Spanish Word for lifeguard  

English Word: lifeguard

Spanish Word: el guardavidas
The Spanish Word for lifeguard
Now you know how to say lifeguard in Spanish. :-)
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Translated sentences containing 'lifeguard'
Look after the pool while the lifeguard goes to the bathroom
Vigile la piscina en lo que el socorrista va al baño.
Is there a lifeguard?
¿Hay un salvavidas?
Was there a lifeguard?
¿Hubo algún guardavidas?
Watch the pool while the lifeguard uses the bathroom.
Vigile la piscina en lo que el guardavidas va al baño.
The lifeguard uses the whistle.
El guardavidas usa el silbato.
The whistle is used by the lifeguard.
El silbato es usado por el guardavidas.
The lifeguard tans more than the secretary.
El salvavidas se broncea más que la secretaria.

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