Spanish Sentences using vale
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The These apples are very unripe, it's better to wait a few weeks before buying apples.
How much is the ticket? Round trip costs 57,000 pesetas.
It's true that it's expensive, but it's not worth a fortune.
¿Cuánto vale un mechero?
What does a cigarette lighter cost?
¿Cuánto vale, por favor?
How much is it, please?
¿Cuánto vale este libro?
How much is this book?
¿Cuánto vale un mechero?
What does a cigarette lighter cost?
No vale la pena hablar de éso
that's not worth mentioning
Vale la pena
it's worth the trouble
Más les vale que me devuelvan mi dinero.
They had better return my money.
Más vale callar que lamentar.
It is better to be silent than sorry.
La casa vale lo que cuesta.
The house is woth what you paid for it.
Lo que yo le he dado a él por esa joya es más de lo que ella vale.
What I have pay him for that piece of jewerly is more than what the piece is worth.
Vale la pena
it's worth the trouble
Vale un montón de pasta.
It's worth a big pile of dough.
Por lo menos vale cinco pesos.
It is worth at least five pesos.
No vale la pena hablar de eso
that's not worth mentioning
¿Cuánto vale el billete a Guadalajara, por favor?
What is the fare to Guadalajara, please?
Vale la pena repararlo?
Is it worth repairing?
¿Cuánto vale un sello/estampilla para ... ?
ow much is the postage for...?
No vale la pena que te enfades.
It's not worth it for you to get upset.
No me vale.
It is not good enough.
No vale.
I do not think that this is good enough.
Hoy, eso ya no vale.
That is no longer the case today.
No vale ser tan aprovechado.
You cannot make things so easy for yourself.
¿Cuánto vale Europa?
How much is Europe worth?
No vale esgrimir ninguna excusa.
We cannot come up with excuses.
Vale la pena aprovecharlos.
It is worth benefiting from them.
¡Pero no, a mí esto no me vale!
No, that will not do for me!
No vale la pena.
It is not a serious way of doing things.
No vale sólo crear empleo.
It is not enough just to create jobs.
Más vale prevenir que lamentar.
It is better to anticipate these problems than to regret them at a later date.
Vale más prevenir que curar.
Prevention is better than cure.
Esto vale la pena repetirlo.
That is something worth repeating.
Esto vale también para Turquía.
The same applies to Turkey.
Más vale prevenir que curar.
Prevention is better than cure.
Más vale prevenir que curar.
Prevention is better than cure.
¿Vale la pena este objetivo?
Is this a worthy goal?
Más vale prevenir que curar.
It is better to be safe than sorry.
El "suave, suave" ya no vale.
'Softly, softly' will not do anymore.
Miren lo que vale hoy.
Look at what it is worth today.
Más vale prevenir que curar.
Prevention is better than cure.
Más vale algo que nada.
Half a loaf is better than no bread.
Más vale que sea temprano.
And it would be better if it were done sooner.
Más vale prevenir que curar.
Prevention is more important than cure.
Lo mismo vale para Bosnia.
The same is true of Bosnia!
Más vale tarde que nunca.
But better late than never.
Esto vale, en particular, para Italia.
This is particularly true in the case of Italy.
Ya no vale más que 0,85 dólares.
It is now valued at only USD 0.85.
Lo mismo vale para el alcohol.
The same applies to drinking.
Vale la pena insistir en este punto.
That point is worth emphasising.
Una imagen vale más que mil palabras.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Lo mismo vale para nuestros propios países.
That applies just as much in our own countries.
Evidentemente, vale para cualquier Estado miembro.
This obviously applies to all Member States.
Lo mismo vale para el Tribunal.
The same goes for the Court.
No vale la pena pagar este precio.
It is a price not worth paying.
Por eso, no me vale este tipo de argumentos.
I do not therefore accept this kind of argument.
Creo que vale la pena señalarlo.
That is something I think worth noting.
Lo mismo vale para el G90.
The same goes for the G90.
Esto vale se aplica a muchos sectores.
That applies to many areas.
Pienso que vale la pena recomendarlo.
I believe it has much to commend it.
Eso también vale para el mercado financiero.
That also applies to the financial market.
Es comprensible, pero vale de poco.
This is understandable, but of little value.
Lo mismo vale para la policía.
The same applies to the police.
Niza no vale; es constatar lo evidente.
Nice is no use. That is stating the obvious.
Es algo que vale la pena subrayar.
This is something worth highlighting.
Vale la pena ofrecer a Ucrania esta oportunidad.
It is worth presenting Ukraine with this opportunity.
Vale, tienen prisa, permítanme concluir muy brevemente.
Right, you are in a hurry, let us conclude very briefly.
Tarde, pero más vale tarde que nunca.
It is late, but better late than never.
Lamento decir que esa respuesta no nos vale.
I am sad to say that that response is not good enough for us.
No obstante, sin duda vale la pena intentarlo.
However, it is certainly worth the attempt.
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