Spanish Sentences using vacaciones
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The Why don't you recomment a quiet place where I can spend my vacation?
What did you used to do during summer vacation when you were young?
I don't have money and, for that reason, I can't go on vacation.
How many of you all will go on vacation in the car?
We had to cut short our vacation due to the storm.
If he has a vacation in December, Father will spend Christmas with us.
If Dad has a vacation in December, he will come to spend Christmas with us.
We want you to really enjoy yourself on this vacation.
She finished telling about her vacation but she did not finish telling us about her accident.
We had slept in the tent in the last vacations.
On my last holidays I went to Egypt but I didn't go to Cairo.
The policy for vacation days is that they need to be requested.
No, I did not think about the class during the vacation.
I will take advantage of his business trip to have a vacation.
It's really sunny on the beach during summer vacation.
I have to buy the flight tickets and search a hotel for the holidays.
We choose to travel to Honduras on this vacation.
We have gone camping for many years, but these holidays we will go to a hotel.
We got up late every day last week because we were on vacation.
La familia real volvió ayer de sus vacaciones en la isla de Lanzarote.
The royal family returned yesterday from its holidays in the island of Lanzarote.
Los escolares han escrito un texto sobre sus vacaciones.
The pupils have written a text about their holidays.
Hicimos vacaciones en la costa.
We holidayed at the sea-side.
¿Está aquí de vacaciones?
Are you here on holiday?
Vamos a salir de vacaciones el próximo viernes.
We're going on vacation this Friday.
Ellos mintieron cuando se fueron de vacaciones con sus amigos.
They lied when they left on vacation with their friends.
¿Hará Jorge su trabajo? No, él no lo hará porque él está de vacaciones. Lo hará cuando regrese.
Will Jorge do his work? No, he will not do it because he is on vacation. He will do it when he returns.
La política para vacaciones es que deben ser solicitadas con dos semanas de anterioridad.
The policy for vacations is to ask two weeks in advance.
Mientras ellas estaban de vacaciones, sus abuelos les llamaban casi a diario.
While they were on vacation their grandparents called them almost daily.
Laura me encargó que le regara las plantas en lo que está de vacaciones.
Laura asked me to water her plants while she is on vacation.
Estaba de vacaciones, bañándome en la playa.
I was on holiday, bathing at the seaside.
Acabamos de volver de nuestras vacaciones.
. We have just come back from our holidays.
Todos ustedes se merecían unas vacaciones.
You all deserved your holiday.
Quizá porque se acercan las vacaciones.
Perhaps it was because of the coming holidays.
Y nosotros nos fuimos de vacaciones.
And we duly went on our holidays!
Pero la Comisión estaba de vacaciones...
But the Commission was on holiday.
He pasado allí una parte de mis vacaciones.
I devoted part of my holiday to this trip.
Ellos trabajan y tienen vacaciones, pero no pueden disfrutar de los viajes ordinarios de vacaciones.
They work and are given holiday-time, but they are unable to go on ordinary tours.
Doce personas fueron de vacaciones y terminaron en prisión.
Twelve people went on holiday and have ended up in jail.
Cuba no es un lugar apropiado para ir de vacaciones.
Cuba is not an appropriate place for a holiday.
Nadie va de vacaciones a Auschwitz o a un gulag.
Nobody goes on holiday to Auschwitz or to a gulag.
Por lo tanto, lucharé contra este tipo de vacaciones.
So I will fight regulatory holidays.
Ya ve, las vacaciones normativas no son una novedad.
You see, the regulatory holiday is not news.
Con frecuencia muchos ciudadanos polacos pasan sus vacaciones en Egipto.
Many people from Poland go on holiday to Egypt on a regular basis.
Nos hemos comprometido a hacer esto durante las vacaciones de verano.
We have committed ourselves to doing this by the summer break.
Quería expresarle mis felicitaciones y desearle unas buenas vacaciones.
I just wanted to thank you for that, and to wish you a pleasant holiday.
Derecho a las vacaciones, derecho al sueño; me parece un poco exagerado.
The right to holidays, the right to sleep - I think it has all gone rather too far.
No encontré ninguna diferencia entre la primera y la segunda parte de mis vacaciones: fueron unas vacaciones muy bonitas tanto en Chipre del Norte como en Chipre del Sur.
There was no difference between the first and second parts of the holiday: I had a wonderful time in both Northern and Southern Cyprus.
La gente cree que puede comprar una vivienda de vacaciones barata para ese periodo exacto en el que quieren pasar sus vacaciones.
People are under the illusion that they can buy a holiday home cheaply for the exact period they want to take their holidays.
En el momento de la adopción de la Directiva en 1990, las vacaciones combinadas eran el tipo más común de vacaciones.
At the time of the adoption of the directive in 1990, package holidays were the most common type of holidays.
(RO) La Directiva relativa a viajes, vacaciones y circuitos combinados incluye servicios de transporte y alojamiento, junto con otros servicios relacionados que se ofertan en las vacaciones combinadas.
(RO) The Package Travel Directive encompasses transport and accommodation services, along with other related services provided through package holidays.
La imagen de recorrer la UE en automóvil puede evocar unas gratas vacaciones de verano, según nos anuncian los programas televisivos sobre vacaciones.
The image of motoring abroad in the EU can often be one of carefree summer holiday touring as put forward in television holiday programmes.
¿Se debe a la estabilidad y el progreso económico en este país destino de vacaciones?
Is it on account of the stability and economic progress which this holiday destination enjoys?
Su publicación está prevista para antes de las vacaciones de verano.
It should be published before the summer break.
Todos los años, miles de personas cruzan el continente en coche para irse de vacaciones.
Every year, thousands of people drive across the continent on holiday.
Señora Presidenta, hace poco, este verano, estuve de vacaciones en Estonia.
Madam President, a few days ago, during the summer, I went on holiday to Estonia.
De hecho, hubiéramos querido verla culminada antes de las vacaciones de verano.
We would, indeed, have liked to have seen it wrapped up before the summer holidays.
Afecta a los que tienen un apartamento o incluso una casa de vacaciones.
Those who have a holiday flat or even a holiday home are affected by this.
Pero esos mismos ciudadanos quieren ir de vacaciones e ir en avión al Parlamento Europeo.
But the same public wants to go on holiday; the same public wants to fly to the European Parliament.
Otras ventajas se van a mostrar por ejemplo ahora en las vacaciones.
More advantages will become apparent, for example in the holiday season that is just beginning.
Le esperamos el próximo mes para el turno de preguntas, después de las vacaciones.
We look forward to seeing you next month for Question Time, after the holiday.
El último chanchullo consiste, básicamente, en crear los denominados clubes de vacaciones.
The latest scam is basically establishing so-called holiday clubs.
No sólo quieren comer y beber, también quieren irse de vacaciones, viajar, etcétera, etcétera.
They want not just to eat and drink, they also want to go on holiday, to travel, and so on and so forth.
Se ha informado de que: «está disfrutando de sus vacaciones de verano, navegando en un yate».
He is reported as: 'enjoying his summer holiday, sailing on a yacht'.
Soy consciente de que los ciudadanos de la antigua Unión pasan sus vacaciones en estos países.
I am well aware that citizens of the old Union holiday in those countries.
Nadie va de vacaciones a un país mediterráneo con una moneda tan fuerte.
No one goes on holiday to a Mediterranean country with such a strong currency.
Las vacaciones del señor Barroso no merecen ni un minuto de atención.
Mr Barroso’s holiday is not worthy of a minute of attention.
La Unión Europa tiene que coordinar adecuadamente las vacaciones nacionales y regionales.
National and regional holidays need to be properly coordinated by the European Union.
Se va de vacaciones, se plantea algunas cuestiones serias, vuelve y formula ideas.
It goes into recess, it asks itself some serious questions, it returns and it formulates ideas.
Los propios europeos se oponen a ello, pues desean tener más tiempo libre y vacaciones más largas.
Europeans themselves are opposed to this, as they wish to have more leisure time and longer holidays.
Espero que el plan de acción se apruebe inmediatamente después de las vacaciones de verano.
I expect the action plan to be adopted just after the summer break.
Estamos ultimando ese documento, que estará a su disposición antes de las vacaciones.
We are in the process of finalising that document, which will be with you before the summer recess.
En esta época del año, millones de europeos salen de vacaciones y utilizan el avión.
At this time of the year, millions of Europeans are once more setting off on their holidays, and doing so by air.
No van a Canarias de vacaciones, es una vía para entrar en la Unión Europea.
They are not going to the Canaries for their holidays. It is a way of getting into Europe.
Esta Presidencia también observa que su Señoría está desesperada por tomarse unas vacaciones en el Mediterráneo.
This Presidency also takes note that you are desperate for a Mediterranean holiday.
La mayor parte del período transcurrido coincidió con las vacaciones de Navidad.
Most of the intervening period was taken up by the Christmas break.
Por último, quiero desearle unas vacaciones muy felices, porque ciertamente se las merece.
Finally, I would like to wish you a very pleasant holiday - because you certainly deserve it.
Fallecieron 14 personas y otras resultaron heridas de camino hacia sus vacaciones.
Fourteen human lives were extinguished and other persons were injured on their way to their holidays.
El señor Sarkozy no ha cogido vacaciones, ha estado trabajando desde el comienzo de su Presidencia.
He has not taken any holiday, he has been at work since the start of his Presidency.
Esto es una buena noticia para los consumidores checos que deseen irse de vacaciones.
This is good news for Czech consumers wanting to go on holiday.
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