Spanish Sentences using tratado
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The Los médicos han tratado varias posibilidades para esa operación.
The doctors have put together several possibilities for that surgery.
La sociedad civil ha tratado muy mal a las mujeres centroamericanas.
Civil society has treated Central American women poorly.
¿Han tratado de ayudarte?
Have they tried to help you?
Un nuevo Tratado y un buen Tratado.
It is a new Treaty and a good Treaty.
El Tratado, el nuevo Tratado para Europa.
The Treaty, the new Treaty for Europe.
El Tratado de Niza.
The third area is the Treaty of Nice.
¡«No» al Tratado Constitucional!
‘No’ to the Constitutional Treaty!
No habrá un tercer tratado.
There will be no third treaty.
Eso es el Tratado.
That is what the Treaty is.
Apoyamos el nuevo Tratado.
We support the new treaty.
No habrá un nuevo tratado.
There will not be a new treaty.
Presentemos un nuevo tratado.
Let us have a new treaty.
¿Que prescribe el Tratado?
What does the Treaty stipulate?
El Tratado no prevé esto.
The Treaty does not make provision for that.
El Tratado no prevé esto.
The Treaty does not make provision for it.
Es el Tratado.
This is what the Treaty says.
Ningún tratado ha sustituido al Tratado de Niza.
No treaty has replaced the Treaty of Nice.
No debemos llegar a un Tratado gigantesco, sino a un Tratado más pequeño.
We must not end up with a huge treaty, but at a smaller treaty.
Nos ha tratado muy bien.
And thank you for being so brief.
Así lo estipula el Tratado.
That is laid down in the Treaty.
Así figura en el Tratado.
That is what it says in the Treaty.
Pero el Tratado no lo permite".
But the Treaty does not allow it'.
El Tratado tampoco lo permite.
Nor is there any support for this in the Treaties.
El Tratado ya contempla esto.
The Treaty now provides for this.
No se está respetando el Tratado.
The Treaty is not being respected.
Niza es el Tratado vigente.
Nice is the Treaty in force.
Usted no ha sido tratado injustamente.
You have not been treated unfairly.
Comencemos por el Tratado Euratom.
Let us begin with the Euratom Treaty.
Dicho tratado se ha rechazado.
That treaty has been rejected.
Son los términos del Tratado.
Those are the terms of the Treaty.
¿Se puede modificar el Tratado?
Can the Treaty be modified?
Entonces, el Tratado, ¿es perfecto?
Is the Treaty perfect, then?
No, este Tratado nos hará progresar.
No, this Treaty means progress for us.
Tiene sentido ratificar el Tratado.
It makes sense to ratify the Treaty.
Este Tratado no está vigente aún.
The Treaty of Lisbon has not yet come into force.
¿Por qué necesitamos este Tratado?
Why do we need this Treaty?
Nuestro Grupo no acepta el Tratado.
Our Group does not accept the treaty.
Es un Tratado de eufemismos.
It is a treaty of euphemisms.
Debíamos debatir sobre el Tratado.
We had a debate on the consolidated Treaty.
Este Tratado ha sido rechazado.
That Treaty has been rejected.
Primera opción: cambiar el Tratado.
Option one: change the Treaty.
También es un Tratado reformista.
It is also a reformist treaty.
El Tratado abre nuevas oportunidades.
The treaty opens up new opportunities.
Ya casi tiene su Tratado.
So you have almost got your Treaty.
No obstante, un Tratado no es suficiente.
A treaty, however, is not enough.
Desgraciadamente, el Tratado no lo contempla.
Unfortunately, it is not provided for by the treaty.
Modificar dicho Tratado requiere unanimidad.
A change to the Euratom Treaty requires unanimity.
Este tratado hay que ratificarlo.
This treaty has to be ratified.
No estaría en contra del Tratado.
It would not be against the Treaty.
Hay que ajustar este tratado.
This treaty needs tightening up.
Está establecido en el Tratado.
It is enshrined in the Treaty.
Yo no puedo inventarme el Tratado.
I cannot invent the Treaty.
No está previsto en el Tratado.
There is no provision for it in the Treaty.
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