Spanish Sentences using fuimos
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The All of us went to Mexico on January 10, 1950 and I began to study Spanish a month later.
Since we didn't find the street, we didn't go to the meeting.
We went to the movies yesterday, then we met Luisa and we ate.
We were going to go to the football game on Sunday, but we didn't go because we couldn't get tickets.
He went to the soccer game with his friend. We went with them.
We went to the Indian market where we bought lots of gifts for our friends.
We rested after the dance for a few minutes but then we went to a party at Julia’s house.
We went to bathe the dog. We went to bathe it.
Fuimos los mejores.
We were we the best.
Nosotros fuimos a la finca con mi papá.
We went to the farm with my dad.
Fuimos a dar un paseo al centro.
We went downtown for a walk.
No fuimos nunca a la playa con Esteban.
We never went to the beach with Esteban.
Ud. y yo fuimos aceptados como ayudantes del director por el consejo.
You and I have been accepted as assistants to the director by the board.
Nosotros fuimos a la playa ayer.
We went to the beach yesterday.
Fuimos buenos amigos.
We were good friends.
Cuando fuimos a visitarle dimos un paseo en elefante.
When we went to visit him, we took a tour on an elephant.
Nos aburrimos tanto en la fiesta que nos fuimos temprano.
We got so bored during the party that we left early.
Cuando nosotros fuimos a Madrid, el avión salió con muchísmo retraso.
When we went to Madrid, the plane left awfully late.
Admiramos la Catedral de Burgos cuando fuimos a España.
We admired the Burgos’ Cathedral when we went to Spain.
Fuimos despedidos de nuestros trabajos.
We were let go from our jobs.
Nosotros mentimos a nuestros padres cuando fuimos a la playa.
We lied to our parents when we went to the beach.
Nosotros fuimos al cine con nuestros amigos anoche.
We went to the movies with our friends last night?
Por qué fuiste a la tienda? Fuimos para comprar abarrotes. ¿Fue Carlos con ustedes? No, él no fue.
Why did you go to the store? We went to buy some groceries. Did Carlos go with you? No, he did not go.
Fuimos al cine anoche.
We wento to the movies last night.
Sí, nosotros fuimos a la playa.
Yes, we went to the beach.
Nosotros fuimos a la casa de María anoche.
We went to Mary's house last night.
Fuimos a despedirles a la estación.
We went to the station to see them off.
Ayer fuimos al cine a ver una película romántica.
Yesterday we went to the movies to see a romantic movie.
Fuimos a la Plaza Mayor ayer.
We went to the Plaza Mayor yesterday.
Todos fuimos muy francos.
We were all very frank with one another.
No fuimos informados de ninguna reunión.
We have not been informed of any meeting.
Hace unos años fuimos expulsados del PPE.
My party, the Popular Party or CDS-PP, founded the PPE.
Por eso fuimos a Irak muchos de nosotros.
That is why many of us went to Iraq.
¿Quizás fuimos demasiado ambiciosos, demasiado eufóricos?
Were we too ambitious, too euphoric?
No fuimos elegidos para enfrentar a Europa consigo misma.
We were not elected to set Europe against itself.
Muchos de nosotros fuimos testigos de ella.
Many of us witnessed the event.
Así que fuimos capaces efectivamente de defendernos.
So we were able effectively to defend ourselves.
Y nosotros nos fuimos de vacaciones.
And we duly went on our holidays!
Nosotros, como Parlamento, fuimos muy claros.
We in Parliament made our position perfectly clear.
Fuimos de los primeros en reclamar medidas bilaterales.
We were by no means the last to demand the bilateral measures which were taken.
Fuimos allí tras la conferencia de la UNCTAD en Bangkok.
We went there after the UNCTAD conference in Bangkok.
También es cierto que fuimos unos pacificadores ineficaces.
It is also true to say we were ineffective peace-makers.
Señor Presidente, Comisario, algunos de nosotros sí fuimos a Porto Alegre.
Mr President, Commissioner, some of us did, in fact, go to Porto Alegre.
Nosotros fuimos incapaces de reaccionar con la misma celeridad.
We were unable to react as swiftly.
En un principio fuimos 11, ahora somos 16.
There were 11 of us to start with, and now there are 16.
En aquel momento, fuimos capaces de evitar esta trampa.
At the time, we managed to avoid this snare.
Fuimos elegidos por el pueblo; no somos representantes de nuestros gobiernos.
We were elected by the people; we are not representatives of our governments.
Pero cuando nosotros protestamos a favor del referéndum, 14 fuimos multados.
But when we protested in favour of a referendum, 14 of us were fined.
Mi primera pregunta es sencilla: ¿Por qué fuimos a Afganistán?
My first question is simple: Why did we go to Afghanistan?
Al contrario, fuimos con diferencia los más ambiciosos.
On the contrary, we were by far the most ambitious.
Fuimos a la sesión plenaria con acuerdos que no se habían respetado.
We went to plenary with agreements that had not been honoured.
Todos fuimos testigos de los trágicos acontecimientos que siguieron.
We all witnessed the tragic events that ensued.
Nosotros fuimos los únicos en pronunciar esta palabra.
We were the only ones to use the word.
Fuimos especialmente duros con candidatos a Comisarios de países pequeños.
In fact, it was in particular the Commissioners-designate from smaller countries who were questioned the hardest.
Fuimos capaces de llegar a un texto de resolución compartido y fuimos capaces, en la misma reunión, de negociar las discrepancias.
We were also able to overcome differences of opinion in the same meeting.
Cuando mis padres llegaron a esta Unión Europea procedentes de la India, no fuimos recibidos con los brazos abiertos: fuimos víctimas regularmente de abuso y violencia raciales.
When my parents arrived in this European Union from India, we were not welcomed with open arms: we suffered regular racial abuse and violence.
Fuimos muy pocos los que nos alzamos y dijimos algo entonces.
Very few of us wanted to stand up and say anything at the time.
Señora Presidenta, fuimos nosotros quienes tomamos la iniciativa de solicitar esa declaración de la Comisión.
Madam President, it was my group that took the step to make a request about the Commission' s statement.
En la antigua Yugoslavia, no fuimos capaces de prevenir los conflictos durante mucho tiempo.
In the former Yugoslavia, we were unable to prevent conflict for a long time.
Por la noche nos fuimos como siempre a la cama, y me giré hacia ella ardiendo de pasión.
That night, we went to bed, as usual, and I turned towards her with amorous intentions.
En junio del verano pasado fuimos una semana con una delegación del Parlamento Europeo a Uzbekistán.
Last June I spent an entire week travelling around Uzbekistan with a European Parliament delegation.
¿Fuimos lo suficientemente receptivos con respecto a sus preocupaciones durante la preparación de esta reunión ministerial?
When we were preparing for this ministerial conference, did we listen carefully enough to their concerns?
Pero, al final, tras diez días, fuimos capaces de entender recíprocamente nuestras necesidades.
But finally, after ten days, we were able to understand each other's needs.
De hecho, fuimos los únicos que defendimos la dolarización del presupuesto.
We were in fact the only people arguing for dollarisation of the budget.
Se podría decir incluso que fuimos el único motor de todo el proceso.
We were, you might say, almost the only engine in this whole process.
Esta semana fuimos testigos en el Parlamento español de la arrogancia de este Gobierno.
This week in the Spanish Parliament we witnessed the Spanish Government's arrogance.
No fuimos nosotros quienes creamos las fuerzas contra las que ahora luchamos.
It was not us who created the forces we are now fighting against.
Durante la conciliación, fuimos capaces de hallar una solución en dos fases para el problema.
During conciliation we were able to find a two-stage solution to the problem.
Cuando empezamos a trabajar conjuntamente en Kosovo y Macedonia, fuimos capaces de mejorar.
When we began to work together in Kosovo and Macedonia we were able to improve.
Hace poco fuimos testigos del asesinato del líder musulmán chií, Mohamed Baquer Hakim.
Recently, we saw the killing of the Shia Muslim leader, Mohammed Baquer Hakim.
Ha sido un proceso sin descanso desde que fuimos elegidos en 1999.
It has been non-stop ever since we were elected in 1999.
Visitamos el lugar de caimiento de Stalin y fuimos a un museo muy grande.
We visited Stalin's birthplace and went to a huge museum.
No cabe duda de que fuimos muy bien recibidos y la hospitalidad fue extraordinaria.
Of course, we were very well received and the hospitality was superb.
No fuimos elegidos a esta Cámara para juzgar sin dar al otro bando el derecho a defenderse.
We were not elected to this House in order to pass judgments without allowing the other side the right to defend itself.
Hace tres años, durante la campaña para las elecciones presidenciales, fuimos sancionados por mencionarlo.
Three years ago, during the presidential election campaign, we were punished for mentioning this.
Ni siquiera entonces fuimos capaces todos nosotros de hacer realidad nuestras aspiraciones de paz y libertad.
Not all of us were able even then to realise our aspirations for peace and freedom.
Cuando no fuimos capaces de resolver la cuestión políticamente, pusimos barreras administrativas.
When we were unable to resolve an issue politically, we put up administrative barriers.
Ni siquiera en la oscura Edad Media fuimos testigos de semejante barbarie.
We did not witness such barbarity even in the darkest Middle Ages.
Desde el principio fuimos la única misión de observación en Gaza.
From the beginning, we were the only observation mission deployed in Gaza.
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