Spanish Sentences using mirar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The girl watches the t.v. show with a lot of enthusiasm.
Watching too much TV can be bad for your health.
We usually eat and then watch soccer games on television.
They look at the windows of the famous departmetn stores?
Doña Soledad looked at us as though she wanted to tell us something.
Don’t cross the street without looking to both sides.
Doña Soledad had looked at us as if she had already found out waht we wanted to know.
We were watching the program "American Idol" when an idea occurred to me.
While she was looking at her purchases, victoria was talking.
There is a clinic in the south side that is called B.A. Image Center.
You looked at the classified ads even though you had a good job.
¿Qué película estas mirando?
What movie are you watching?
Se pasaron toda la tarde mirando la tele.
They spent all afternoon watching TV.
¡Deja de mirar la caja tonta y ve a trabajar!
Stop watching television and start working!
No me puedo mirar en el espejo.
I can't look at myself in the mirror.
¡ Mírame !
Look at me!
Mira este salón de baile, está de lujo.
Look at this ballroom, it's deluxe.
Mira que eres exagerada.
Look at how exaggerated you are being.
Mirar el reloj
to look at one's watch
Mire el libro de colorear de su hija.
Look at your daughter's coloring book.
Mire, está aquí mismo, al final de esta calle.
Look, it is right here, at the end of this street.
Prefiero mirar adelante.
I prefer to look forward.
Deberíamos mirar al futuro.
We should be looking ahead.
No basta con mirar.
Just looking certainly is not enough.
Hemos de mirar adelante.
We have to look to the future.
Mirar hacia otro lado.
To look the other way.
Vuelva a mirar el informe.
Go back to the report.
Debemos mirar todo el escalafón.
We must look at the whole hierarchy.
Debemos mirar hacia el futuro.
We must look to the future.
Vamos a mirar hacia el futuro.
Let us take a look into the future.
Ahora debemos mirar hacia delante.
We must now look forward.
Necesitamos mirar hacia adónde vamos.
We need to look at where we are going.
Merece la pena mirar atrás.
It is good to take a look back.
Europa debe mirar al futuro.
Europe must look to the future.
Tenemos que mirar a nuestro alrededor.
We need only take a look at our surroundings.
¡Basta con mirar los datos!
Just look at the facts!
Ahora debemos mirar al futuro.
Now we must look to the future.
¿Cómo deberíamos mirar al futuro?
How should we look to the future?
Pero debemos mirar hacia delante.
But we should look to the future.
Usted no me vio, no suele mirar en esta dirección.
You did not see me - you do not look in this direction very often.
Tenemos que mirar hacia el futuro.
We therefore have to look to the future.
Quien esté interesado, puede mirar allí.
Anyone interested should have a look at it.
Yo prefiero mirar hacia el futuro.
I prefer to look ahead.
Tenemos que mirar a un futuro lejano.
We must look far into the future.
Sin embargo, debemos mirar al futuro.
Still, we have to look to the future.
Es tentador mirar hacia el futuro.
It is tempting to look well into the future.
El Parlamento Europeo no puede limitarse a mirar.
The European Parliament cannot just stand by.
Ahora debemos comenzar a mirar hacia el futuro.
We now have to start looking to the future.
Por supuesto, debemos mirar hacia la constitución.
Of course we have to look to the constitution.
Hemos de mirar hacia el futuro.
We must look to the future.
Es inútil por tanto mirar atrás.
It is therefore pointless to look back.
Sin embargo, ahora debemos mirar al futuro.
However, it is the future we must now look to.
Quizás no tengamos que mirar demasiado lejos.
Perhaps we do not have to look too far.
Señora Presidenta, debemos mirar hacia el futuro.
Madam President, we have to look to the future.
Debemos avanzar y mirar hacia adelante.
We must move on and look ahead.
Debemos mirar fuera de la Unión Europea.
We have to look outside the European Union.
Sin embargo, deberíamos mirar hacia delante.
We should also look ahead though.
Debemos mirar al futuro y no hacia atrás.
Let us look forwards rather than backwards.
Necesitamos mirar a la realidad a la cara.
We need to see things as they really are.
Tan sólo hace falta mirar el mapa.
We just have to look at the map.
Ahora tenemos que mirar hacia el futuro.
Now we must look to the future.
También tenemos que mirar hacia el futuro.
We also need to look to the future.
Además, se va a mirar más allá.
Moreover, we are going to look further ahead.
Ante todo, debemos mirar el euro.
First and foremost, we must look at the euro.
Ahora debemos mirar hacia el futuro.
We must now look to the future.
Ahora se trata de mirar al futuro.
Now it is a question of looking to the future.
Solamente hay que mirar el mapa.
One merely needs to look at a map.
Permítanme, para concluir, mirar hacia el futuro.
Allow me therefore, in conclusion, to cast a glance at the future.
Quiero mirar al futuro y no al pasado.
I want to look to the future rather than looking to the past.
Debemos mirar al horror a los ojos.
We must look this horror in the eye.
Debemos mirar hacia delante, no hacia atrás.
We must look forward and not back.
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