Spanish Sentences using iban
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The I thought that the boys were going to help Mr. García.
I thought that the boys were going to be able to help Mr. García.
Did you know that the boys weren't going to be able to help him?
I didn't know if the boys were going to be able to help us.
Did you know that the boys were not going to be able to help him?
I thought that the boys were going to go to the beach with you.
At first, I thought that they were going to knock down this young person.
Your girlfriends promised you they would come, didn't they?
Your girlfriends promised you they would come, didn't they?
The boys told us that they were not going to be able to go to the beach tomorrow before one o'clock.
They were going to sell it, but they thought they'd better not.
Alicia asked me who was going to go on the picnic.
I thought that you all would tell us what time you all were going to go to the beach.
I was hoping that you would tell us what time you all were going to go to the beach.
I was hoping that the boys would tell us what time they were going to go to the beach.
Mary said that she thought that the boys would tell us what time they were going to go to the beach.
Yo habría ido a la playa con ustedes si los muchachos me hubieran dicho que ustedes iban a ir a las tres.

I would have gone to the beach with you all if the boys had told me that you all were going to go at three o'clock.
I would tell you what time the boys were going to go to the beach if I could.
Credentials were usually given to students as they completed their registration procedure.
They didn't tell me what time they were going to go to the beach.
I was hoping that they would tell us what time they were going to go to the beach but they didn't tell us anything.
We thought that the boys were going to help us.
I didn't know if the boys were going to be able to help us.
We didn't know if the boys were going to be able to bring the suitcases.
Some women and some men were going to the city hall.
We believed that the boys were going to help us.
Nosotros creíamos que los muchachos nos iban a ayudar a limpiar la casa.
We thought that the boys were going to help us clean the house.
Nosotros creíamos que los muchachos nos iban a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
We thought that the boys were going to be able to help us clean the house.
Yo no sabía si los muchachos nos iban a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
I didn't know if the boys were going to be able to help us clean the house.
¿Qué tranvía tomaban Uds. cuando iban al centro?
What streetcar did you used to take when you went downtown?
No sabíamos si iban a lograrlo o no.
We dind't know if they were going to make it or not.
María dijo que los muchachos iban a hacer la tarea antes de la clase.
Mary said that the boys were going to do the homework before the class.
María dijo que los muchachos iban a poder hacer la tarea hoy.
Mary said that the boys were going to be able to do the homework today.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a poder hacer la tarea antes de la clase.
I thought that the boys were going to be able to do the homework before the class.
La señora García creía que los muchachos la iban a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
Mrs. García thought that the boys were going to be able to help him clean the house.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a ayudar a la señora García a limpiar la casa.
I thought that the boys were going to help Mrs. García clean the house.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a poder ayudar a la señora García a limpiar la casa.
I thought that the boys were going to be able to help Mrs. García clean the house.
¿Sabías que los muchachos no la iban a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa?
Did you know that the boys weren't going to be able to help him clean the house?
Nosotros creíamos que las muchachas nos iban a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
We thought that the girls were going to help us wash the clothes.
Nosotros creíamos que las muchachas nos iban a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
We thought that the girls were going to be able to help us wash the clothes.
Yo no sabía si las muchachas nos iban a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
I didn't know if the girls were going to be able to help us wash the clothes.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a ir a la playa la semana pasada con sus amigos.
I thought that the boys were going to go to the beach last week with their friends.
Los pintores me aseguararon que iban a terminar el trabajo pasado mañana.
The painters assured me they would finish the job day after tomorrow.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a traer los boletos.
I thought that the boys were going to bring the tickets.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a poder traer los boletos.
I thought that the boys were going to be able to bring the tickets.
Nosotros no sabíamos si los muchachos iban a poder traer los boletos.
We didn't know if the boys were going to be able to bring the tickets.
La señora García creía que las muchachas la iban a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mrs. Garcia thought that the girls were going to be able to help her wash the clothes.
Yo creía que las muchachas iban a ayudar a la señora García a lavar la ropa.
I thought that the girls were going to help Mrs. García wash the clothes.
Yo creía que las muchachas iban a poder ayudar a la señora García a lavar la ropa.
I thought that the girls were going to be able to help Mrs. García wash the clothes.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a ir a la playa con nosotros la semana pasada.
I thought that the boys were going to go to the beach with us last week.
Sí, me prometieron que iban a venir.
Yes, they promised me they would come.
¿Sabías que las muchachas no la iban a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa?
Did you know that the girls weren't going to be able to help her wash the clothes?
No, no me aseguraron si iban a venir o no.
No, they didn't say for sure whether they would come or not.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a venir a la clase temprano hoy.
I thought that the boys were going to come to the class early today.
Los muchachos dijeron que ellos iban a venir a la clase temprano si podian.
The boys said that they would come to the class early if they could.
Juan dijo que él creía que los muchachos iban a venir a la clase temprano ayer.
John said that he thought that the boys were going to come to the class early yesterday.
Nosotros creíamos que los muchachos nos iban a ayudar a llevar las maletas.
We thought that the boys were going to help us carry the suitcases.
Nosotros creíamos que los muchachos nos iban a poder ayudar a llevar las maletas.
We thought that the boys were going to be able to help us carry the suitcases.
Yo no sabía si los muchachos nos iban a poder ayudar a llevar las maletas.
I didn't know if the boys were going to be able to help us carry the suitcases.
Yo creía que las muchachas nos iban a ayudar. / Yo creía que las muchachas iban a ayudarnos.
I thought that the girls was going to help us.
Yo creía que los muchachos te habían dicho que ellos iban a ir a la playa con nosotros.
I thought that the boys had told you that they were going to go to the beach with us.
Las visitas se iban a ir a las ocho.
The visitors were going to leave at eight.
El señor García creía que los muchachos lo iban a poder ayudar a llevar las maletas.
Mr. García thought that the boys were going to be able to help him carry the suitcases.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a ayudar al señor García a llevar las maletas.
I thought that the boys were going to help Mr. García carry the suitcases.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a poder ayudar al señor García a llevar las maletas.
I thought that the boys were going to be able to help Mr. García carry the suitcases.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a ir al cine con nosotros hoy.
I thought that the boys were going to go to the movies with us today.
¿Sabías que los muchachos no lo iban a poder ayudar a llevar las maletas?
Did you know that the boys weren't going to be able to help him carry the suitcases?
Juan no me dijo que los muchachos iban a ir a la playa mañana.
John didn't tell me that the boys were going to go to the beach tomorrow.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a poder ayudar a la señora García.
I thought that the boys were going to be able to help Mrs. Garcia.
Yo te habría dicho a qué hora los muchachos iban a ir a la playa si me lo hubieran dicho.
I would have told you what time the boys were going to go to the beach if they had told me (it).
Yo no sabía si los muchachos iban a poder ir al cine con nosotros esta tarde.
I didn't know if the boys were going to be able to go to the movies with us this afternoon.
Nosotros creíamos que los muchachos nos iban a ayudar a hacer el trabajo.
We thought that the boys were going to help us do the work.
Nosotros creíamos que los muchachos nos iban a poder ayudar a hacer el trabajo.
We thought that the boys were going to be able to help us do the work.
Yo no sabía si los muchachos nos iban a poder ayudar a hacer el trabajo.
I didn't know if the boys were going to be able to help us do the work.
Yo creía que los muchachos te iban a dar el dinero hoy.
I thought that the boys were going to give you the money today.
El señor García creía que los muchachos lo iban a poder ayudar a hacer el trabajo.
Mr. García thought that the boys were going to be able to help him do the work.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a ayudar al señor García a hacer el trabajo.
I thought that the boys were going to help Mr. García do the work.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a poder ayudar al señor García a hacer el trabajo.
I thought that the boys were going to be able to help Mr. García do the work.
¿Sabías que los muchachos no lo iban a poder ayudar a hacer el trabajo?
Did you know that the boys weren't going to be able to help him do the work?.
¿Sabías que los muchachos no iban a poder ayudarlo a hacer el trabajo?
Did you know that the boys weren't going to be able to help him do the work?
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a traer las maletas.
I thought that the boys were going to bring the suitcases.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a poder traer las maletas.
I thought that the boys were going to be able to bring the suitcases.
Yo creía que los señores iban a hablar con el abogado hoy.
I thought that the gentlemen were going to speak with the lawyer today.
El profesor creía que los muchachos iban a leer el capítulo cinco.
The teacher thought that the boys were going to read chapter five.
Juan dijo que él creía que los señores iban a hablar con el abogado ayer.
John said that he thought that the gentlemen were going to speak with the lawyer yesterday.
Mis comentarios no iban dirigidos a usted.
My comments were not directed at you.
¿Por qué iban a enfrentarse a una vida antisocial?
Why should they face an anti-social life?
Mis propuestas iban, simplemente, demasiado lejos.
My proposals now simply go too far.
Se me preguntaba qué iban a perder estos países.
In this case, I was asked what they stood to lose.
Pero no todo iban a ser cosas positivas.
However, not everything was going to be positive.
A la sazón, las propuestas no avanzaban iban tan rápidamente como ahora.
In those days proposals did not make such rapid progress as they do now.
Los fondos destinados a ello iban a triplicarse en siete años.
The funds intended for these were to be trebled within seven years.
Sus penas iban de los diez a los quince años.
They were handed down sentences ranging from 10 to 15 years.
Las armas y los instructores iban destinados a los rebeldes houthi.
The weapons and the instructors were destined for the Houthi rebels.
Ambos objetivos iban a la par. ¿Cuál es hoy la situación?
Those two objectives went hand in hand but what is the state of affairs now?
Thorès y Marchais iban a buscar sus órdenes a Moscú.
Thorès and Marchais went to Moscow for their orders.
Se dijo que entonces iban a venir los españoles.
The Spanish were going to come pouring in.
Ambas cosas iban unidas a una nueva perspectiva financiera.
Both questions were explicitly tied to a new financial perspective.
Obtuvimos allí garantías de que iban a seguir adelante las adopciones y de que, además, iban a introducir toda la legislación necesaria.
There we were given guarantees that the adoptions were to go ahead and, moreover, that they were going to introduce all the legislation needed.
De hecho, hasta 2001 no se iban a introducir algunos de los elementos decisivos de evaluación.
Indeed, it was not until 2001 that some of the key elements of appraisal were going to be introduced.
Éste era su único "delito" y por eso lo iban a condenar.
This was his only 'crime' , and for this he was to be convicted.
Ya ha pasado nuestra fecha de caducidad: se suponía que nos iban a matar hace dos semanas" .
We have passed our sell-by date: we were supposed to have been killed two weeks ago.'
Eso es lo que están construyendo, ¡eso que prometieron que no iban a construir!
That is what you are building, precisely what you promised you would not build!
En relación con los derechos históricos, hace 500 años los pescadores vascos iban a Terranova.
In relation to historic rights, 500 years ago Basque fishermen went to Newfoundland.
Los pescadores de Bristol también iban a Terranova y solían pescar alrededor de Islandia.
Fishermen from Bristol went there as well and also fished around Iceland.
Y más adelante este año, le dijeron al Sr. Nielson que iban a reducirlos de nuevo.
And then later in the year Mr Nielson was told they were going to lower them all over again.
Por tanto, hemos votado las enmiendas que iban en este sentido.
We have therefore voted in favour of the amendments that aimed to do this.
Incluso durante los dos últimos años, cuando las cosas iban bien, hemos acumulado un gran desfase.
Even during the last two years, when times were good, we have accumulated a delivery gap.
Usted me aseguró en la sesión pasada que iban a iniciar algunas actividades con ese objeto.
At the last sitting you promised me you would takes steps to this effect.
Sobre esta base, decidieron que iban a cuidar unos de otros como si fueran hermanos.
On this basis, you have made the determination that you are one to the other your brother's and sister's keeper.
¿Por qué iban las mujeres a realizar una donación con tanto riesgo si no recibieran una remuneración?
Why would women donate with so many risks if they do not receive any remuneration?
Luego nos dio una respuesta a medias, no sabía que las importaciones se iban acumulando en los puertos.
Then it gave only half a response, did not know that imports were piling up in the ports.
¿Dónde están las ayudas que se suponía iban a alentar a nuestras PYME a implantarse en los mercados internacionales?
Where are the funds that were supposed to encourage our SMEs to set up in international markets?
Solíamos quejarnos de que las cosas iban mal, pero por fin hemos hecho algo bien.
We used to complain about things going wrong but, finally, we have done something well.
Muy pocos niños iban a la escuela y muchos morían a causa de enfermedades curables.
Few children were in school and many were dying of curable diseases.
Durante algún tiempo, parecía que las focas iban a extinguirse completamente en algunas zonas costeras.
For a while, it looked like seals were set to die out completely in some coastal areas.
No iban dirigidas contra ningún Estado; no excluían a los demás; al contrario, la puerta se ha dejado abierta.
They have not been aimed against any State; they have not excluded the others; instead, the door has been left open.
Pregunté al Consejo por cuánto tiempo iban a consentir la actitud del presidente polaco señor Kaczyński.
I asked the Council how long it would continue to put up with this attitude of the Polish President, Mr Kaczyński.
Hace algún tiempo, usted anunció que iban a establecer una especie de sistema RAPEX chino.
Some time ago, you announced that they were going to set up a kind of Chinese RAPEX system.
Nuestras aspiraciones, no obstante, iban más allá y pretendían facilitar el logro del objetivo deseado.
Our aspiration, however, was to go further and make it easier to achieve the desired aim.
Sometan el Tratado a los referéndums que defendían cuando creían que los iban a ganar.
Put the Treaty to the referendums that you supported when you thought you could win them.
Los operadores de Nueva York iban a celebrar a menudo nuevos récords en los meses siguientes.
New York traders were frequently to celebrate new records in the months that followed.
La familia estaba informada con suficiente antelación de que se iban a realizar los procedimientos de evicción.
The family knew well in advance that eviction proceedings would be taken.
El 10 % forma parte de esta transacción, porque había otros colegas que iban mucho más allá.
The 10% margin is part of our compromise because there were other Members who wished to go much further.
Eran dos comandos que iban a cometer atentados terroristas en España con explosivos.
They were going to launch terrorist attacks in Spain using explosives.
Ha sido evidente durante mucho tiempo que las cosas iban a salir realmente mal.
The writing had been on the wall for a long time that things would go seriously wrong.
Hace poco, soldados turcos y tropas paramilitares asesinaron a dos jóvenes chipriotas que iban desarmados.
Recently two young unarmed Cypriots were murdered by Turkish soldiers and paramilitary troops.
Las enmiendas aprobadas en la Comisión de Agricultura iban encaminadas precisamente a restablecer dicho equilibrio.
The amendments approved in the Committee on Agriculture sought to reestablish that very balance.
Primero, sobre el programa POSEIMA, por los que grandes sumas iban a Azores.
Firstly, on the POSEIMA schemes where we had monies going to the Azores.
Recuerden a todos esos profetas que afirmaban que los criterios iban a asestar un golpe mortal a nuestras economías.
Think back to all those prophets of doom who maintained that the criteria were going to deal a fatal blow to our economies.
Creía que las preguntas se iban a unificar con lo que respondería a ambas.
I was assuming that the questions would be grouped together and that I could then answer both of them at once.
Quisiera señalar señor Comisario que en la propuesta original de la Comisión iban incluidas todas ellas.
I would like to point out to the Commissioner that in the original Commission proposal these were all included.
Quería estar a su lado en lo que presumiblemente iban a ser sus últimas semanas de vida.
She wants to be with her in what will probably be the last weeks of her life.
Mi pregunta era la siguiente: ¿cuántas personas se han puesto en contacto con los servicios de la Presidencia para indicarles que iban a estar en la sala pero que no iban a votar?
My point was this: how many persons have approached your services to advise them that they will be in the Chamber but not voting?
Pienso también que los esfuerzos de la Asamblea Parlamentaria Paritaria durante estos últimos años iban encaminados hacia este objetivo.
I also think that the efforts of the Joint Parliamentary Assembly in these last few years have been aimed at that.
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