Spanish Sentences using hubieran
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The They would have laughed if they had seen the clown.
I would have gone to the movies with you all if you all had lent me the money.
I thought they would have already slept. I didn't think they would have slept.
They would have hurried, but the car broke down.
If they had been leaving early, they would have gone to the cafe to talk too.
If Carlos and Pablo had left early, they would have gone to the cafe.
I think that they would have come to the class early if they had been able.
If he had been found guilty of homicide, he would have been put in prison for 15 years.
The boys would have written the lesson if they had been able to find the books in the library.
We would have supper after our visitors had left.
I would have gone to the immigration office as soon as they had inspected my baggage.
Yo habría ido a la playa con ustedes si los muchachos me hubieran dicho que ustedes iban a ir a las tres.

I would have gone to the beach with you all if the boys had told me that you all were going to go at three o'clock.
As if they had spoken something that they had not been able to understand.
The state employees would have received a harsher punishment if they would have killed a dog.
I was hoping that the girls had bought the tickets.
The students would have learned if they had studied.
It didn't seem right to me that you made the doctor wait.
I wish there had been room for all the suitcases in the car.
I think that they would have spoken with the lawyer yesterday if they had been able.
They would have closed early, but they had many customers.
The teacher would have explained the lesson if the students hadn't understood.
Dudábamos que ellas se hubieran extraviado por el camino.
We doubted that they had gotten lost on the road.
Si hubiesen (or hubieran) venido, los habríamos visto.
If they had come, we would have seen them.
Yo te habría dicho a qué hora los muchachos iban a ir a la playa si me lo hubieran dicho.
I would have told you what time the boys were going to go to the beach if they had told me (it).
Yo esperaba que los muchachos hubieran dicho la verdad.
I was hoping that the boys had told the truth.
Hubieran podido detenerle y juzgarle.
They could have arrested him and tried him.
Hubieran podido arreglarlo todo, pero no lo hicieron.
You could have organised it all, but you did not.
Pero si los Estados Unidos hubieran seguido la política de la Sra. Read, no lo hubieran logrado.
But if the United States had followed Mrs Read's policy, it would never have arrived where it is.
Esto hubieran sido respuestas o contribuciones al debate que nos hubieran ayudado a continuar.
It would have been nice to have answers or contributions to the debate that could have helped us on our way.
Imaginen que hubieran tenido que hacerlo el año que viene.
Imagine that they had to do this next year.
No lo he hecho porque hubieran pagado, como siempre, justos por pecadores.
I decided against it because otherwise the wrong people would yet again be penalised.
Me hubiera gustado que se hubieran establecido plazos a este respecto.
I would have liked to have seen a deadline set for this.
¿Habrían invertido si hubieran conocido el pasivo oculto?
Would they have invested if they had been aware of the undisclosed liabilities?
Si la hubieran escuchado, pienso que no estaríamos donde estamos.
If they had listened to her, I do not think we would be where we are now.
Al hacerlo se hubieran obtenido los mismos resultados.
Its doing so would have achieved the same result.
Las habría votado si se hubieran sometido a votación.
I would have voted in favour of them if they had been put to the vote.
Si lo hubieran hecho, Europa habría avanzado mucho más.
If they had done so, Europe would have got much further.
Sin la intervención de Libia no hubieran muerto cientos de inocentes.
Without Libya, hundreds of innocents would not have died.
No estoy seguro de que hoy hubieran mantenido la misma posición.
I am not sure you would uphold this position today.
Pero cabría esperar que se hubieran mencionado las causas específicas.
But it would have been reasonable to expect that we would be told exactly what caused these surpluses.
El diálogo y la concertación hubieran permitido buscar soluciones alternativas.
Dialogue and consultation would have made alternative solutions possible.
Los Estados miembros que hubieran debido actuar no se han movido.
Those Member States which ought to have taken action, however, have so far not made a move.
Si hubiera conseguido establecer normas, hubieran sido de aceptación voluntaria.
If it had achieved standards, they would have been voluntary.
Esto no sería así, si se hubieran empleado mal los recursos.
Were this not to be the case, then the resources in question will have been misappropriated.
Ojalá hubieran recibido entonces más apoyo sus gestiones.
I only wish that her efforts had met with more support then.
Hubieran sido necesarias etapas, progresión, razón y medida.
It should have been tackled progressively, in gentle stages.
Ahora bien, nunca le hubieran contratado en la televisión pública.
But he would never have been given a job in public television.
En un régimen de libertades, esas detenciones no se hubieran producido.
In a free regime, such detentions would not have occurred.
Si hubieran sido cesados, los comisarios no habrían percibido este dinero.
If they had been dismissed such an arrangement would not have been made.
Se desguazan barcos partiendo de cero, como si unos Estados no hubieran desguazado ya el cincuenta por ciento de su flota y otros no la hubieran aumentado.
Boats are being scrapped as if starting from scratch, as if some States had not already scrapped fifty per cent of their fleet while others have increased theirs.
¿Qué habría pasado si los ciudadanos hubieran adoptado ante la sentencia la misma actitud que la Comisión y el Consejo y no hubieran hecho ningún caso de dicha decisión?
What if our citizens were to adopt the same attitude towards the court decision as the Commission and the Council and did not care about the decision at all?
Ojalá las autoridades chinas hubieran respondido de forma consecuente y positiva a esa apertura del Dalai Lama.
I wish that the Chinese authorities had responded consistently and positively to that overture from the Dalai Lama.
Si ese hubiera sido el caso muchos colegas hubieran votado de diferente manera.
If that had been the case, some Members might have voted differently.
Algunos diputados hubieran deseado que no entrara demasiado en el meollo de la cuestión.
Some Members would have preferred not to examine the subject in too much depth.
¿Qué habría sido de nosotros, si los socialistas hubieran gobernado Europa durante la guerra fría?
God help us if the socialists had run Europe during the cold war.
Es como si no hubieran entendido plenamente la belleza que puede encerrar el canto de un cuervo.
The point has somehow been missed.
Otras hubieran podido ir más lejos aún si una mayoría de la comisión lo hubiera deseado.
Other amendments could have gone further still, if a majority in the committee had wanted this to happen.
De lo contrario Milosevic y compañía lo hubieran desmembrado hace mucho tiempo.
Otherwise Milosevic and company would have broken it up long ago.
De este modo, tal vez hubieran podido evitarse algunas enmiendas socialistas desafortunadas.
This would probably have prevented a number of unfortunate, socialist amendments from being tabled.
Se hundió un edificio y si ellos no se hubieran sacrificado quizás habrían muerto muchas más personas.
A block of flats collapsed, and if these men had not sacrificed themselves, others might have died.
No han conseguido sus objetivos, pero los hechos no son menos graves que si lo hubieran conseguido.
The terrorists did not achieve their objectives, but the outcome is no less serious than if they had done so.
No he oído decir que los operadores hubieran compensado los puestos de trabajo perdidos en los operadores históricos.
I have not heard anyone say that there has been compensation for the jobs that have been lost at traditional operators.
Hubiéramos preferido que, en diversos ámbitos, los resultados hubieran llegado más lejos.
We would, in various areas, have preferred results that went further.
¿Quizás las pantallas hubieran podido darnos una información mejor sobre lo que iba a suceder?
Perhaps the screens could have given us better information about what was coming?
¿Habría detenido el Sr. Rasmussen el proceso de ampliación si los irlandeses hubieran votado en contra?
Would Mr Rasmussen have stopped enlargement following an Irish 'no'?
Señorías, si ellos hubieran vacilado o dudado no habrían podido alcanzar nunca estas metas.
Ladies and gentlemen, such things could never have been achieved if they had wavered or doubted.
Es como si, de nuevo, no se hubieran realizado análisis exhaustivos de coste-beneficio.
It would appear that, once again, no thorough cost-benefit analyses have been carried out.
Si las medidas de Niza hubieran sido satisfactorias, el Consejo no habría convocado una Convención.
At the same time, we have to ensure that Europe’s economy becomes more competitive. In order for that to happen, two key conditions must first be met.
Hemos estudiado numerosas propuestas de la administración, algunas de las cuales hubieran sido muy ventajosas.
We have looked at numerous proposals from the administration, some of which would have been very cost-effective.
No es sorprendente en estas condiciones que algunos Estados hubieran preferido sabotear la política de cuotas.
In these conditions, it is not surprising that a number of Member States have preferred to scupper the quota policy.
Después de todo, ¿quién sabe cuál habría sido el resultado si se hubieran formulado otras preguntas?
After all, who knows what would have come out if other questions had been put?
Evidentemente, nos habría gustado que se hubieran logrado más cosas a este respecto.
Obviously we would have liked to see more on this subject.
La mayoría de estas sugerencias hubieran sido inaceptables tanto para la Comisión como para el Parlamento.
Most of those suggestions would, as it happens, have been unacceptable to either the Commission or Parliament or, indeed, both.
¿Qué hubiera ocurrido si los alemanes del Este hubieran elegido este tipo de autodeterminación en 1990?
What if the West Germans had chosen that kind of self-determination in 1990?
Si los Gobiernos hubieran querido afirmar su autoridad, por no decir más, no podrían hacerlo mejor.
If governments had wanted to assert their authority, to put it mildly, they could not have done so any better.
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