Spanish Sentences using tuve
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The His brother, instead, at his age, had dyslexia and I had to take him to a speech therapist.
I got sick during the night, and I had to call the doctor on call.
Last night I wanted to go to bed early but I couldn't because I had to do my homework.
I couldn't go to bed earlier because I had to do a lot of homework.
You left so quickly that I didn't even have time to talk to you.
I wasn't able to see the movie because I had to go to bed early.
Did you have your English class today? No, I did not have it today. I had it yesterday.
John wanted me to play tennis yesterday but I had to study.
¿Tuviste otro examen de química? No, no tuve ningún examen [no tuve exámenes] el lunes.
Did you have another chemistry exam? No, I had no exams on Monday.
Yo tuve un hermano iba por los montes mientras yo dormía.
I had a brother that used to walk in the forest while I slept.
Tuve un sueño muy raro.
I had a very strange dream.
No tuve fiesta de quinceañera, es una pérdida de tiempo.
I didn't have a quinceañera,it's a waste of time.
No tuve respuesta a mi pregunta.
I did not receive an answer to my question.
Tuve que cancelar el viaje.
I had to cancel the trip.
Con esto tuve mucho empeño.
I find that extremely difficult.
Tuve que mirarme estas 150 páginas.
I had a look through these 150 pages.
Tuve el honor de hacerlo en 2001.
I had the honour to do so in 2001.
Tuve que marcharme antes de lo previsto.
I know, I had to leave here before I realised it.
Sólo tuve tres minutos al principio.
I only had three minutes at the beginning.
Ayer tuve que viajar durante 14 horas.
Yesterday it took me 14 hours to get here.
Yo tuve la oportunidad de visitar Iraq el mes pasado.
I had the opportunity to visit Iraq last month.
Pasé mi día en los tribunales y tuve mi juicio.
I had my day in court and I had my trial.
Dormí muy mal y tuve una verdadera pesadilla.
I slept extremely badly last night and had a real nightmare.
En mi intervención anterior no tuve tiempo de hacerlo.
In my earlier speech I was unable to take the time to do so.
Señor Presidente, también ayer por la noche tuve un sueño.
Mr President, last night I had a dream.
Tuve el honor de pertenecer a aquella pequeña delegación.
I was honoured to be one of its members.
Tuve el privilegio de representar al Parlamento en esta cumbre.
I had the privilege of representing Parliament during that summit.
Tuve que decirle a mi hijo que dejara el trabajo.
I had to make my son quit the job.
En eso no tuve razón o, más bien, no del todo.
Here I was not right – or rather I was not entirely right.
Tuve razón al darle por desaparecido el 12 de octubre.
I had good reason for posting him as missing on 12 October.
Ayer tuve una reunión con la Comisaria Fischer Boel.
Yesterday I had a meeting with Commissioner Fischer Boel.
Tuve que desligarme del mundo de la investigación ulterior.
I had to cut myself off from the world of further research.
Tuve la oportunidad de debatir también con el Ministro Martin.
I also had the opportunity to have a discussion with Minister Martin.
Tuve que devolver el coche con el depósito lleno.
I had to return it full again.
Tuve la oportunidad de visitar cárceles de Azerbaiyán.
I had the opportunity to visit Azeri prisons.
Yo me dirigía a Baku y tuve grandes dificultades para regresar.
I was travelling to Baku and could only get back with great difficulties.
Tuve una reunión con el Presidente hace poco.
I met with the President a short time ago.
Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de viajar con él a Angola.
I had the opportunity of travelling to Angola with him quite recently.
Personalmente, tuve ocasión de entusiasmarme ante ciertos casos.
Personally, I have had occasion to get genuinely excited about some cases.
Tuve ocasión de escucharle, así que se corregirá la lista.
I heard you so it will be corrected.
El viernes tuve un debate con empleados de este Parlamento.
Last Friday I held talks with colleagues from this House.
¡Como resultado tuve que recurrir a agitar mis brazos!
As a result, I had to revert to waiving my arms!
Lamentablemente tuve un pinchazo en la silla de ruedas esta mañana y eso ha retrasado mi llegada; tuve que llevarla a reparar.
Unfortunately, I had a puncture in my wheelchair this morning and that is what delayed my arrival - I had to get it repaired.
Tuve la suerte de poder hablar ayer con el Subsecretario Slater junto con otros colegas.
I was fortunate to have an opportunity to talk with Under-Secretary Slater yesterday along with a number of my other colleagues.
Ya tuve oportunidad de discutir aquí en otra ocasión dicha propuesta.
I have already had an opportunity to discuss this proposal here in Parliament.
Además, tuve también problemas a la hora de conseguir plaza en un vuelo a Estrasburgo.
What is more, I also had problems obtaining a seat at all on a flight to Strasbourg.
Por otra parte, tuve que pensar de nuevo en la historia del Titanic.
However, I was also reminded of what happened to the Titanic.
Algunos hicieron observaciones sobre pequeños puntos que tuve que retirar posteriormente.
A number noticed little points that I had to then retract.
Tuve el privilegio de ser ministro de Inmigración en el anterior Gobierno.
I was privileged to be an immigration minister in the last government.
Tuve la suerte de que ésa fuera mi experiencia en Sri Lanka.
I was fortunate that this was my experience in Sri Lanka.
Tuve el placer de representar a la Comisión en todos esos debates y discusiones.
I was pleased to represent the Commission in all these debates and discussions.
Tuve que mantener antes una conversación y no pude estar al principio allí.
There was something I had to discuss beforehand and could not make it for the start of the gathering.
Por ello, tuve que abstenerme en mi propia opinión, señor Presidente.
I therefore had to abstain from my own opinion, Mr President.
Tuve un ataque de asma justo en el momento anterior al de mi intervención.
I had an asthma attack just before I was due to speak.
Eso ilustró la tragedia de esta conferencia, porque tuve la impresión de que asistí a dos conferencias.
That illustrated the tragedy of this conference, because I felt I attended two conferences.
Señora Presidenta, a propósito del informe Ramos sobre la pesca, tuve un sueño.
Madam President, I have had a dream which concerns the Ramos report on fisheries.
Tuve la ocasión de estar allí y de hablar con todos los dirigentes políticos.
I was able to be there and talk to all the political leaders.
También tuve ocasión de tratar estos asuntos en mi reciente visita a la República Popular de China.
I was able to discuss these issues as well myself on a recent visit to the People's Republic of China.
Aquellos que se ocuparon de mis cuidados me dijeron que, en su opinión, tuve legionela.
Those who looked after me told me that as far as they were concerned it was legionella.
No tuve la menor duda de que la contraje cuando regresé a este Parlamento tras la interrupción estival.
I was in no doubt that I caught it when I came back to this Parliament after the summer recess.
Bien, señor Presidente, anoche dormí muy bien y, una vez más, tuve un sueño.
Well, Mr President, I slept very well last night and, once again, I had a dream.
En mi país tuve algunos problemas para explicarles a los ciudadanos y ciudadanas austriacos esta coordinación abierta.
I had a few problems at home, trying to explain this open coordination to the Austrian public.
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