Spanish Sentences using placer
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The It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope to see you again soon.
We were so sorry that we had to cancel the dinner; it would have been such a pleasure to meet you.
Will you please tell me about your mother? Yes, with pleasure, I will tell you about my mother.
Se dice que ganar por primera vez te da mucho placer.
People say that winning for the first time is very pleasing.
Si persigues el placer te encadenas al sufrimiento.
If you pursue pleasure, you get chained to suffering.
¿Te paseas para el placer? Sí, por supuesto, me paseo porque me gusta.
Do you walk for pleasure? Yes, of course, I walk because I like to.
Encontrar placer en
to find pleasure in
Será un placer hacerlo.
I am happy to do that.
Fue un placer contemplarla.
It was a pleasure to watch her.
Es un verdadero placer.
This was a real pleasure.
Su colaboración fue un placer.
It was a pleasant way of collaborating.
Es un placer verla aquí.
It is a pleasure to see you here.
¡Ha sido un placer trabajar con ustedes!
It has been a pleasure to work with you.
Señor Presidente, apoyaré con placer este informe.
Mr President, I am pleased to support this report.
Ha sido un gran placer colaborar contigo.
It has been a great pleasure to cooperate with you.
Ha sido un placer colaborar con ella.
It has been a pleasure to collaborate with her.
Ha sido un placer trabajar con ellos.
I was extremely pleased to work with them.
(DE) Será un placer retomar esta sugerencia.
(DE) I shall gladly take up that suggestion again.
Fue un gran placer trabajar con ella.
I very much enjoyed working with her.
Es un placer tenerla con nosotros.
It is nice to have her with us.
Ha sido un placer trabajar con ellos.
It was a joy to work with them.
Siempre será un placer tenerle aquí.
It must always be a pleasure for you to be here!
Es un placer para mí hacerlo.
It is a pleasure for me to do so.
Fue un verdadero placer trabajar con usted.
It was a real pleasure to work with you.
Con enorme placer, le invito a dirigirse a nosotros.
It is with great pleasure that I now invite you to speak to us.
Esto ha sido un gran placer.
That has been a great pleasure.
Es un placer tenerle entre nosotros.
It is a pleasure to see you here.
Apoyo esta resolución con gran placer.
I have great pleasure in supporting this resolution.
Siempre la he desempeñado con muchísimo placer.
I always did this with a great deal of pleasure.
Tengo el gran placer de recibir al Primer Ministro Persson.
It is my very great pleasure to welcome Mr Persson, the Swedish Prime Minister.
. (EN) Señor Presidente, es un placer ver aquí al Comisario.
Mr President, it is a pleasure to see the Commissioner here.
Es un placer para mí entregársela a la Presidenta del Parlamento.
I should very much like to hand it over to the President of Parliament.
Ha sido un gran placer trabajar con él.
It was a great pleasure to work with him.
Es un placer trabajar con el Dr. Buseck.
It is a pleasure to work with Dr Buseck.
Ha sido un placer resumirla ante el Parlamento.
I am happy to outline that for Parliament.
Ha sido un verdadero placer para mí trabajar con usted.
It has been a genuine pleasure to work with you.
Este año he tenido el placer de elaborarlo yo.
This year, I had the pleasure of preparing it.
Ha sido un placer trabajar con sus Señorías.
It has been my pleasure to work with the Members of this Parliament.
Ha sido un verdadero placer para mí trabajar con él.
It has been a pleasure to work with him.
He seguido muy de cerca y con gran placer este debate.
I have been following this debate closely and with pleasure.
Ha sido un placer colaborar con él en este proyecto.
It has been a pleasant experience collaborating on this project.
Ha sido un placer haber podido trabajar en esta Cámara.
It has been a pleasure to have been able to work in this House.
También ha sido un placer trabajar con él.
It has also been a pleasure to work with him.
Señor Presidente, ha sido un placer trabajar con usted.
Mr President, it has been a pleasure working with you.
Debo decirles que ha sido un placer trabajar con ellos.
I must say that it was a pleasure to work with them.
Ha sido un placer oír hablar al señor Dehaene.
It was a pleasure to hear Mr Dehaene speak.
Señora Presidenta, Señorías, es un gran placer estar aquí.
Member of the Commission. Madam President, honourable Members, it is a great pleasure to be here.
Es un gran placer contar con su presencia.
Es un gran placer contar con su presencia.
Ha sido un placer trabajar en este informe.
It has been a pleasure to work on this report.
Ha sido un gran placer participar en este trabajo.
It has been a great pleasure to be involved in this work.
Es para mí un placer reunirme con ellos.
I am very happy to meet with them.
He tenido el placer de escucharla cantar en varias ocasiones.
I have been fortunate enough to hear you sing on several occasions.
(PT) Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, ha sido un placer escucharla.
(PT) Mr President, Commissioner, I enjoyed listening to you.
Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo. - (FR) Señor Presidente, un placer.
Mr President, it is a pleasure.
Pues para mí esto es un auténtico placer.
This fills me with great pleasure.
Es un gran placer invitarle a tomar la palabra.
It is a great pleasure to now invite you to take the floor.
Es un placer para mí poder presentarles hoy esta moción.
I am very pleased to be able to present this motion to you today.
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