Spanish Sentences using dio
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Do you know if Mary gave him the things he needed?
Mom gave money to Nina so that she can get new shoes.
The professor realized that I was the only one who studied hard.
Did you ask for a pencil? Yes, I asked for a pencil but he gave me a pen. I wonder why I wanted a pencil.
It is one thing is that you have spoken with Jorge, but another thing is that you take advantage of the space he gave you.
The girl who Guillermo was dating, gave him an ultimatum.
When you see your boss, tell him that it was a pleasure to meet him.
Licha was very sorry that I'd sold the piano.
We were very pleased that you had gotten well and that you were all right.
Teresa kept smiling at me until her aunt noticed it.
Víctor me dio una película excelente.
Victor gave me an excellent movie.
El señor ya le dio a usted las instrucciones.
The man has already given you instructions.
El le dio las gracias al hombre por su bondad.
He thanked the man for his kindness.
El doctor me dio muletas para ayudarme caminar.
The doctor gave me crutches to help me walk.
Al final de la obra, el público le dio una ovación de pie al director.
At the end of the play the audience gave the director a standing ovation.
Yo creo que Juan le dio el dinero a María.
I think that John gave the money to Mary.
¿Te dio un susto?
Did she scare you?
El gerente me entrevistó y me dio el trabajo.
The manager interviewed me and gave me the job.
Juan me dio el dinero.
John gave me the money.
Licha les dio de merendar a los niños y los acostó.
Licha fed the children and put them to bed.
Los sobrevivientes agradecieron la ayuda que se les dio.
The survivors were thankful for all the help they received.
La perra de mi vecino dio luz a unos cachorros.
My neighbor's dog gave birth to some puppies.
El médico no me dio ninguna receta para el dolor.
The doctor didn't give me any prescription for pain.
Se dio cuenta de que la estafaba.
He realized that she was embezzling from her.
Me dio todo tipo de detalles.
He gave me all the details.
La perra de mi vecino dio luz a unos cachorros.
My neighbor's dog gave birth to some puppies.
El jefe le dio el trabajo a Pedro porque ló impresionó mucho.
The boss gave the job to Pedro because he impressed him a lot.
Isabel pidió un aumento en cuanto el jefe le dio la oportunidad.
Isabel asked for a raise as soon as the boss gave her the opportunity.
El presidente dio una charla muy interesante.
The president gave a very interesting speech.
Te dio un buen regalo.
He gave you a nice gift.
María le dio los boletos esta tarde.
Mary gave him the tickets this afternoon.
Le dio una tendencia ascendente a toda la fachada.
It gave an elevating feeling to the entire facade.
María le dio la carta de renuncia al director.
Maria gave the resignation letter to the manager.
Me dio una respuesta grave.
He gave me a serious answer.
No dio resultado, por la intercontaminación.
That did not work because of cross-contamination.
El Presidente no me dio esa oportunidad.
I was not given that opportunity by the President.
El vecindario se dio cuenta a tiempo.
The neighbourhood was tipped off in time and the whole plan was called off.
El Parlamento dio su aprobación a estos objetivos.
Parliament agreed with these objectives.
La Comisión me dio un montón de documentos.
I was given a lot of documents by the Commission.
No se les dio de beber suficiente.
They were not given enough to drink.
¿No dio usted su aprobación a un gran compromiso?
Did you not agree to a great compromise?
En mi opinión, no funcionó; no dio resultado.
In my opinion it did not work; it was not successful.
¿Por qué no dio protección a Anna Politkóvskaja?
Why was Politkovskaja not given protection?
Después del debate, usted me dio la manzana.
After the debate, you gave me the apple.
Dio lugar a semanas de acaloradas polémicas públicas.
It gave rise to weeks of heated public debate.
La Comisión dio la señal acertada.
The Commission gave the right signal.
Creo que dio en el clavo.
I think he is spot-on.
Usted dio su acuerdo, señor Ministro.
You have expressed your agreement, Mr President-in-Office.
Su versión original dio lugar a 241 enmiendas.
Her original drafts resulted in 241 amendments.
Solamente le dio a este Parlamento algo de crédito.
Only this Parliament has emerged with some of its credit intact.
Puede que se me haya escapado cuando dio a conocer la lista.
I may have missed it in the list she gave out.
El pueblo paraguayo no se dio nunca por vencido.
The Paraguayan people never gave in.
Al tocarlo se dio cuenta de que estaba muerto.
When he put his hands down he saw that he was dead.
Pero como no se le dio prioridad política, vivió poco tiempo.
But since it was not given the slightest priority, it was short-lived.
El Parlamento dio su amplia aprobación a este concepto.
A large majority of Parliament backed this view.
Pero no dio ninguna razón de peso para justificarlo.
The Commission gave no substantive reason for this.
La respuesta que dio fue un «sí» rotundo.
The answer he gave was an unequivocal 'yes'.
El Parlamento le dio su aprobación casi unánime.
Parliament had given you its almost unanimous approval.
Me dio un buen consejo: acción, acción y acción.
He gave me some good advice: action, action, and action.
La cooperación interinstitucional funcionó y dio buenos resultados.
The interinstitutional cooperation worked well and produced good results.
La cooperación interinstitucional funcionó y dio buenos resultados.
Interinstitutional cooperation worked and produced good results.
Ayer el Parlamento dio un paso importante en el procedimiento.
Yesterday Parliament took an important procedural step forward.
Se dio el mismo caso con el Presidente Sarkozy.
The same must also apply to President Sarkozy.
La Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos también dio ese consejo.
The Committee on Legal Affairs also gave that advice.
El mandato que se dio a la Presidencia era claro.
The mandate given to the Presidency was clear.
Desafortunadamente no me dio una respuesta y espero que lo haga ahora.
Unfortunately I did not get an answer from you; hopefully I will now.
Sin embargo, Hamás dio un uso incorrecto a esas instalaciones.
However, Hamas misused these facilities.
El permiso para acceder se dio en base a esto.
Permission was given for it to go through on that basis.
A estos países, la crisis les dio la puntilla.
For these countries, the crisis was the last nail in the coffin.
¡Los varapalos que me dio en aquella ocasión el Parlamento!
What criticism I had from Parliament then!
Desgraciadamente, se dio un paso adelante y dos atrás.
But unfortunately it was only one step forward and two steps back.
Se lo pregunté y me dio una respuesta muy correcta.
I asked him about it, and received an entirely proper explanation.
Entonces se dirá: a su edad aun dio el paso correcto.
Then it will be said that at his age he still did the right thing!
Es la cantidad que se dio cuando preparé el presupuesto.
That was the figure given when I did the budget.
Creo que ayer se dio una señal muy positiva.
I believe that a very positive signal was sent out yesterday.
Fue una lección de Europa que dio resultado en Irlanda.
This was a lesson from Europe which worked in Ireland.
La Comisión dio su respaldo a la orientación del Parlamento.
The Commission agreed with the line taken by Parliament.
En la amable respuesta que me dio usted dice:
In your kind response, you said:
Recuerden la CIG que dio lugar al Acta Única Europea; sólo duró cinco meses.
Remember the IGC that led to the Single European Act. It lasted only five months.
El fin de esa separación artificial de Europa dio paso a una nueva época.
The end of this artificial separation of Europe marked the start of a new era.
Grecia dio muchas muestras de buena voluntad y de buena vecindad y Turquía ni una.
Greece has made a great many gestures of good will and good neighbourliness, a great many.
Dio muestras, como también usted hoy, señora Comisaria, de que se está dispuesto a reflexionar, a ayudar...
He indicated, as you have today, Commissioner, that you are willing to give consideration to, to help ...
A Iraq se le dio tecnología y armas para acometer esa guerra.
Iraq was given technology and weapons to pursue that war.
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