Spanish Sentences using visita
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Instead of a guided tour, we can take Audioguides and see the collection at our own pace
Juan visits Cambridge University.
In the visit to the zoo on Monday, we saw two adult badgers and a younger one.
I prefer to start the visit going to the simian area.
Good, how much time do you have for your visit? A morning, a day, a few days?
Please, could you tell me the visiting times of the cathedral?
You would make a visit to your friends if you had time.
Nosotros estamos preguntando al portero el horario de visita del hospital.
We are asking the doorman about the hospital's visiting hours.
Ana visita a Pedro.
Ann visits Peter.
Ana visita la escuela.
Ann visits the school.
Un 13% del turismo visita nuestra zona.
13% of the tourists visit our area.
Mi familia me hará una visita el próximo fin de semana.
My family will come on a visit next weekend.
Tener invitados / visita
to have guests / visitors
El doctor visita muy a menudo a sus pacientes.
The doctor visits his patients frequently.
El nos visita a menudo.
He often visits us.
Ana no me visita.
Ann does not visit me.
Nosotros haríamos una visita a mi prima si ella se encontrara en la casa.
We woould make a visit to my cousin if she were home.
¿Le gustaría hacernos una visita?
Would you like to visit us?
Esa visita me abrió los ojos.
For me, the visit was a real eye-opener.
Muchas gracias por su visita.
Many thanks for your visit here today.
Esta visita es muy oportuna.
This visit is very timely.
Debería hacerse una visita a Managua.
A visit to Managua should be made.
La visita de la UE fue fructífera.
The EU' s visit was a fruitful one.
Le damos las gracias por su visita.
We thank you for your visit.
La visita debe pagarla el propio Vaticano.
The Vatican itself will have to pay for that.
Interpretó la reciente visita del Papa a Turquía.
He interpreted the Pope's recent visit to Turkey.
Quiero señalar la importancia de su visita.
I would like to stress the importance of your visit.
Se produjeron importantes manifestaciones contra su visita.
There were large demonstrations against his visit.
Muchas gracias de nuevo por su visita.
Thank you once again for your visit.
Hemos comprobado los resultados de dicha visita.
We have seen the results of that.
Se trata de una visita muy importante.
This is a very important visit.
Esperamos con gusto su próxima visita.
We look forward to your next visit.
Gracias por su visita señor Presidente.
Thank you, Mr President, for your visit.
Eso también podría ser una Buena visita.
That would also be a good trip to make.
Simplemente, ignoro el motivo de su visita.
I do not know the reason for his visit.
Hice una visita como Presidente, pero la visita estaba abierta a quienes quisieran unirse a ella.
I made a visit as President, but it was open to those who wished to associate themselves with it.
Por esta razón su visita es más que una simple visita al Parlamento Europeo.
For this reason, your visit is more than simply a visit to the European Parliament.
Evidentemente esto coloca a la visita en un contexto totalmente diferente.
This of course puts the visit in an entirely different context.
A decir verdad, sacamos otra impresión de nuestra visita al lugar.
From our visit to the site, we gleaned a different impression, if the truth be told.
Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay también recibirán en breve su visita.
Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay will also be visited shortly.
Espero que su visita haya resultado interesante e instructiva.
I hope that their visit has proved interesting and informative.
Se trata, por así decirlo, de nuestra tarjeta de visita.
They are, in a manner of speaking, the calling card that we present to the world outside.
Deseamos que la visita al Parlamento Europeo les resulte provechosa.
We hope that your visit to Europe's Parliament will be an informative one.
Esto es lo que sucedió durante nuestra primera visita.
That is what happened the first time.
La última vez que recibió una visita fue en julio.
The last time she was visited was in July.
A ambas mujeres se les ha denegado el permiso de visita.
Both women had been denied permission to visit these men.
Han venido a Estrasburgo para una visita de familiarización.
They have come to Strasbourg on a familiarisation visit.
El Comisario Patten le acompañó en la visita.
Commissioner Patten accompanied him on the visit.
Espero que su visita resulte interesante e informativa.(1)
I hope her visit proves to be an interesting and informative experience.(1)
Recuerda a una visita del zar a una provincia subordinada.
It is reminiscent of a Tsar’s visit to a subordinate province.
Este encuentro incluirá una visita de Estado del Papa.
This meeting is to include a state visit by the Pope.
– Señor Presidente, acabo de regresar de una visita privada a Zimbabue.
Mr President, I have just returned from a private visit to Zimbabwe.
Señor Presidente, les deseo una provechosa visita a nuestra Institución
Mr President, I wish you a fruitful visit to our Institution
Abordé estas cuestiones personalmente durante mi visita a Washington en diciembre.
I mentioned these matters personally during my visit to Washington in December.
Les damos la bienvenida y les agradecemos su visita.
We welcome them and thank them for visiting us.
El Parlamento Europeo se ha honrado con su visita.
It has been an honour for the European Parliament to receive you.
Quiero destacar la importancia que concedemos a esta visita.
I should like to stress the importance that we attach to this visit.
Gracias por su visita y por la excelente colaboración.
Thank you for your visit and for the excellent cooperation.
Mi primera visita a Gaza fue en el año 1990.
I was in Gaza for the first time in 1990.
Yo mismo acabo de recibir una visita de inspección.
I have just had an inspection myself.
Vinieron dos inspectores que previamente habían advertido de su visita.
Two people came, having announced their visit.
Gracias, Majestad, por su visita al Parlamento Europeo.
Your Majesty, we thank you for your visit to the European Parliament.
¿Qué derechos de visita se concedieron a Guilad Shalit?
What visitation rights were given to Gilad Shalit?
Es otra de las razones de su visita hoy.
This is another reason for your visit to us today.
Gracias, Presidente Sampaio, por su visita al Parlamento Europeo.
Thank you, President Sampaio, for your visit to the European Parliament.
Esperamos que el Presidente Peres pueda realizar su visita pronto.
We hope that the visit by President Peres can take place soon.
¿Es compatible esta visita con los valores que defendemos?
Is President Lukashenko's arrival in accordance with the values that we stand for?
La visita al médico debe ser algo voluntario.
Visiting the doctor must be something that is done voluntarily.
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