Spanish Sentences using admitir
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The Only the quadrilles will be allowed into the arena.
They will not accept it except in the big wharehouses.
No la admitirán más que en los grandes almacenes.
They will only accept it in the big wharehouses.
La maestra admitió que estaba equivocada.
The teacher admitted she was wrong.
La maestra no quiere admitir que estaba equivocada.
The teacher doesn't want to admit she was wrong.
No se admiten mascotas en este edificio.
Pets are not allowed in this building.
No se admiten mascotas.
No pets allowed.
El ladrón admitió su culpa.
The thief admitted his guilt.
No se admiten animales en este restaurante.
Animals are not admitted in this restaurant.
La universidad ha admitido a esos estudiantes.
The university has granted admission to those students.
Aunque ella admita su inocencia, no le creerán.
Even if she admits her innocence, they will not believe her.
Debemos admitir este dato.
We have to acknowledge this.
No se puede admitir esto.
That, of course, is unacceptable.
¿Cómo vamos a admitir eso?
But that is not what we want!
No voy a admitir ninguna otra intervención.
I do not want to take any more contributions.
Debo admitir, honestamente, que no puedo.
I must honestly admit that I cannot.
He de admitir que les comprendo.
I must confess, I cannot blame them.
Debo admitir que parece inofensiva.
I have to admit that is seems innocuous.
Es algo que cuesta admitir.
It is something that we cannot accept.
Todos deben admitir su responsabilidad.
Everyone must realise they are responsible.
No se debe admitir ningún otro procedimiento.
No other method should be allowed now.
Por consiguiente, tampoco podemos admitir estas enmiendas.
That is why we are not prepared to accept these four amendments.
No podríamos admitir diferencias entre los países candidatos.
We cannot allow any differentiation in respect of these countries.
A mí no me importa admitir que yo sí.
I do not mind admitting that I rather do.
He de admitir que me respondió de forma tajante.
I have to admit that his response down the phone line was a sharp one.
Es un riesgo que no estamos dispuestos a admitir.
This is a danger we will not countenance.
No voy a admitir más cuestiones de orden.
I am not going to take any more points of order.
Debo admitir que me cuesta aceptar esto.
I must admit that I find this quite difficult to accept.
Señor Presidente, debo admitir que estoy sorprendida.
Mr President, I must admit my surprise.
¿No va a admitir que realmente es así?
Would she not admit that this is actually true?
Debo admitir que todo sucede con cuentagotas.
Admittedly it is all a small start.
Es algo que hay que admitir.
And that must be recognized.
Hay una conclusión que yo no puedo admitir.
There is one other conclusion, however, that I cannot accept.
No voy a admitir un debate sobre este asunto.
I will not have a debate on the matter.
Deben admitir que esto implica cierto desorden.
You must admit that this makes things a bit messy.
No podemos admitir este juego de procedimiento.
We cannot allow this procedural game.
La Comisión no puede admitir dichas enmiendas.
The Commission cannot agree to such amendments.
Entonces digo "no", no deben existir medidas discriminatorias para admitir a las mujeres.
So, there should be no positive discrimination to include women.
Por esta razón no hemos podido admitir a trámite dichas enmiendas.
That is why we did not feel that we could deem these amendments to be acceptable.
Se trata, en mi opinión, de acciones que no podemos admitir.
These are actions which, in my opinion, we can in no way endorse.
Yo, como protestante, debo admitir que no salgo de mi asombro.
As a Protestant, I must say that I am very surprised about this, to say the least.
Nosotros, como Grupo, no podemos admitir algunas de ellas.
As a group, we cannot accept any of them.
Por lo tanto, tampoco podemos admitir esta enmienda.
We cannot therefore accept this amendment either.
Pero no se puede admitir que exista a cualquier precio.
Nevertheless, we cannot have immigration at any price.
Debemos admitir que Bush ha logrado una doble hazaña.
We must recognise that Bush has succeeded in bringing off a double tour de force.
Debo admitir que no me he ocupado muy a menudo de cargar una lavadora.
I must admit that I have not all that often filled up a washing machine.
¡Debo admitir que sus palabras me han sorprendido muchísimo!
I admit that I am more than surprised by what you said here!
Debo admitir que estuvimos realmente cerca de llegar a un acuerdo.
I have to tell you that we were genuinely close to concluding the agreement.
La Unión Europea no puede admitir un NO por respuesta.
The one thing the European Union cannot do is take NO for an answer.
No cabe admitir que se cometan actos de este tipo.
No terrorist acts can be approved.
Han de admitir ustedes que esto es una broma.
You must agree that is a joke.
En mi opinión, nadie debería avergonzarse de admitir un error.
In my opinion, no one should be ashamed of admitting a mistake.
Tengo que admitir que aún se encuentra en la adolescencia.
I had to admit that it is still in its adolescence.
Tengo que admitir que no pude dar una respuesta.
I have to admit that I was unable to come up with an answer to that.
Otro modo de actuar sería admitir nuestra debilidad.
Anything else really would be an admission of weakness.
En general, debo admitir cierta decepción respecto al presupuesto final.
Overall, I must admit to a certain disappointment with the final budget.
No obstante, debo admitir que no ha logrado disipar mis temores.
I must admit, however, that it did not really ease my fears.
Deberían superar su tozudez y admitir la derrota.
They should overcome their stubbornness and admit defeat.
Tienen que admitir que eso sería solidaridad en la práctica.
That, you have to admit, would be solidarity in practice.
No tenemos ningún inconveniente a admitir la supresión de dicha frase.
We have no objection to agreeing to the deletion of that sentence.
Ambas partes deben admitir que la industria aeronáutica necesita subsidios.
Both sides need to admit that their aircraft industry needs subsidies.
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