Spanish Sentences using pude
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The Yes, I tried to go but I couldn’t because my car did not start.
He tried to open the door but he couldn't. So, he decided to wait for me. But I couldn't either.
I didn't change the tire because I couldn't find the jack.
Last night I wanted to go to bed early but I couldn't because I had to do my homework.
I couldn't go to bed earlier because I had to do a lot of homework.
I couldn't go to bed at nine o'clock because I had a lot of homework to do.
I didn't go to the store yesterday because I couldn't.
I wasn't able to see the movie because I had to go to bed early.
I couldn't see the last episode because I was working.
I couldn't give John the things that he needed.
No pude hacerlo.
I was not able to do that.
Tampoco pude responder a eso.
I could not answer that either.
Pude utilizarlo como amenaza.
I was able to use it as a threat.
Hace poco pude convencerme de ello.
I had the opportunity to convince myself of that just a short time ago.
Yo no pude obtener el visado francés.
I was not able to get a French visa.
Ésta es la radiografía que pude observar.
That was the detailed picture I gained there.
Pude experimentar esto de primera mano.
I was able to experience this first-hand.
Lo pude ver con mis propios ojos.
I saw this with my own eyes.
Lo pude ver en las reacciones.
I have seen it in people' s reactions.
Pude comprobar que había motivos para levantar algunas restricciones.
I was satisfied that the easing of restrictions was justified.
(FR) No pude más que horrorizarme cuando leí este informe.
(FR) I was nothing short of horrified when I read this report.
Desde el principio pude comprobar que habría un problema.
Right from the beginning I could see that there would be a problem.
Aunque el Reglamento lo permite, no pude presentar enmiendas en comisión.
Even though the Rules of Procedure permit it, I was not able to table any amendments in the Committee.
Tengo que admitir que no pude dar una respuesta.
I have to admit that I was unable to come up with an answer to that.
El balance que pude hacer no me ha tranquilizado demasiado.
What I saw there did little to reassure me.
Hace un mes pude visitar dicho país y pude detectar un ambiente muy abierto y de interés por Europa, sobre todo entre los jóvenes.
I visited Libya a month ago and found the people, especially the young, to be open-minded and most interested in Europe.
Una vez más pude ver el desafío al que nos enfrentamos pero también pude comprobar el impacto que podemos tener cuando trabajamos conjuntamente.
I saw once again the challenge we face, but also the impact that we can have when we work together.
Pude ver a los Estados miembros trabajando como un equipo, lo que es una experiencia realmente reconfortante.
I saw Member States working as a team, which was indeed a wonderful experience.
Casi pude tocar el dolor, sentir realmente el dolor de aquella mujer.
I could almost touch the pain, really feel the pain of that woman.
Tuve que mantener antes una conversación y no pude estar al principio allí.
There was something I had to discuss beforehand and could not make it for the start of the gathering.
Lo único que pude oír fue a alguien que estaba gritando en el patio.
All I could hear was someone shouting down in the courtyard.
Además, pude contar con todas las representaciones de los diferentes países europeos.
I was also able to count on all those representing the various European countries.
Únicamente en este punto no pude obtener el apoyo que esperaba de los grandes Grupos parlamentarios.
It was only in this point that I failed to receive the support which I had hoped for from the major groups.
Pude ver los restos de 500 personas alineados en un local industrial
I myself saw the remains of 500 people laid out in a line in industrial premises.
Por esta razón no pude hacer uso de la palabra hace poco.
For that reason, I was unable to take the floor just now.
La segunda vez pude reunirme clandestinamente con Aung San Suu Kyi.
On the second occasion I was able to meet with Aung San Suu Kyi clandestinely.
En ese momento también, yo era el orador de mi Grupo y pude exponer nuestros argumentos.
At that time, too, I was the spokesman for my group and was able to put our arguments forward.
– Señor Presidente, a finales de 2002 fui a Myanmar y pude comprobar que es un estado policial.
Mr President, at the end of 2002 I was travelling in Burma and saw that Burma was a police state.
En efecto, a raíz de ese debate pude comprender sus principales preocupaciones y tratar de resolverlas.
In fact, it was as a result of that debate that I came to understand your main concerns and have been able to try to resolve them.
También pude comprobar que las redes de enmalle de fondo son igualmente depredadoras o incluso más.
It was proved to me that bottom gill-netting was equally predatory or even more so.
Pude también notar, me alegra decirlo, que el candidato vencedor desea acercarse a la UE.
I was also able to note, I am pleased to say, that the winning candidate wishes to move closer to the EU.
Como estudiante de la Universidad Karl Marx en Leipzig en 1976, lo pude comprobar en persona.
As a student at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig in 1976, I saw this at first hand.
Pude comprobar personalmente que la granada de mano iba dirigida sin lugar a dudas contra József Kasza.
I was able to ascertain in person that the hand-grenade had indeed been intended for József Kasza.
Es un país lleno de paradojas, como pude comprobar durante las dos semanas que pasé allí.
It is a country of paradoxes, as I was able to observe during the couple of weeks I spent there.
Durante el año 2004 pude ayudar a casi un 70 % de las personas que me presentaron reclamaciones.
During 2004, I was able to help almost 70 % of the people who complained to me.
Pude comprobar asimismo que esta Cámara había abordado ya esta cuestión en otros informes.
I was also able to observe that our Assembly had already addressed this issue in the form of other reports.
Lo pude comprobar claramente en mi visita a Ucrania la semana pasada.
I sensed that very clearly when I visited Ukraine last week.
No pude estar allí, pero ellos expresaron su agradecimiento por la forma en que los mantuvo informados.
I could not be there, but they did express their thanks for the way he kept them informed.
Durante 2005 pude atender a más del 75 % de las personas que me presentaron sus quejas.
During 2005, I was able to assist over 75% of the people who complained to me.
El sistema era inconcebiblemente cruel, como pude ver con mis propios ojos.
The system was inconceivably cruel, something I saw at first hand.
Fue entonces cuando pude reanudar las conversaciones con la Comisión y la Presidencia del Consejo finlandesa.
It was then that I was able to resume talks with the Commission and the Finnish Presidency of the Council.
(RO) Señora Presidenta, Comisaria, la Unión Europea no pude basarse únicamente en criterios económicos.
(RO) Madam President, Commissioner, the European Union cannot base itself only on economic criteria.
por escrito. - (DE) Ayer no pude hacer uso de mi tiempo de uso de la palabra.
in writing. - (DE) Yesterday I was not able to make use of my speaking time.
Por ello, no pude votar a favor del informe ni en la Comisión ni en el Pleno.
As a result, I was unable to vote in favour of the report either in committee or in plenary.
El impacto positivo de este plan pude valorarse a muchos niveles: social, económico y financiero.
The positive impact of this scheme can be considered on many levels: social, economic and financial.
Así pude comprobarlo en mi visita a Ürümqi de hace cuatro años.
I saw this when I visited Urumqi four years ago.
El paquete de 500 millones de euros fue el paquete más grande que pude conseguir.
The EUR 500 million package was the biggest package I could bring through.
(RO) Mientras escuchaba a la señora Băsescu, no pude evitar decir: "O, les pauvres!
(RO) While listening to Mrs Băsescu, I cannot help but declare: 'O, les pauvres!
El mes pasado, en una visita a Bulgaria, pude ver un ejemplo realmente alentador de ello.
Last month, on a visit to Bulgaria, I saw a truly inspiring example of this.
Le admiro por Dayton, le pude conocer en una fascinante cena en Bruselas y me impresionó mucho.
I admired him for Dayton, met him once for a fascinating dinner in Brussels and was very much impressed by him.
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