Spanish Sentences using come  

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Come la comida.
Eat the food.
No solamente come más que tú, también come más rápido que tú.
He doesn't only eat more than you but he also eats faster than you.
La maestra quien come en la clase es María.
The teacher who eats in class is María.
Debes comer bien. Come bien.
You should eat well. Eat well.
Luis trajo lo que el perro come.
Luis brought what the dog eats.
Mi papá nunca come pescado.
My dad never eats fish.
Pedro es delgado a pesar de que come golosinas.
Pedro is thin in spite of eating candy.
Alguien come una hamburguesa.
Someone eats a burger.
Luis come frutas y verduras.
Luis eats fruits and vegetables
Carmen come antes que Susana.
Carmen eats before Susana.
El niño no come nada.
The boy doesn't eat anything.
Come la sopa mientras esté calientita.
Eat the soup while it is still warm.
Raras veces come pescado.
He rarely eats fish.
Si come demasiado, engorda.
If she eats too much she will get fat.
Él come mucho.
He eats a lot.
El caballo come la zanahoria.
The horse eats the carrot.
Ella nunca come en la casa.
She never eats at home.
El bebé no come nada.
The baby doesn't eat anything.
José no come carne y Pedro tampoco.
José doesn't eat meat and neither does Pedro.
José nunca come langosta.
José never eats lobster.
Tan pronto como tú puedas come, para ir a jugar.
Eat as soon as you can so that you can go play.
El caballo come la zanahoria.
The horse eats the carrot.
¿Cómo come el niño en la casa?
How does the child eat at home?
El niño no come ni carne ni pescado.
The boy eats neither meat nor fish.
Él come toda la comida a la vez.
He eats all the meals at once.
Mientras ella come, él escribe una carta.
While she eats, he writes a letter.
El perro come huesos. -huesos
The dog eats bones.
¿Come antes de tomar la medicina?
Do you eat before taking the medicine?
Él come fruta en vez de pan.
He eats fruit instead of bread.
¡Cómo no va a engordar Antonio, comiendo como come!
How can you expect Antonio not to get fat, eating the way he does!
Acostumbra a leer el periódico mientras come.
He usually reads the paper while he eats.
El paciente come poco.
The patient eats very little
La tarta se come con tenador.
Cake is eaten with a fork.
Come una naranja y un huevo.
He eats an orange and an egg.
I use them as they come in.
I use them as they come in.
What a long way we have come!
What a long way we have come!
«Urges the Commission to come forward with an initiative to ensure…»
‘Urges the Commission to come forward with an initiative to ensure … ’
Y si en Europa la gente no come patatas, ¿qué come, señores Comisarios?
And if people in Europe do not eat potatoes, what do they eat, Commissioners?
La carne de bovino inglesa se come asimismo en Inglaterra y se come ahí desde siempre.
English beef is also eaten in England, and always has been.
I rejoice, as I said the other day, to see the flags of the new countries that come in.
I rejoice, as I said the other day, to see the flags of the new countries that come in.
La tecnología se come los puestos de trabajo.
Jobs are being lost to technology.
Se dice que el plátano se come por los dos lados.
There is a saying that bananas can be eaten from both ends.
Una situación que, come decía el ponente, es difícil incluso para los juristas.
As the rapporteur points out, even lawyers have trouble.
Por ejemplo, en el Reino Unido no se come carne de caballo.
For example, horses are not eaten in the United Kingdom.
Normalmente, señor Presidente, la gente come en el lugar en que siente el hambre.
Normally, Mr President, people eat wherever they happen to get hungry.
Es una jungla, un océano en el que el pez grande se come al chico.
It is now a jungle; it is an ocean in which the big fish eats the small fish.
La UE decidiría si Gran Bretaña come o se muere de hambre.
The EU would decide whether Britain eats or starves.
Come arroz y pasta, dos productos -especialmente el arroz- que escasean en el mundo en desarrollo.
They eat rice and they eat pasta both of which - and certainly rice - the developing world is very short of.
El público tiene derecho a saber lo que come y a decidir en consecuencia.
People have the right to know what they eat and make their choices accordingly.
El consumidor debe poder saber de dónde proviene la carne que come.
Consumers must ultimately be able to find out where their meat comes from.
Hay una clara tendencia hacia la emancipación del consumidor; quiere saber lo que come.
Consumers are becoming more aware: they want to know what they are eating.
Siendo un roedor, come avellanas, y entonces he creído que podía preguntarle a él como experto, qué piensa de este informe.
Being a rodent, it eats hazelnuts, and so I decided to ask it, as an expert, what it thought of the report.
Es sabido que las crisis alimentarias en la UE han hecho que la gente sienta preocupación cuando come.
We know that food crises within the EU have meant that people are worried about what they are eating.
Tal vez nos debiera comunicar dónde come langosta, ya que se ha servido de ella para tan elegante ejemplo.
Perhaps you would also let us know where you like eating lobster, as you use it as such an elegant example.
Considero, por principio, que saber exactamente qué se come o se bebe es un derecho incuestionable del consumidor.
The foodstuffs industry fills these gaps. It has to use the auxiliary substances needed to meet the demands of consumers.
Hasta los niños saben que vive más sano quien hace ejercicio y come con moderación y de forma natural.
Every child knows that people who take plenty of exercise and eat sparingly but naturally stay healthier.
Entretanto, decidieron que debía ratificarse por unanimidad, exactamente como el perro del hortelano, que ni come ni deja comer.
Meanwhile they decided that it had to be ratified unanimously, exactly like the gardener's dog that neither eats cabbage itself nor lets anybody else.
Después de la peste porcina, después de la EEB, el consumidor quiere estar más informado sobre lo que come.
After swine fever and BSE, consumers want more than ever to be informed about what they are eating.
El consumidor quiere sabe qué es lo que come, de lo contrario perderá su confianza en los productos alimenticios.
Consumers want to know what they are eating, otherwise they lose faith in food products.
En los Países Bajos se dice: "el campesino no come lo que no conoce», y también: "lo que no se conoce, no se ama».
In the Netherlands we have a saying: "The farmer does not like what he does not know' , and also: "Unknown, unloved' .
Come representante del Partido de los Pensionistas que me han enviado aquí, he de evidenciar que la mayor parte de las víctimas de los delitos son personas mayores.
As representative of the Pensioners' Party which sent me to Parliament, I would point out that the majority of victims of crime are elderly.
Señor Presidente, come usted sabe, el Sr. Mauro es italiano como yo y pertenece al Grupo del Partido Popular Europeo como yo.
Mr President, as you know, Mr Mauro is Italian like me, and, like me, he also belongs to the European People's Party.
Se necesitan criterios claros: el principio de first come first serve, pero también otras reglas más claras que puedan evitar los abusos.
Clear criteria are needed in that connection. That includes the first come, first served principle, as well as clear rules which can prevent abuse of the system.
El problema es que si un animal se come a otro de su misma especie, existe el riesgo de que se produzcan enfermedades.
The problem is that there is a risk of disease if an animal eats other animals of the same species.
El cerdo es un problema menos importante y, de todos modos, mi abuela solía decir que el que come cerdo crudo merece estar enfermo.
Pork is less of a problem and, anyway, my grandmother would say that anyone eating raw pork deserves to be ill.
No hay duda alguna de que hay un claro vínculo entre lo que come la gente y lo que comen los animales.
There is definitely a clear link here between what people eat and what the animals have been fed.
Me gustaría decir que todos aquellos que no hayan pensado en el comercio de derechos de emisión tal vez se deban parar a pensar cómo se come una langosta.
I would like to say that those who have not thought about emissions trading might consider how a lobster is eaten.
Algunos científicos han revelado hace poco que, del mismo modo que el bacalao come gambas, las gambas se comen las larvas de bacalao.
Scientists have recently revealed that, just as the cod fish will eat prawns, prawns eat cod larvae.
Tanto el Consejo como los Estados miembros deben seguir avanzando en esta cuestión, o de lo contrario escucharemos de nuevo: Come on, let's SWIFT again!
Both the Council and the Member States must keep moving on this, otherwise we might once again hear: Come on, let's SWIFT again!
(DE) Señora Presidenta, todos conocen el proverbio africano que afirma que "la pobreza es como un león, si no luchas, te come".
(DE) Madam President, everyone knows the African proverb that asserts that 'poverty is like a lion; if you do not fight, you get eaten'.
Esta mañana, como cada mañana, Jenny tiene hambre porque tiene una elección para el desayuno: o come ella o comen sus dos niñas.
This morning, as every morning, Jenny is hungry because she has a choice for breakfast: either she eats or her two little girls eat.
Ya no es posible hacer excepciones, por lo cual el consumidor -y eso nos los demuestra la investigación del Libro Verde- sabe lo que come.
No further exceptions are possible, so that consumers - and the Greenpeace study showed this - know what they are eating.
Las piñas carecen en este caso de importancia, pues su piel no se come, sin embargo, no será conveniente en el caso de los melocotones.
Pineapples may not in fact matter, because the outer part is not eaten, but it would be quite unreasonable for peaches.
Cierto que el deporte es también un fenómeno económico de gran importancia y, en cuanto tal, debe seguir y cumplir algunas normas de mercado, come se indica en la conocida sentencia Bosman.
Of course, sport is also an extremely important economic phenomenon and, as such, it must follow and comply with certain market rules, as indicated in the famous Bosman judgment.
Este hecho encajaba y encaja por desgracia en la imagen general de continuas y reiteradas vulneraciones y negaciones de las libertades fundamentales en Cuba, come ha confirmado recientemente el COLAT.
This event unfortunately fits into a general picture of continued and repeated violations and negation of fundamental freedoms in Cuba, as also confirmed recently by COLAT.
Si se come el último bacalao, por mucho que haya sido capturado con un equipo estupendo, de la forma correcta y en circunstancias adecuadas, seguirá siendo el último bacalao.
If the last cod is eaten, having been caught with very good equipment, in the correct way and under the right circumstances, it is still the last cod.
Una avalancha de propaganda ha hecho creer que con el euro ocurre lo que con cualquier producto alimenticio de cuya calidad se desea convencer: "la prueba es que la gente lo come».
Floods of propaganda have led us to believe that for the euro, as for "the pudding, the proof is in the eating' .
En los últimos años se ha lanzado una hipótesis en el sentido de que estas bacterias resistentes podrían pasar al ser humano que come la carne, debilitando así también su capacidad de resistencia contra las enfermedades contagiosas.
In recent years the hypothesis has been put forward that these resistant bacteria can get into a meat-eater's bodily system and weaken that person's immunity to infectious disease.

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