Spanish Sentences using entrar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The If the door closes, we won't be able to get in again. We'll have to wait for your father.
We will have written the questions before the students come inside.
When I heard her telling of her experience, I had a desire to travel to New Zealand.
There is a suspicious person entering the building.
He said that the important thing was to get into the company.
If you want in, I need to see your security pass.
Yes, you need to let him in, he doesn't have a key.
Here, all of you bring happiness, some when they come in and others when they leave.
You'll be working at nine o'clock and you'll get off at six o'clock.
It is possible that automobiles' import will be prohibited next year.
Will you have already read those three books by next week?
We will be able to enter the park as soon as John brings the tickets.
We are going to be able to enter the park as soon as Juan brings the tickets.
No debe entrar en contacto directo con la piel.
It shouldn't come into direct contact with the skin.
Cuando entrábamos, el portón se abrió automáticamente.
When we were entering, the gate opened automatically.
Los vi entrar al teatro.
I saw them enter the theater.
No me dejó entrar.
He did not let me enter.
Entrar en vigor
to come into force
Los niños entran gratis al circo el miércoles.
On Wednesday children are free of charge to enter the circus.
Yo leía cuando mi hermano entró.
I was reading when my brother entered.
La clase se calló cuando el director entró.
The class quieted down when the principal entered.
Entrar en vigor
to come into force
Cuando el semáforo cambió a verde entré en el cruce.
When the traffic light turned green I pulled into the intersection.
Cuando entramos, la diva ya había cantado el aria.
When we entered, the diva had already sung the aria.
Los ladrones activaron la alarma al entrar.
The burglars triggered the alarm on entry.
Conversábamos con el dependiente cuando Lourdes entró en la joyería.
We were talking with the clerk when Lourdes entered the jewelry store.
En boca cerrada no entran moscas.
In a closed mouth, flies cannot enter.
¿Listo para entrar y apreciar esta obra de arte?
Are you ready to go inside and see this work of art?
Para entrar necesitas tu nombre de usuario y tu contraseña.
To login you need your username and your password.
Entrar en la universidad no me hace ilusión.
Getting in university gives me no hope.
La reportera escribía el artículo cuando su jefe entró.
The reporter was writing the article when her boss came in.
No entres en la cocina.
Don't go into the kitchen.
Papá entró en el cuarto.
Dad entered the room.
Su fuerte carácter le hizo entrar en conflicto con el Rey.
His strong character caused him to enter into conflict with the king.
Sí, lo tiene que dejar entrar. Él no tiene llave.
Yes, you must let him it. He does not have a key.
Anoche entraron a robar en la casa de mi vecino.
They broke into my neighbor's house last night.
Los asesinos entraron por la puerta principal.
The assassins came in through the main door.
Entrar en detalles
to go into details
Ellos siempre se quitan los zapatos al entrar a la casa.
They always take their shoes off when entering the house.
Al entrar, me saludó.
Upon entering, he greeted me.
Las mujeres no pueden entrar en esta mezquita.
The women can't enter this mosque.
¿Entraron a la biblioteca Benito y Carlos?
Did Benito and Carlos go into the library?
Si, entraron a la biblioteca.
Yes, they entered the library.
Al entrar, dije "buenas tardes."
Upon entering, I said "good afternoon."
Límpiate los pies al entrar en la casa.
Wipe your feet before you go indoors.
¿Con que derecho entras aquí?
What right have you to come in here?
El hombre que entró es mi vecino.
The man who entered is my neighbor.
No deseo entrar en esa tienda de ropa.
I don't want to go into that clothing store.
Yo escribía una carta cuando Carlos entró.
I was writing a letter when Charles entered.
El hombre no pudo entrar.
The man was not allowed entry to the House.
No quisiera entrar en detalles.
I do not want to go into the details.
No voy a entrar en detalles.
I am not going to go into that.
No voy a entrar en detalles.
I am not going to go into all the details.
No voy a entrar en ellos.
I will not go into those.
No voy a entrar en un debate.
I am not going to get into a debate.
Permítanme entrar en la directiva.
Allow me to dwell on the Directive for a moment.
Basta con entrar en Internet.
You only have to log on to the Internet.
No voy a entrar en más detalles.
I shall not go into any more detail.
No obstante, no voy a entrar en ello.
Let us not dwell on that, however.
Ahora quiero entrar en materia.
I would now like to move forward.
¡Veo entrar a otros dos diputados!
I can see two other Members arriving!
No voy a entrar ahora en ello.
I will not go into that now.
No voy a entrar en este problema.
I am not going to go into this problem.
No quieren entrar en controversias formales.
They do not want to get into formal disputes.
Lamentablemente no puedo entrar en detalle.
Unfortunately I cannot be exhaustive.
No, no vamos a entrar en un diálogo.
No, we are not going to enter into a discussion on this.
Si las cumplen, deben entrar.
If they do meet them, then they should enter.
No debo entrar en más particularidades.
I do not need to spell out the details once again.
No quisiera entrar en mayores detalles.
I would not want to be more specific than that.
No debemos entrar en ese juego.
We should not be drawn into this game.
No quiero entrar en valoraciones a este respecto.
I am not judging that.
En fin, no voy a entrar en esto.
I am not going to go into that, however.
Los estabilizadores económicos pueden entrar en juego.
Economic stabilisers can have a role to play.
Nosotros no podemos entrar en una lógica así.
We cannot be party to this sort of approach.
No ha lugar, es imposible entrar en diálogo.
You must not enter into a dialogue.
No voy a entrar ahora en mayores detalles.
I do not intend to go into any further detail right now.
Señor diputado, no voy a entrar en un debate.
Mr Staes, I am not going to enter into a debate.
Por esto no voy a entrar en sus declaraciones.
Which is why I shall say no more.
Entonces se podía entrar duro desde atrás.
At that time, tackling from behind was still permitted.
Yo no debería entrar ahora en el debate.
I should not now enter the debate.
Espero que pueda entrar en vigor rápidamente.
I hope that it will be possible to put it into force quickly.
Dicho esto, me permito entrar ya en materia.
Having said that, allow me to move on to the topic in hand.
Dejemos entrar a las personas, no a estos trofeos.
Let people in, not these trophies.
Podrían incluso entrar en contradicción con ellos.
They may even conflict with the Lisbon objectives.
Permítanme entrar un poco en esta cuestión.
Let me just go into this question a little.
No voy a entrar más en el tema dúmping.
I am not going to say anything more about dumping.
No tengo tiempo ahora de entrar en detalles.
I do not have time to go into detail.
El tiempo no me permite entrar en mucho detalle.
Time does not permit me to go into too much detail.
Por eso no voy a entrar en detalles técnicos.
So I shall not go into the technicalities.
No voy a entrar ahora en todos los detalles.
I am not going to go into all the details now.
No dispongo de tiempo para entrar en detalle.
I do not have time to go into details.
No quiero entrar en eso una vez más.
I do not want to go into that yet again.
No podían siquiera entrar al centro de prensa.
They were not even able to enter the press centre.
EE.UU. ha vuelto a entrar en las negociaciones.
The United States has re-entered the negotiations.
Ahora quisiera entrar en algunos detalles.
Now let me say a few very specific things.
Tiene que entrar en la agenda europea.
It needs to become part of the European agenda.
Señor Presidente, no quiero entrar en detalle.
Mr President, I do not want to enter into details.
Como alemán, no voy a entrar en ese terreno.
As a German I will not go into that here.
Señora Riis-Jørgensen, no podemos entrar en un debate.
Mrs Riis-Jørgensen, we cannot get into a debate, the debate has already taken place.
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