Spanish Sentences using descomponer
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The She was listening to music when the radio stopped working.
They would have hurried, but the car broke down.
Dice Paco que Uds. descompusieron el tocadiscos con toda intención.
Paco says that your record player broke down yesterday.
El auto se había descompuesto anteriormente.
The car had broken down before.
Las lombrices ayudan a descomponer basura orgánica.
Worms aid to break down organic waste.
Las frutas se descomponen rápido.
Fruits decompose rapidly.
No se me ha vuelto a descomponer el coche desde que me lo arreglaron en ese taller.
I haven't had any more car trouble since I had it fixed at that shop.
Equivaldría a descomponer la Unión Europea.
It would be the equivalent of breaking up the European Union.
Señora Presidenta, usted ha hablado también de descomponer en factores la dimensión nacional y el debate público más amplio.
You have talked also about factoring in both the national dimension and the wider public debate.
Los PFOS y las sustancias relacionadas con los mismos son altamente fluorados y extremadamente difíciles de descomponer.
PFOS and PFOS-related substances are highly fluorinated and extremely difficult to break down.
Sin embargo, debemos de dejar de descomponer y desenmarañarlo todo de nuevo, pues a fin de cuentas solo podemos negociar el conjunto del paquete.
We should however stop breaking everything down and unravelling it all again because in the end, we can only negotiate the whole as a package.
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