Spanish Sentences using cantar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The famous song Yellow Submarine was sung by "The Beatles".
Anny would have sung the national anthem, but she got sick.
He is listening to the birds singing in the woods.
She sang at the restaurant that her father was running.
The girl sang (was singing) while we danced (were dancing).
¿Qué tipo de canciones cantaba Pedro Infante?
What kinds of songs did Pedro Infante sing?
Cantar mal
to sing out of tune
Cuando entramos, la diva ya había cantado el aria.
When we entered, the diva had already sung the aria.
Suéltalo ya, que yo también quisiera cantar.
Let go of it already, I'd also like to sing.
La ballena puede cantar.
The whale can sing.
Una mujer canta la canción Me Hiciste Sufrir.
A woman sings the song You Made Me Suffer.
El canario está cantando.
The canary is singing.
Estoy cantando la mejor canción de Pedro Infante.
I'm singing Pedro Infante's best song.
Ellos van a cantar en español.
They are going to sing in Spanish.
A mis amigos les gusta mucho cómo canta Jorge.
My friends really like the way Jorge sings.
Comienzan a cantar.
They begin to sing.
Cantar una canción
to sing a song
Ella no canta muy bien.
She does not sing very well.
¿Qué canción estás cantando?
What song are you singing?
Me temo que aún no podemos cantar victoria.
I do not believe that we are out of the woods yet.
No debemos cantar victoria antes de tiempo.
We must not count our chickens before they are hatched.
No será, sin embargo, una cuestión de coser y cantar.
It will not, however, be an easy matter.
Por tanto, de momento no es como coser y cantar.
So, it is far from plain sailing for the moment.
He tenido el placer de escucharla cantar en varias ocasiones.
I have been fortunate enough to hear you sing on several occasions.
No se trata de la paz y es prematuro cantar victoria.
It is not peace, and it is premature to cry victory.
Es preciso sin embargo admitir que en el plano financiero no podemos cantar victoria.
We must, however, admit that in financial terms we cannot proclaim a victory!
Señor Presidente, votaremos por tanto, a favor del reglamento, pero no voy a cantar victoria.
Mr President, we will be voting for the Regulation, but I will not make a song and dance about it.
Ahora mismo, me gustaría cantar la Marsellesa, pero quizás sea suficiente decir «¡Viva Francia!».
Right now, I would rather like to sing the 'Marseillaise', but perhaps it will be sufficient for me to say, ''
Hace cuatro semanas, señor Presidente electo, su gallo se negó a cantar.
Four weeks ago, Mr President-elect, your rooster refused to crow.
No estamos aquí para cantar las virtudes de una Constitución que no está exenta de defectos.
We are not here to sing the praises of a Constitution that is not without its defects.
No es así. Se trata de su vanidad, y ése es otro cantar.
It also has to do with human vanity, and this is quite a different matter.
Por último, para concluir, añadiría, siguiendo al ponente, que conviene ser precavido antes de cantar victoria.
In conclusion, and following the example of the rapporteur, I will add that we should be careful before announcing our victory.
Sin ir más lejos, la semana pasada el gobierno aprobó una ley que impide a las mujeres cantar en la radio.
Only last week, for example, the government passed a law stating that women would not be allowed to perform music on the radio.
Señor Poignant: escucharle cantar la Marsellesa o incluso el himno europeo sería sin duda todo un placer.
Mr Poignant, listening to you singing the Marseillaise or even the European anthem would certainly be a great pleasure.
Nosotros no nos pondremos a cantar, sino que sencillamente le decimos a la Presidencia alemana del Consejo: ¡muchas gracias por los buenos resultados!
We are not going to start singing here but would simply like to thank the German Presidency for a successful period in office.
Considero que hemos dado algunos pasos esenciales en la buena dirección aunque no debemos cantar victoria, ya que no hemos logrado todos los resultados que queríamos alcanzar.
I think that we have taken a number of essential steps in the right direction without crowing about it, but also without achieving the results we want to achieve.
No obstante, no deberíamos cantar victoria demasiado pronto porque la amenaza de sanciones no basta, debemos disponer de los instrumentos de control legal necesarios.
However, we should not cry victory too soon because the threat of sanctions is not enough, rather we must have the necessary legal control instruments in place.
Las personas que celebran su cumpleaños en público apenas se atreven a cantar la canción en ciertos lugares de EE.UU. por miedo a las represalias y a las multas.
People who celebrate their birthday in public hardly dare sing that song in certain places in the United States out of fear of reprisals and fines.
El señor Holm se ha referido a la posibilidad de ser multado, por ejemplo, por cantar la canción Happy Birthday pero creo que se confunde aquí.
Mr Holm referred to the possibility of being fined, for example, for singing Happy Birthday but I think he has his ideas confused here.
Sus Señorías he vuelto a consultar el Reglamento, y según parece no estamos autorizados a cantar en el pleno sin pedir permiso primero a la Conferencia de Presidentes.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have just checked again in the rules of procedure: we are not supposed to sing songs in plenary, without first asking the Conference of Presidents.
En este caso, igual que en la música, armonía no significa que todos deban cantar con la misma voz, sino que el resultado global sea armónico.
As with music, harmony here does not necessarily mean that everyone is singing exactly the same note, but that the overall effect is harmonious.
Cuando concluya mi mandato en la Comisión, siempre podré conseguir un empleo para cantar los números de la lotería en la cadena de televisión BBC los sábados por la noche.
When I conclude my time in the Commission, I can always get a job as the person who announces the lottery results on BBC television on Saturday nights.
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