quirúrgico - surgical
el quiosco - kiosk, newspaper stand, bandstand
la quintaesencia - the ultimate or most typical instance...
el quebradero de cabeza - headache in the sense of someone or...
quienquiera - whoever
a quemarropa - at point-blank range, extremely close
el quehacer - task, something that needs doing, to-do
la querencia - place someone feels at home, a...
quijotesco - quixotic, idealistic but impractical
el quejica, la quejica - whiner, chronic complainer
la quemadura - burn, scald
las quimbambas - boondocks, boonies, somewhere in the...
quincenalmente - every two weeks, twice a month,...
el quitasol - sunshade, parasol
quiquiriquí - cock-a-doodle-doo (the sound a...
el quiste - cyst
la química - chemistry
un quinto - one fifth
el querubín - cherub
quedo - still, calm