oriente Próximo!
You only need to visit the Middle East!
¿Cuándo se decidirá a visitar usted una cárcel?
When will you finally visit a prison?
Yo tuve la oportunidad de visitar Iraq el mes pasado.
I had the opportunity to visit Iraq last month.
Sin duda, aceptaré la invitación de visitar la soleada Irlanda.
I shall no doubt accept the invitation to visit sunny Ireland.
– Señor Presidente, el Sr. Bolkestein se ofrece para visitar Skye.
Mr President, Mr Bolkestein offers to visit Skye.
Simplemente tienen que visitar las iglesias cristianas de Turquía.
You only need to visit the Christian churches in Turkey.
Debería visitar la llamada región que yo represento.
He should visit the so-called region that I represent.
Visitar Gaza en estos días es una experiencia realmente importante.
Visiting Gaza at the moment is a truly significant experience.
Asunto: Prohibición de visitar a ciudadanos cubanos presos en los EE.UU.
Subject: Ban on visiting Cuban nationals imprisoned in the United States
Señor Presidente, gracias por visitar el Parlamento Europeo.
Mr President, thank you for visiting the European Parliament.
Visitar al médico debería ser algo que se hace voluntariamente.
Visiting the doctor should be something that is done voluntarily.
Hemos invitado a los interlocutores sociales a visitar la Comisión.
We have invited the social partners to come to the Commission.
He tenido la oportunidad de visitar todos los Estados miembros.
I have had the opportunity to visit all the Member States.
Desafortunadamente, olvidó visitar a la oposición como habría sido lo habitual.
Unfortunately, he forgot to visit the opposition, which would otherwise be customary.
Tuve la oportunidad de visitar cárceles de Azerbaiyán.
I had the opportunity to visit Azeri prisons.
He tenido la oportunidad de visitar Camboya dos veces.
I have twice had the opportunity to visit Cambodia.
Tengo previsto visitar los tres Estados bálticos la próxima primavera.
I am planning to visit the three Baltic States next spring.
Esto es especialmente importante para visitar a los clientes alemanes.
This is important as a means of visiting German customers.
He tenido la ocasión de visitar Chipre la semana pasada.
I had the opportunity to be in Cyprus last week.
Quería visitar Angola en una misión de paz...
It sought to visit Angola on a peace mission...
Deberíamos ir todos a Toulouse y visitar la Ciudad Espacial.
Please, everybody, go to Toulouse and see Space City.
La gente puede acceder a lugares que no tenían intención de visitar.
People can often go where they did not intend to go.
Los que seguirán desfavorecidos serán los residentes de Kaliningrado que deseen visitar Lituania y Polonia, así como los lituanos y polacos que quieran visitar Kaliningrado.
Those who are still disadvantaged are Kaliningrad residents who wish to visit Lithuania and Poland, and Lithuanians and Poles who wish to visit Kaliningrad.
Como aquí se ha dicho, una delegación de este Parlamento acaba de visitar Marruecos y Túnez.
As has been said, a delegation from this Parliament has just visited Morocco and Tunisia.
Él pidió permiso para visitar a su querida esposa y decirle adiós.
He asked for permission to visit her to say goodbye to his dear wife.
El grupo se propone visitar todos los Estados miembros para hablar de estos temas.
The group intends to visit all the Member States to discuss these issues.
Tengo previsto visitar Afganistán en septiembre con vistas a intensificar este esfuerzo.
I am planning to visit Afghanistan in September with a view to stepping up this effort.
Sólo tengo una pregunta: ¿tiene previsto el presidente en funciones del Consejo visitar Galicia?
I have one simple question: does the President-in-Office of the Council intend to visit Galicia?
En primer lugar, hasta ahora la Comisión se ha venido mostrando remisa a visitar la región.
First of all, the Commission has so far been unwilling to visit the region.
Luego manifestamos que deseábamos visitar la zona en calidad de representantes del Parlamento.
Then we said that we as a Parliament wanted to visit the region.
– Señor Presidente, me encantaría visitar la Isla de Skye, y quizás el Sr. MacCormick querría acompañarme.
. – Mr President, I would very much enjoy a visit to the Isle of Skye, and perhaps Sir Neil MacCormick would accompany me.
¿Pudieron visitar los observadores de la Comisión, sin aviso previo, cárceles elegidas por ellos mismos?
Were the Commission observers able to visit prisons unannounced as they chose?
Por ello, esperamos que el Parlamento indio venga a visitar el Parlamento Europeo lo antes posible.
That is why we hope that the Indian Parliament will come and visit the European Parliament as soon as possible.
Al visitar el sitio de , se pasa de una sorpresa a otra.
When you open the Global Art Clinic’s website, you go from one surprise to the next.
– Señor Presidente en ejercicio, quizá quisiera usted visitar una página web realmente frustrante, repleta de inexactitudes.
Mr President-in-Office, perhaps you would like to visit a website that really does frustrate one, that really does contain inaccuracies.
No tienen más que visitar los sitios web de los fabricantes para verlo con sus propios ojos.
You only have to go onto the manufacturers’ own websites to see for yourselves.
Toma un taxi para visitar a sus amigos y familiares y el viaje acaba en tragedia.
You take a taxi journey to visit your friends and family that ends in tragedy.
Lamentablemente, los representantes de la ONU no pudieron visitar Guantánamo en las condiciones normales para procedimientos especiales.
Unfortunately, it was not possible for the UN representatives to visit Guantánamo under the normal conditions for special procedures.
He tenido el placer de visitar el centro que tiene esta empresa en mi circunscripción.
I have had the great pleasure of looking at the operation in my own constituency.
Aplaudo su decisión de visitar el Líbano, Palestina e Israel y comenzar a configurar ese proceso.
I applaud your desire to visit Lebanon, Palestine and Israel and to start to build that process.
Tuve la ocasión de visitar Gaza -la tuvo también el señor Presidente del Parlamento-.
I had the opportunity to visit Gaza. So did the President of Parliament.
Cuando regresen a Bruselas, hagan lo que yo pretendo hacer: vayan a visitar el restaurante armenio.
When you return to Brussels, do what I intend to do: go and visit the Armenian restaurant.
Serán las abuelas de Norrland quienes ya no podrán visitar a sus nietos en la ciudad tan a menudo.
It will be grandmothers up in Norrland who will not be able to see their grandchildren in the city so often.
He tenido ocasión de visitar varios centros de producción de la industria alimentaria en diferentes países.
I had the opportunity to visit several production plants in the food industry in different countries.
No tienen que visitar clientes, sólo vienen aquí a ejercer el desgobierno de Europa.
They do not visit clients, they just come here to misrule Europe.
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