Spanish Word for taxi-driver  

English Word: taxi driver

Spanish Word: taxista
The Spanish Word for taxi driver
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Translated sentences containing 'taxi driver'
He is a taxi driver.
Él es un taxista.
Give the address to the taxi driver, he will take you.
Dale la dirección al taxista, él te llevará.
Although he is a taxi driver, he doesn't know the city.
Aunque es taxista, no conoce la ciudad.
Are you a taxi driver?
¿Tú eres taxista?
The taxi driver cheated me.
El taxista me ha engañado.
The taxi driver was following the right direction.
El taxista estaba siguiendo la dirección correcta.
My dad is a taxi driver.
Mi padre es taxista.
The taxi driver was found in the parking lot by Luis.
El taxista fue encontrado en el parque por Luis.
My dad is a taxi driver.
Mi padre es taxista.
We are telling the taxi driver to take us to the hotel.
Nosotros estamos diciendo al taxista que nos lleve al hotel.
In this city you can barter with the taxi driver.
En esta ciudad se puede regatear con el taxista.
In this city you can barter with the taxi driver..
En esta ciudad se puede regatear con el taxista..
Because the traffic was very heavy and the taxi driver took forever to get here.
Porque había mucho tránsito y el taxista se tardó mucho en venir aqui.
Because it took the taxi driver longer than I thought it would to get here.
Porque el taxista se tardó en llegar aqui mas de lo que yo creía.
Let’s hurry the taxi driver because we do not have much time.
Apresuremos al taxista porque no tenemos mucho tiempo.
That taxi driver drives fast.
Ese taxista conduce rápido.

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