Spanish Sentences using pudieron
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The When they were young children they could not understand it but now they can.
Could you speak English when you arrived in Utah?
Because he wasn´t aided immediately, they couldn´t do anything and he died.
As if they had spoken something that they had not been able to understand.
¿Sabes si los muchachos pudieron ayudar a la señora García?
Do you know if the boys were able to help Mrs. Garcia?
Ellos no la pudieron ayudar esta mañana. / Ellos no pudieron ayudarla esta mañana.
They couldn't help her this morning.
Yo no sé si los muchachos pudieron ayudar a la señora García esta mañana.
I don't know if the boys were able to help Mrs. Garcia this morning.
Los muchachos no nos pudieron ayudar esta mañana. / Los muchachos no pudieron ayudarnos esta mañana.
The boys could not help us this morning.
¿Cómo pudieron hacer eso?
How were they able to do that?
Todos pudieron darse cuenta.
Everyone is fully aware of that.
Pero pudieron ser los rebeldes.
But it could be the rebels.
Los créditos se pudieron reprogramar en parte.
Some of the resources were able to be transferred to other programmes.
No pudieron ser halladas y nunca existieron.
They could not be found and they did not exist.
Pudieron comprobarlo ustedes hace unos días.
You had the proof of that a few days ago.
En 2003 pudieron organizarse y llevarse a cabo cuatro misiones conjuntas.
It was possible to organise and carry out four joint missions in 2003.
Los medios impresos no estatales solo pudieron desempeñar un papel secundario.
Non-state print media had only a minor role to play.
Muchos proyectos se vieron afectados y no pudieron conseguir sus objetivos.
Many projects were affected and their goals could not be achieved.
Y de ser así, ¿cómo pudieron adoptar semejante decisión?
If so, how could you have decided this?
Muchos birmaneses no pudieron ejercer su derecho al voto.
Many people were barred from voting.
Algunos pasajeros se quedaron tirados y no pudieron continuar sus viajes.
Some passengers were stranded and were unable to continue their journeys.
Todos ésos son asuntos que ya se pudieron resolver ayer.
These could have all been decided here yesterday.
Las Naciones Unidas, las ONG, los observadores, nada pudieron hacer.
The UN, the NGOs, the observers were all powerless to do anything.
Pues bien, los trabajadores de esta empresa pudieron comprobar cuán burdas eran estas mentiras. Pudieron comprobar que les habían timado.
To consider it to be just an Italian scandal is a limited outlook.
Por desgracia, no todos ellos pudieron convencer a sus Grupos para que siguieran esta línea.
Unfortunately not all of them were able to persuade their groups to follow the line.
Gracias a él pudieron los productores compensar los costes añadidos al transporte de mercancías hacia suelo europeo.
This aid helped producers to offset the additional costs of transporting their products to mainland Europe.
Muchos Zimbabwenses no pudieron votar, a pesar de haber hecho colas durante horas.
Many Zimbabweans queued for hours and were still not allowed to vote.
Aquí y allá surgieron problemas, pero pudieron ser resueltos con rapidez.
Problems have already cropped up here and there in the meantime, but have always been very quickly resolved.
Pudieron hacerse una idea del grado de madurez de este país y de sus políticos.
They were able to form for themselves a conception of how mature this country and its politicians are.
Como es sabido, no pudieron hacerse más avances porque un miembro de la OTAN había mostrado reparos.
As is well known, further progress could not be made because one NATO member had expressed misgivings.
Los donantes que habían prometido una nueva financiación en Monterrey pudieron confirmar este aspecto.
Those donors that had promised new funding in Monterrey confirmed this.
En consecuencia, los Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido pudieron bombardear el Iraq con más acierto.
The United States and Great Britain were subsequently able to bomb in Iraq with greater success.
A la vista de ello, creo que debemos tener en cuenta las oportunidades que no pudieron aprovechar.
We therefore need to take into consideration those opportunities of which they were unable to take advantage.
Gracias a ellos pudieron romperse las cadenas del totalitarismo comunista, empezando por Polonia.
It was thanks to these principles that it proved possible first to break the fetters of Communist totalitarianism, starting in Poland.
¿Pudieron visitar los observadores de la Comisión, sin aviso previo, cárceles elegidas por ellos mismos?
Were the Commission observers able to visit prisons unannounced as they chose?
Mis colegas no pudieron entender ni una palabra de lo que yo estaba diciendo en finés.
My colleagues could not understand a word I was saying in Finnish.
Únicamente 700 000 de los 6 millones de personas que necesitaban antirretrovirales pudieron acceder a este tratamiento.
Only 700 000 of the 6 million who needed antiretrovirals could access that treatment.
Treinta testigos de la defensa no pudieron intervenir porque no les dejaron los jueces.
Thirty defence witnesses were not able to speak because the judges did not allow them.
Lamentablemente, los representantes de la ONU no pudieron visitar Guantánamo en las condiciones normales para procedimientos especiales.
Unfortunately, it was not possible for the UN representatives to visit Guantánamo under the normal conditions for special procedures.
Los viandantes pacíficos, que querían celebrar el alzamiento de 1956 pacíficamente, no pudieron hacerlo.
Peaceable passers-by, who wanted to celebrate 1956 peacefully, were not allowed to do so.
Los que no pudieron escapar a través de las altas montañas fueron masacrados a manos de mercenarios.
Those who could not escape by walking through the high mountains were massacred by the hands of mercenaries.
Como ha señalado el Comisario Almunia, algunas cuestiones no pudieron resolverse definitivamente con esta Directiva.
As Commissioner Almunia mentioned, a number of issues could not be resolved definitively with this Directive.
Después de esto, los miembros de la oposición que habían sido heridos pudieron volar hasta Sudáfrica.
Following this, the injured opposition members were able to fly to South Africa.
No obstante, puesto que no todos ustedes pudieron estar allí, permítanme aprovechar esta oportunidad para decirles "gracias".
However, as it was not possible for all of you to be there, may I take this opportunity here to say 'thank you'.
Empero, los romaníes apenas se beneficiaron, y se trasladaron a Europa Occidental tan pronto como pudieron.
But Roma hardly benefited, and moved to the West as soon as they were allowed to.
El debate perdió dinamismo porque los ponentes alternativos tampoco pudieron hablar.
The debate lost its dynamism because the shadow rapporteurs were not allowed to speak either.
En cuanto mi hija llegó, pudieron ya hacer con él lo que querían.
As soon as my daughter arrived, they were able do what they wanted to him.
Sólo en mi circunscripción, se detuvo a doce personas inocentes y no pudieron ser acusadas.
In my constituency alone, 12 innocent people were detained and were not able to be charged.
También se ha hablado aquí sobre los estudiantes y científicos que no pudieron viajar a otro Estado miembro.
There has also been talk here about students and scientists who were unable to travel to another Member State.
Estos vuelos no pudieron realizar análisis reales ni presentar ningún resultado significativo.
These flights were not able to carry out any real analyses or produce any significant results.
Algunos diputados al Parlamento Europeo pudieron observar que las ONG, incluidas las europeas, tenían voz allí.
Some Members of the European Parliament could see that NGOs, including European NGOs, had a voice there.
Los visitantes pudieron observar de cerca la labor del Parlamento y enterarse de nuestros trabajos cotidianos.
Visitors were able to see the work of Parliament close up and learn about our everyday work.
Por ejemplo, ¿recibirán una compensación las personas que no pudieron acudir a importantes reuniones de negocios?
For example, will business people who missed important appointments receive compensation?
La mitad de ellos no pudieron encontrar otro trabajo o se jubilaron y precisan de ayuda.
Half of these failed to find another job or retired and required assistance.
Los paquetes de rescate sólo pudieron detener la espiral a corto plazo.
The rescue packages were only able to arrest the downward spiral in the short term.
En la Conferencia de Copenhague sobre el cambio climático no se pudieron alcanzar compromisos concretos.
Concrete commitments could not be reached at the Copenhagen conference on climate change.
Varios cientos de PYME pudieron presentar propuestas para el 7PM con apoyo de la red.
Several hundred SMEs were able to submit FP7 proposals with the support of the network.
Así, pues, se pudieron tener en cuenta algunas de las recomendaciones formuladas por los expertos.
Some of the recommendations made by the experts were thus able to be taken into consideration.
Pudieron hacerse progresos importantes en numerosos ámbitos esenciales de la actividad comunitaria.
Major progress has been made in a number of essential areas of Community activity.
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